

Saves the published status of a site or page model leaving everything else on the model alone.


Parameter Type Default Notes
siteOrPageModel Required IModel
requestOptions Required IHubUserRequestOptions

Available requestOptions

Property Type Notes
authentication UserSession
credentials Optional Inherited RequestCredentials

A string indicating whether credentials (cookies) will be sent with the request. Used internally for authentication workflows.

fetch Optional Inherited function(input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) : Promise<Response>

The implementation of fetch to use. Defaults to a global fetch.

headers Optional Inherited [key: string]: any

Additional Headers to pass into the request.

hideToken Optional Inherited boolean

Prevents the token from being passed in a URL Query param that is saved in browser history. Instead, the token will be passed in POST request body or through X-Esri-Authorization header. NOTE: This will force POST requests in browsers since auth header is not yet supported by preflight OPTIONS check with CORS.

httpMethod Optional Inherited HTTPMethods

The HTTP method to send the request with.

hubApiUrl Optional Inherited string
isPortal Optional Inherited boolean
maxUrlLength Optional Inherited number

If the length of a GET request's URL exceeds maxUrlLength the request will use POST instead.

params Optional Inherited IParams

Additional parameters to pass in the request.

portal Optional Inherited string

Base url for the portal you want to make the request to. Defaults to authentication.portal if authentication exists, otherwise to ''.

portalSelf Optional Inherited IHubRequestOptionsPortalSelf
rawResponse Optional Inherited boolean

Return the raw response


Property Type Notes

Function defined in sites/src/drafts/save-published-status.ts:15