

Convert an IItem to a IHubSearchResult Fetches the enrichments, and attaches them as directed in the include list


Parameter Type Default Notes
item Required IItem
includes Optional string[] []
requestOptions Optional IHubRequestOptions

Available requestOptions

Property Type Notes
authentication Optional UserSession
hubApiUrl Optional string
isPortal Optional boolean
portalSelf Optional IHubRequestOptionsPortalSelf
credentials Optional Inherited RequestCredentials

A string indicating whether credentials (cookies) will be sent with the request. Used internally for authentication workflows.

fetch Optional Inherited function(input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) : Promise<Response>

The implementation of fetch to use. Defaults to a global fetch.

headers Optional Inherited [key: string]: any

Additional Headers to pass into the request.

hideToken Optional Inherited boolean

Prevents the token from being passed in a URL Query param that is saved in browser history. Instead, the token will be passed in POST request body or through X-Esri-Authorization header. NOTE: This will force POST requests in browsers since auth header is not yet supported by preflight OPTIONS check with CORS.

httpMethod Optional Inherited HTTPMethods

The HTTP method to send the request with.

maxUrlLength Optional Inherited number

If the length of a GET request's URL exceeds maxUrlLength the request will use POST instead.

params Optional Inherited IParams

Additional parameters to pass in the request.

portal Optional Inherited string

Base url for the portal you want to make the request to. Defaults to authentication.portal if authentication exists, otherwise to ''.

rawResponse Optional Inherited boolean

Return the raw response


Property Type Notes
access AccessLevel

Access level of the backing entity

family HubFamily

Hub Family

createdDate Inherited Date

Date the entity was created

createdDateSource Inherited string

Source of the creation date as a property path e.q item.created

id Inherited string

Id of the entity as a string

name Inherited string

Name of the Entity For Entities backed by items, this is typically the title

type Inherited string

For Item backed results, this will be item.type Otherwise it will be "Group", "User", "Event" etc

updatedDate Inherited Date

Date when the entity was last updated Depending on the entity, this could be derived in many different ways

updatedDateSource Inherited string

Source of the updated date

categories Optional string[]

Categories; Applies to Items

geometry Optional IHubGeography
location Optional IHubLocation

Custom location defined on the item properties (, typically created in details pane of entity workspace.

owner Optional string

Owner; Applies to Items and Groups

rawResult Optional IItem | IGroup | IUser | IOgcItem | IChannel | IEvent | IRegistration

Raw result object returned from the search. This allows downstream processing to access additional properties that may not be explicitly defined in this interface Note: We will need to cast to the approproate type in order to access the properties

tags Optional string[]

Tags; Applies to Items

typeKeywords Optional string[]

TypeKeywords; Applies to Items

source Optional Inherited string

Source of the entity. Exact logic for this tbd, but the intent is to allow the result to be attributed to something other than "owner"

summary Optional Inherited string

Sanitized summary derived from item.snippet, item.description, group.description, user.description, event.description etc

Function defined in common/src/search/_internal/portalSearchItems.ts:223