

DRAFT: Under development and more properties will likely be added



Property Type Notes
canDelete Inherited boolean

Can current user delete the entity Derived from item.itemControl = "admin"

canEdit Inherited boolean

Can current user edit the entity Derived from item.itemControl = "admin" | "update"

catalogs Inherited IHubCatalog[]


createdDate Inherited Date

Date the entity was created

createdDateSource Inherited string

Source of the creation date as a property path e.q item.created

id Inherited string

Id of the entity as a string

itemControl Inherited string

Platform derived based on current user's access to the entity if defined, it means the user can edit the entity

name Inherited string

Name of the Entity For Entities backed by items, this is typically the title

orgUrlKey Inherited string

Organization urlKey used to construct the slug

owner Inherited string

Username of the owner of the item

schemaVersion Inherited number

Current schema version. Used to determine what if any schema migrations should be applied when the item is loaded

tags Inherited string[]

User configurable tags

type Inherited string

For Item backed results, this will be item.type Otherwise it will be "Group", "User", "Event" etc

updatedDate Inherited Date

Date when the entity was last updated Depending on the entity, this could be derived in many different ways

updatedDateSource Inherited string

Source of the updated date

access Optional Inherited AccessLevel

Access level of the item ("private" | "org" | "public")

associations Optional Inherited {
boundary Optional Inherited IHubGeography

boundary will default to the item extent but can be overwritten by enrichments from the Hub API (inline) or fetched from a location such as /resources/boundary.json

canRecycle Optional Inherited boolean

Can this item be recycled? This will be returned by the Portal API once recycling is enabled on the platform Optional because it can default to false if not returned by the API

categories Optional Inherited string[]

Parsed item categories (see parseItemCategories)

culture Optional Inherited string

Culture code of the content i.e. en-us

description Optional Inherited string

Description for the item

discussionSettings Optional Inherited IDiscussionsSettings

The entity's discussion settings

entitySettingsId Optional Inherited string
extent Optional Inherited number[][]

Extent of the Entity

features Optional Inherited IFeatureFlags

We need a means to enable / disable the "feature/capability" represented by a permission for an entity. e.g. we want to disable events for a site, so we have hub:site:events: false

followersGroupId Optional Inherited string

followers group id

isDiscussable Optional Inherited boolean

If the item has discussions enabled

location Optional Inherited IHubLocation

The location of the Entity

orgId Optional Inherited string

The orgId of the Entity, if available

permissions Optional Inherited IEntityPermissionPolicy[]

Array of permission policies that apply to the entity Only permissions with `entity

protected Optional Inherited boolean

Is the item protected?

slug Optional Inherited string

Slug that can be used to lookup an entity by something other than it's id

source Optional Inherited string

Source of the entity. Exact logic for this tbd, but the intent is to allow the result to be attributed to something other than "owner"

summary Optional Inherited string

Sanitized summary derived from item.snippet, item.description, group.description, user.description, event.description etc

thumbnail Optional Inherited string

Thumbnail (read-only)

thumbnailUrl Optional Inherited string

TODO: Deprecate this in favor of IHubEntityBase.links.thumbnail Thumbnail Url (read-only)

typeKeywords Optional Inherited string[]

System configurable typekeywords

url Optional Inherited string

TODO: change this property to store item.url. Store the canonical url in IHubEntityBase.links.self instead.

view Optional Inherited IWithViewSettings

Project display properties

Index Signatures

Key Type Value Type Notes
string any

DRAFT: Under development and more properties will likely be added

Interface defined in common/src/core/types/IHubDiscussion.ts:10