

Search Options



Property Type Notes
aggFields Optional string[]

Fields to return aggregations on

aggLimit Optional number

Maximum number of aggregations to return Portal API only supports a single value

api Optional NamedApis | IApiDefinition

TODO: Deprecate in favor of requestOptions and siteUrl Specify API to call. Defaults to ArcGIS Online Portal API

authentication Optional UserSession

DEPRECATE in favor of requestOptions

bbox Optional string

Bounding box for the search (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

include Optional string[]

Objects or fields to include e.g. server.layers AS serverLayers

page Optional string

LEGACY. Use start and num instead

requestOptions Optional IHubRequestOptions

While hubSearch requires requestOptions, it is not marked required because that is a breaking change to this interface, which is still required while we implement hubSearch

site Optional string

Site whose API should be targeted. Ignored in an enterprise context. e.g., https://my-site.hub.arcgis.com

targetEntity Optional EntityType

Specify what entity to search for; For use with hubSearch

num Optional Inherited number

Maximum number of results to return, per-page

sortField Optional Inherited string

What field should the results be sorted on

sortOrder Optional Inherited "desc" | "asc"

Sort direction

start Optional Inherited number

The result number of the first entry in the result set response. The start parameter, along with the num parameter, can be used to paginate the search results.

Interface defined in common/src/search/types/IHubSearchOptions.ts:45