

A utility method used to build an IQuery to search for users that are permitted to be at-mentioned for the given channel.

  • getChannelUsersQuery(inputs: string[], channel: IChannel, currentUsername: string) : IQuery


Parameter Type Default Notes
inputs Required string[]
channel Required IChannel

An IChannel record

currentUsername Optional string

The currently authenticated user's username


a promise that resolves an IHubSearchResponse

Property Type Notes
filters IFilter[]

Filters that make up the query

targetEntity EntityType

What entity is this query targeting. This is used internally to ensure we query the correct API

collection Optional WellKnownCollection

An id for a well known collection that the query should use.

properties Optional Record<stringany>

Additional properties. Useful for groupMember queries where we need to send in the groupId to construct the url

Function defined in common/src/discussions/utils.ts:151