

Properties to be exclusively displayed on an entity's pre-defined view


Property Type Notes
contacts Optional any[]

array of contacts associated with an entity. Contact interface TBD

embeds Optional IHubEmbed[]

array of embedded content

featuredContentIds Optional string[]

array of entity's featured content ids to be rendered in a gallery

featuredImageAltText Optional string

alt text of an entity's featured image

featuredImageName Optional string

name of an entity's featured image

featuredImageUrl Optional string

entity's featured image url

hero Optional HubEntityHero

what to show in the hero field, map/image

heroActions Optional HubActionLink[]

array of actions for action links

mapSettings Optional IHubMapSettings

configuration settings for the entity map

metricDisplays Optional IMetricDisplayConfig[]

configurations for how to display metrics in the ui

showMap Optional boolean

whether the entity should render it's location on a map

timeline Optional IHubTimeline

timeline associated with an entity

Interface defined in common/src/core/traits/IWithViewSettings.ts:14