

Fetches a hub user by username

Fetches a hub user by username


Parameter Type Default Notes
username Required string

hub username. can also be "self"

context Optional IArcGISContext


Property Type Notes
access SettableAccessLevel

Access level of the user ("private" | "org" | "public")

createdDate Inherited Date

Date the entity was created

createdDateSource Inherited string

Source of the creation date as a property path e.q item.created

id Inherited string

Id of the entity as a string

name Inherited string

Name of the Entity For Entities backed by items, this is typically the title

type Inherited string

For Item backed results, this will be item.type Otherwise it will be "Group", "User", "Event" etc

updatedDate Inherited Date

Date when the entity was last updated Depending on the entity, this could be derived in many different ways

updatedDateSource Inherited string

Source of the updated date

description Optional string

Description for the item

hubOrgSettings Optional IHubUserOrgSettings

the user's org settings that are configurable from hub IMPT NOTE: this is a TEMPORARY solution and should be used sparingly. We are currently allowing these settings to live on a user entity to allow for updating these settings in the user workspace using the entity-editor. In the long term, we'd want these to be updated in an org-specific workspace, rather than in the user workspace.

orgId Optional string

Id of the org that the user belongs to

owner Optional string

User's own username

settings Optional IUserHubSettings

the user's settings

tags Optional string[]

User configurable tags

thumbnail Optional string

User thumbnail url (read-only)

typeKeywords Optional string[]

System configurable typekeywords NOTE: this will be initialized as an empty array and is only here for consistency with other entities and will be ignored otherwise

source Optional Inherited string

Source of the entity. Exact logic for this tbd, but the intent is to allow the result to be attributed to something other than "owner"

summary Optional Inherited string

Sanitized summary derived from item.snippet, item.description, group.description, user.description, event.description etc

Function defined in common/src/users/HubUsers.ts:120