

get Entity A's association stats with Entity B:

  1. associated: the number of Entity B's that Entity A is associated with

  2. pending: the number of outgoing requests Entity A has sent to Entity B

  3. requesting: the number of incoming requests Entity A has received from Entity B

4a. included: if Entity A is the parent, the number of Entity B's it has included in its association group

4b. referenced: if Entity A is the child, the number of Entity B's it has referenced (via typeKeyword)

get Entity A's association stats with Entity B:

  1. associated: the number of Entity B's that Entity A is associated with

  2. pending: the number of outgoing requests Entity A has sent to Entity B

  3. requesting: the number of incoming requests Entity A has received from Entity B

4a. included: if Entity A is the parent, the number of Entity B's it has included in its association group

4b. referenced: if Entity A is the child, the number of Entity B's it has referenced (via typeKeyword)


Parameter Type Default Notes
entity Required HubEntity

Hub entity

associationType Required HubEntityType

entity type to query for

context Required IArcGISContext

contextual auth and portal information


Property Type Notes
associated number

number of full associations

pending number

number of outgoing association requests

requesting number

number of incoming association requests

included Optional number

number of entities included by the parent = associated + pending

referenced Optional number

number of entity's the child references = associated + pending

Function defined in common/src/associations/getAssociationStats.ts:36