


Property Type Notes
access Optional EventAccess

Access level of the event

allDay Optional boolean

Flag for all day event

allowRegistration Optional boolean

Boolean to indicate if users can register for an event

associations Optional ICreateEventAssociation[]

Items associated with the event

attendanceType Optional EventAttendanceType[]

Valid ways to attend the event

capabilities Optional IUpdateEventCapabilities

capabilities for an event

categories Optional string[]

categories for the event

description Optional string | null

Description of the event. null to un-set

editGroups Optional string[]

Groups with edit access to the event

endDate Optional string

end date string formatted YYYY-MM-DD

endTime Optional string

end time string 24 hour formatted HH:MM:SS

inPersonCapacity Optional number

in-person capacity for the event. Minimum value is 1

location Optional IUpdateEventLocation

Location for the event

notifyAttendees Optional boolean

Flag to notify attendees

onlineMeeting Optional IUpdateEventOnlineMeeting

Online meeting for the event

readGroups Optional string[]

Groups with read access to the event

startDate Optional string

start date string formatted YYYY-MM-DD

startTime Optional string

start time string 24 hour formatted HH:MM:SS

status Optional EventStatus

Status of the event

summary Optional string | null

Summary of the event. null to un-set

tags Optional string[]

Tags for the event

thumbnailUrl Optional string | null

Url for the thumbnail image. null to un-set

timeZone Optional string

IANA time zone for the event

title Optional string

Title of the event

Interface defined in common/src/events/api/orval/api/orval-events.ts:234