

Configurable properties used within the TimeSlider widget.


Property Type Notes
currentTimeExtent Optional number[] | number

An optional array of numbers indicating the slider's start to end time extent.

endTime Optional number

The optional end of the time slider. If not specified, the slider defaults to the full time extent of all time-enabled layers.

numberOfStops Optional number

Number of stops within the timeSlider widget.

startTime Optional number

The optional start of the time slider. If not specified, the slider defaults to the full time extent of all time-enabled layers.

thumbCount Optional number

The default value for the thumbCount is 1.

thumbMovingRate Optional number

Rate at which the time animation plays. Units are in milliseconds. Default is 1000.

timeStopInterval Optional number

The interval which has been defined for the time slider.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:532