


Property Type Notes
clientId string

Client ID of your application. Can be obtained by registering an application on ArcGIS for Developers, ArcGIS Online or on your instance of ArcGIS Enterprise.

clientSecret string

A Client Secret is also obtained by registering an application on ArcGIS for Developers, ArcGIS Online or on your instance of ArcGIS Enterprise. Treat it like a password.

duration Optional number

Duration of requested tokens in minutes. defaults to 7200 (5 days).

expires Optional Date

Expiration date for the token

portal Optional string

URL of ArcGIS REST base, defaults to "https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest"

token Optional string

OAuth 2.0 access token from a previous application session.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-auth/src/ApplicationSession.ts:10