

The value object contains information for popup windows about how images should be retrieved or charts constructed.


Property Type Notes
fields Optional string[] | string

Used with charts. An array of strings, with each string containing the name of a field to display in the chart.

linkURL Optional string

Used with images. A string containing a URL to be launched in a browser when a user clicks the image.

normalizeField Optional string

Used with charts. An optional string containing the name of a field. The values of all fields in the chart will be normalized (divided) by the value of this field.

sourceURL Optional string

Used with images. A string containing the URL to the image.

tooltipField Optional string

String value indicating the tooltip for a chart specified from another field. This field is needed when related records are not sued. It is used for showing tooltips from another field in the same layer or related layer/table.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:208