

Templates describe features that can be created in a layer. They are generally used with feature collections and editable web-based CSV layers. Templates are not used with ArcGIS feature services as these already have templates defined in the service. They are also defined as properties of the layer definition when there are no defined types. Otherwise, templates are defined as properties of the types.


Property Type Notes
description Optional any

A string value containing a detailed description of the template.

drawingTool Optional FeatureEditTool

An optional string that can define a client-side drawing tool to be used with this feature. For example, map notes used by the Online Map Viewer use this to represent the viewer's different drawing tools.

name Optional string

A string containing a user-friendly name for the template.

prototype Optional IFeature

A feature object representing a prototypical feature for the template.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:1104