

Existing Portal Item.

IItem can also be imported from the following packages:

import { IItem } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-portal";



Property Type Notes
created number
id string
modified number
numViews number
owner string
size number
tags string[] | string
title Inherited string
type Inherited string
protected Optional boolean
categories Optional Inherited string[] | string
culture Optional Inherited string
description Optional Inherited string
documentation Optional Inherited string
extent Optional Inherited number[] | number[] | number[] | number
properties Optional Inherited any
snippet Optional Inherited string
spatialReference Optional Inherited ISpatialReference
typeKeywords Optional Inherited string[] | string
url Optional Inherited string

Index Signatures

Key Type Value Type Notes
string any

Existing Portal Item.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/item.ts:56