


Property Type Notes
baseMap Optional IBaseMap

Basemaps give the web map a geographic context.

extent Optional IExtent

The standard Esri extent object with spatialReference, xmax, xmin, ymax and ymin.

hidden Optional boolean

Indicates whether the slide should be hidden within the presentation.

mapLocation Optional IMapLocation

An object with a centerPoint object and sometimes a resolution.

timeExtent Optional [number, number]

An array of two numbers. The first one indicates start time and the second one indicates end time.

title Optional string

Title including text and formatting for each slide.

visibleLayers Optional IVisibleLayer

An array of objects used to indicate layer visibility.

visiblePopup Optional IVisiblePopup

A presentation slide's visiblePopup which contains anchorPoint, featureId, layerId, and subLayerId.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:409