



Property Type Notes
layerType "ArcGISImageServiceLayer"

String indicating the layer type. Value of this property must be ArcGISImageServiceLayer

id Inherited any

A unique identifying string for the layer.

bandIds Optional number[] | number

An array of bandIds that are visible, can specify bands to export or rearrange band order(from image service).

compressionQuality Optional any

Controls how much loss the image will be subjected to by the compression algorithm (from image service).

definitionEditor Optional any

Stores interactive filters.

disablePopup Optional boolean

Boolean property indicating whether to ignore popups defined by the service item.

format Optional "jpgpng" | "png" | "png8" | "png24" | "jpg" | "bmp" | "gif" | "tiff" | "png32"

String value representing image format.

interpolation Optional "RSP_BilinearInterpolation" | "RSP_CubicConvolution" | "RSP_Majority" | "RSP_NearestNeighbor"

The algorithm used for interpolation.

isReference Optional boolean

This is applicable if used as a baseMapLayer. A boolean value indicating whether or not the baseMapLayer draws on top (true) of other layers, including operationalLayers , or below (false).

layerDefinition Optional any

A layerDefinition object defining the attribute schema and drawing information for the layer.

mosaicRule Optional any

Specifies the mosaic rule when defining how individual images should be mosaicked.

noData Optional any

The pixel value that represents no information.

noDataInterpretation Optional "esriNoDataMatchAny" | "esriNoDataMatchAll"

A string value of interpretation of noData setting. Default is 'esriNoDataMatchAny' when noData is a number, and 'esriNoDataMatchAll' when noData is an array.

pixelType Optional "C128" | "C64" | "F32" | "F64" | "S16" | "S32" | "S8" | "U1" | "U16" | "U2" | "U32" | "U4" | "U8" | "UNKNOWN"

Pertains to the type of values stored in the raster, such as signed integer, unsigned integer, or floating point.

popupInfo Optional IPopupInfo

A popupInfo object defining the content of popup windows when you click or query a feature.

refreshInterval Optional number

Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Non-zero value indicates automatic layer refresh at the specified interval. Value of 0 indicates auto refresh is not enabled.

renderingRule Optional any

Specifies the rendering rule for how the requested image should be rendered.

itemId Optional Inherited string

Optional string containing the item ID of the service if it's registered on ArcGIS Online or your organization's portal.

maxScale Optional Inherited number

Integer property used to determine the maximum scale at which the layer is displayed.

minScale Optional Inherited number

Integer property used to determine the minimum scale at which the layer is displayed.

name Optional Inherited string

Layer name

opacity Optional Inherited number

The degree of transparency applied to the layer on the client side, where 0 is full transparency and 1 is no transparency.

showLegend Optional Inherited boolean

Boolean property indicating whether to display in the legend.

timeAnimation Optional Inherited boolean

This property is applicable to layers that support time. If 'true', timeAnimation is enabled.

title Optional Inherited string

A user-friendly string title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents.

type Optional Inherited string

Deprecated, use layerType instead.

url Optional Inherited string

The URL to the layer. Not applicable to all layer types.

visibility Optional Inherited boolean

Boolean property determining whether the layer is initially visible in the web map.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:725