

Contains information about an attribute field.

IField can also be imported from the following packages:

import { IField } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-feature-layer";


Property Type Notes
name string

A string defining the field name.

type FieldType

A string defining the field type.

alias Optional string

A string defining the field alias.

defaultValue Optional any

The value written in for new records by default.

domain Optional IDomain

The domain objects if applicable.

editable Optional boolean

A Boolean defining whether this field is editable.

exactMatch Optional boolean

A Boolean defining whether or not the field is an exact match.

length Optional number

A number defining how many characters are allowed in a string. field.

nullable Optional boolean

A Boolean defining whether this field can have a null value.

Interface defined in packages/arcgis-rest-types/src/webmap.ts:87