
import { queryDemographicData } from '@esri/arcgis-rest-demographics';
 studyAreas: [{"geometry":{"x":-117.1956,"y":34.0572}}],
  .then((response) => {
    response; // => { results: [ ... ] }

Used to get facts about a location or area. See the REST Documentation for more information.


Parameter Type Default Notes
requestOptions Optional IQueryDemographicDataOptions

Options to pass through to the service.

Available requestOptions

Property Type Notes
studyAreas any[] | any

Defines the area on a map which is being analyzed

addDerivativeVariables Optional boolean

Specify an array of string values that describe what derivative variables to include in the output

analysisVariables Optional string[] | string

Specify a subset of variables to be returned from one or more Data Collections

dataCollections Optional string[] | string

A Data Collection is a preassembled list of attributes that will be used to enrich the input features. Enrichment attributes can describe various types of information such as demographic characteristics and geographic context of the locations or areas submitted as input features in studyAreas.

inSR Optional number

Define the input geometries in the studyAreas parameter in a specified spatial reference system

outSR Optional number

Request the output geometries in a specified spatial reference system

returnGeometry Optional boolean

Request the output geometries in the response

authentication Optional Inherited IAuthenticationManager

The instance of IAuthenticationManager to use to authenticate this request.

credentials Optional Inherited RequestCredentials

A string indicating whether credentials (cookies) will be sent with the request. Used internally for authentication workflows.

endpoint Optional Inherited string

Any ArcGIS Geoenrichment service (example: https://geoenrich.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/Geoenrichment )

fetch Optional Inherited function(input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) : Promise<Response>

The implementation of fetch to use. Defaults to a global fetch.

headers Optional Inherited [key: string]: any

Additional Headers to pass into the request.

hideToken Optional Inherited boolean

Prevents the token from being passed in a URL Query param that is saved in browser history. Instead, the token will be passed in POST request body or through X-Esri-Authorization header. NOTE: This will force POST requests in browsers since auth header is not yet supported by preflight OPTIONS check with CORS.

httpMethod Optional Inherited HTTPMethods

The HTTP method to send the request with.

maxUrlLength Optional Inherited number

If the length of a GET request's URL exceeds maxUrlLength the request will use POST instead.

params Optional Inherited IParams

Additional parameters to pass in the request.

portal Optional Inherited string

Base url for the portal you want to make the request to. Defaults to authentication.portal if authentication exists, otherwise to 'https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest'.

rawResponse Optional Inherited boolean

Return the raw response


A Promise that will resolve with results for the request.

Property Type Notes
messages string[] | string | null
results IGeoenrichmentResult[] | IGeoenrichmentResult | null

Function defined in packages/arcgis-rest-demographics/src/queryDemographicData.ts:66