CGA Shape Grammar Reference
Operations | Shape Attributes | Builtin Functions | Other Keywords | CGA Utilities | Misc Information |
This page provides an overview of the operations and functions available in CGA.
Visit the CGA Modeling Essentials to learn the foundations of the CGA Shape Grammar. |
Geometry Creation
Geometry Subdivision
split |
splitArea |
splitAndSetbackPerimeter |
comp |
innerRectangle |
setback |
setbackPerEdge |
setbackToArea |
shapeL |
shapeU |
shapeO |
scatter |
Geometry Manipulation
cleanupGeometry |
convexify |
deleteHoles |
reverseNormals |
setNormals |
softenNormals |
mirror |
rectify |
reduceGeometry |
resetGeometry |
trim |
Geometry Tagging
tag |
deleteTags |
setTagsFromEdgeAttrs |
Rule Inlining and Boolean 3D
inline |
union |
subtract |
intersect |
texture |
setupProjection |
projectUV |
translateUV |
scaleUV |
normalizeUV |
tileUV |
rotateUV |
deleteUV |
copyUV |
t (scope translate) |
translate |
s (scope size) |
r (scope rotate) |
rotate |
center |
alignScopeToAxes |
alignScopeToGeometry |
alignScopeToGeometryBBox |
rotateScope |
setPivot |
mirrorScope |
Flow Control
pop |
push |
label |
set |
color |
resetMaterial |
setMaterial |
report |
Shape Attributes
Shape Attributes are properties of the current shape. They can always be read (like functions) and some of them can be set with the set operation.
comp | initialShape | material | pivot |
scope | seedian | split | trim |
Builtin Functions
Functions always return a value and do not alter the current shape (with the exception of probability functions which change the state of the shape's random number generator).
Math Functions
abs | acos | asin | atan |
atan2 | ceil | cos | exp |
floor | isinf | isnan | ln |
log10 | pow | rint | sin |
sqrt | tan |
Probability Functions
p | rand |
Conversion Functions
bool | boolArray | float | floatArray |
isNull | sel | str | stringArray |
String Functions
count | find | len | splitString |
substring |
Geometry Functions
Material Functions
getMaterial | readMaterial |
File Functions
fileExists | fileSearch / filesSearch | readFloatTable | readStringTable |
readTextFile |
Asset and Image Functions
assetInfo | assetMetadata | assetNamingInfo / assetNamingInfos | assetsSortRatio |
assetsSortSize | imageInfo | imagesSortRatio |
Occlusion Functions
inside | overlaps | touches |
Context Functions
minimumDistance | contextCompare | contextCount |
Array Functions
array initialization | colon operator | comp | findFirst |
index operator | nColumns | nRows | setElems |
size | sortIndices | sortRowIndices | sum |
transpose |
Edge Attribute Functions
edgeAttr.getFloat | edgeAttr.getString | edgeAttr.getBool |
Miscellaneous Functions
convert | getGeoCoord | getTreeKey | |
Simple types operators | Array types operators |
Other Keywords
attr | const | extension | import |
start | style | with | version |
CGA Utility Functions Library
String Utility Functions
findFirst | findLast | getPrefix | getRange |
getSuffix | replace |
String List Utility Functions
String lists are a series of strings stored inside one string. The elements are separated by a semicolon (";"). The data type is "string", thus it is not any real type of array as used in other scripting languages.
listAdd | listClean | listCount | listFirst |
listFromArray | listIndex | listItem | listLast |
listRandom | listRange | listRemove | listRemoveAll |
listRetainAll | listSize | listTerminate | listToArray |
File, Asset and Image Utility Functions
assetApproxRatio | assetApproxSize | assetBestRatio | assetBestSize |
assetFitSize | fileBasename | fileDirectory | fileExtension |
fileName | fileRandom | imageApproxRatio | imageBestRatio |
Math Utility Functions
clamp | max | min |
Color Utility Functions
colorHexToB | colorHexToG | colorHexToH | colorHexToO |
colorHexToR | colorHexToS | colorHexToV | colorHSVToHex |
colorHSVOToHex | colorRamp | colorRGBToHex | colorRGBOToHex |
Miscellaneous Information
CGA Changelog | Annotations | Asset Search | Builtin Assets |
Texturing | Euler Angles | Context Queries | Component Tags |
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