comp function


float[]  comp(component) { selector operator expression | selector operator expression ... }

string[] comp(component) { selector operator expression | selector operator expression ... }

bool[]   comp(component) { selector operator expression | selector operator expression ... }



An array that contains the returned values of expression for each component.


Very much like the comp operation the comp function divides a shape into topological components (wrt. component, selector, operator) which result in new component shapes. But in contrast to the operation the function does not process the selected components by a sequence of shape operations. Instead a functional expression is evaluated on each selected component shape. The respective return values are organized in an ordered array which is returned as the result of the comp function. Refer to the documentation of the comp operation for details on available component selectors, selectors and operators.

The returned array has a number of properties:

The comp function allows you to gather information about the current shape and its components without changing the current shape or adding successor shapes to the shape tree.

The size of the returned array is limited. It can be configured in the Procedural Runtime preferences (Default: 100000).


Explanatory examples

Vertices | Comp shape attributes

const array = comp(v) { all : comp.index }

Lot --> print(array)

(6)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A shape is split into all of its 6 vertices. Each vertex component is asked for its component index. These values are then organized in an array in vertex index order.

Edges | Scope shape attributes

edgeLength =
const array = comp(e) { border : edgeLength }

In this example the shape with 7 edges is split into its 6 border edges. Each edge component is asked for its length via its scope attribute. Edge 2 is not selected but inserted in the array with a default value 0.

Face edges | Combine shape operator

const array = comp(fe) { front : comp.sel + comp.index |
                         back  = str(comp.index)       }
The shape with 8 face edges is split into its 2 front face edges and into a combined shape consisting of 2 back face edges (operator =). For each front edge a string is constituted using comp shape attributes. The second string expression is evaluated only once but the return value is inserted at all respective back edge indices. The remaining edges are not selected but inserted with a default value (empty string "").

Faces | Occlusion query

const array = comp(f) { side = touches }
The shape with 6 faces is split into one shape consisting of 4 side faces. An occlusion query is evaluated once and the result is inserted into the array for all side faces. The remaining faces are not selected but inserted with a default value (false).

See for example the setback operation for applications.

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