Simple types operators

Logical operators

Logical operations on bool.

Return type: bool

! Negation
case !a
|| Logical Or
case a || b || f(x)
&& Logical And
case a && f(x)

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operations on float.

Return type: float

+ Plus
a = c + b
Unary plus
a = +b
- Minus
a = b - c
Unary minus
a = -b
* Multiplication
x = y * f(x)
/ Division
x = 4 / d
% Modulus (remainder)
a = b % 10

Equality operators

Check float, bool or string for equality.

Return type: bool

== Equality
case a == b
!= Inequality
case a != b

Relational operators

Compare float or string.

Return type: bool

< Less
case a <  b
<= Less or equal
case a <= b
> Greater
case a >  b
>= Greater or equal
case a >= b

String concatenation operators

Concatenate string with string, float or bool.

Return type: string

+ String-string concatenation
a = "City" + "Engine"
String-float concatenation
a = "Rule: " + 1
a = 1 + "th Rule"
String-boolean concatenation
a = "Result: " + true
a = true + " is the result"


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