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Class gxe.xml.XmlNodeInfo

Provides information about a target XML node.
Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
true if this node represents the document title
true if this node represents an ISO19139 code list value
true if this node represents an ISO19139 wrapped multi-value list (e.g.
the local node name
the namespace prefix
the namespace URI
the node value
Class Detail
Field Detail
{boolean} isDocumentTitle
true if this node represents the document title

{boolean} isIsoCodeListValue
true if this node represents an ISO19139 code list value

{boolean} isIsoWrappedMultiValueList
true if this node represents an ISO19139 wrapped multi-value list (e.g. MD_TopicCategoryCode - InputSelectMany)

{String} localName
the local node name

{String} namespacePrefix
the namespace prefix

{String} namespaceURI
the namespace URI

{String} nodeValue
the node value