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Class gxe.xml.XmlNode

A target XML node (element or attribute).
Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
the associated editor configuration object
true if this node is an optional place holder only (no serialization)
true if this node is a place holder only (no serialization)
the node information
the parent XML document
the parent HTML element
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
constructor(parentDocument, parentElement, cfgObject)
echo(xmlGenerator, stringBuffer, nDepth)
Serializes XML content.
formatValidationMessage(inputControl, i18nContextKey)
Formats a validation message.
Gets the input control associated with this node.
Gets the default label text for the node.
Gets the qualified URI for the node.
Indicates if this node should be serialized even if its content is empty.
Initializes the node info.
Determines if the node represents an XML attribute.
Determines if the node is repeatable.
Resolves the minimum number of occurrences for the node.
Sets the input control associated with this node.
validateInput(inputControl, bInFeedbackMode)
Validates the content of an input control.
validateInputValue(inputControl, value)
Validates an input value associated with a control.
validateInputValues(inputControl, values)
Validates multiple input values associated with a control.
Determines if this element wraps an ISO19139 multi-value list.
Class Detail
Field Detail
{Object} cfgObject
the associated editor configuration object

{boolean} isOptionalPlaceHolder
true if this node is an optional place holder only (no serialization)

{boolean} isPlaceHolder
true if this node is a place holder only (no serialization)

{gxe.xml.XmlNodeInfo} nodeInfo
the node information

{gxe.xml.XmlDocument} parentDocument
the parent XML document

{Element} parentElement
the parent HTML element
Method Detail
constructor(parentDocument, parentElement, cfgObject)
{gxe.xml.XmlDocument} parentDocument
the parent XML document
{Element} parentElement
the parent HTML element
{Object} cfgObject
the associated editor configuration object

echo(xmlGenerator, stringBuffer, nDepth)
Serializes XML content.
{gxe.xml.Generator} xmlGenerator
the XML generator
{gxe.util.StringBuffer} stringBuffer
the buffer to which content will be written
{Integer} nDepth
the indentation depth

{String} formatValidationMessage(inputControl, i18nContextKey)
Formats a validation message.
{gxe.control.InputBase} inputControl
the associated input control
{String} i18nContextKey
the context key associated with the localized message string
{String} the message

{gxe.control.InputBase} getInputControl()
Gets the input control associated with this node.
{gxe.control.InputBase} the input control (can be null)

{String} getLabelText()
Gets the default label text for the node.
{String} the label text

{String} getQualifiedUri()
Gets the qualified URI for the node.
Format: namespaceURI#localName
{String} the qualified URI

{boolean} getSerializeIfEmpty()
Indicates if this node should be serialized even if its content is empty.
Based upon cfg attribute g:serializeIfEmpty.
{boolean} true if this node should be serialized when empty

Initializes the node info.

{boolean} isAttribute()
Determines if the node represents an XML attribute.
{boolean} true if the node is an attribute

{boolean} isRepeatable()
Determines if the node is repeatable.
{boolean} true if the node is repeatable

{Integer} resolveMinOccurs()
Resolves the minimum number of occurrences for the node.
{Integer} the minimum number of occurrences

Sets the input control associated with this node.
{gxe.control.InputBase} ctl
the input control

{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} validateInput(inputControl, bInFeedbackMode)
Validates the content of an input control.
{gxe.control.InputBase} inputControl
the input control
{boolean} bInFeedbackMode
true if the request is part of validation feedback
{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} the validation status

{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} validateInputValue(inputControl, value)
Validates an input value associated with a control.
{gxe.control.InputBase} inputControl
the input control that generated the value
{String} value
the input value
{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} the validation status

{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} validateInputValues(inputControl, values)
Validates multiple input values associated with a control.
{gxe.control.InputBase} inputControl
the input control that generated the values
{Array} values
the value array
{"isValid":{boolean}|"message":{String}} the validation status

{boolean} wrapsIsoMultiValueList()
Determines if this element wraps an ISO19139 multi-value list.
(e.g. MD_TopicCategoryCode - InputSelectMany)