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Class gxe.control.SectionMenu

Extends gxe.control.Control.
Supports a menu bar associated with the header portion of a UI section.

This class is not currently associated with any editor definition files.

Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
cfgObject, context, gxeId, htmlAttributes, htmlElement, htmlTag, htmlTextContent, parentControl, xmlNode, xmlParentElement
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
appendImageButton(gxeEventName, sSrc, sTip)
Appends an image button to the menu bar.
autoConfigure(context, parentControl)
Auto configures the control.
Methods borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
build, createHtmlElement, ensureVisibility, evaluateValue, execBuild, findFirstChildControl, focus, getLabelText, importCfgProperties, importHtmlAttributes, initialize, processCfgAttribute, processCfgElement, processChildren
Events borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
fireOnEvent, onChildControlCreated, onEvent, onHtmlChildrenCreated, onHtmlElementCreated
Class Detail
Method Detail
appendImageButton(gxeEventName, sSrc, sTip)
Appends an image button to the menu bar.
{String} gxeEventName
to associate with the click event of the new img element
{String} sSrc
the src for the new img element
{String} sTip
the tool tip for the new img element

autoConfigure(context, parentControl)
Auto configures the control.
{gxe.Context} context
the editor context
{gxe.control.Control} parentControl
the parent control