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Class gxe.Context

Provides a context for the editor.
Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
the g:context portion configured editor definition (JSON)
the configured editor definition (JSON)
the wep-app context path
the interactive map configuration
the parent HTML element
the prefix to use when generating HTML element IDs
the message area
the ID to use for a newly created document
the ID for the document that was opened
the target XML document for the editor
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
buildUI(cfgDefinition, htmlParentElement, domDocument)
Builds the editor user interface.
Generates a unique ID.
Gets a localized message string associated with the editor context.
makeXhtmlControl(cfgObject, ctlParent, bInitialize)
Makes a GXE HTML based user interface control.
Class Detail
Field Detail
{cfgObject} cfgContext
the g:context portion configured editor definition (JSON)

{cfgObject} cfgDefinition
the configured editor definition (JSON)

{String} contextPath
the wep-app context path

{GptMapConfig} gptMapConfig
the interactive map configuration

{Element} htmlParentElement
the parent HTML element

{String} idPrefix
the prefix to use when generating HTML element IDs

{gxe.control.MessageArea} messageArea
the message area

{String} newDocumentId
the ID to use for a newly created document

{String} openDocumentId
the ID for the document that was opened

{gxe.xml.XmlDocument} xmlDocument
the target XML document for the editor
Method Detail
buildUI(cfgDefinition, htmlParentElement, domDocument)
Builds the editor user interface.
{cfgObject} cfgDefinition
the configured editor definition (JSON)
{Element} htmlParentElement
the parent HTML element (the editor will be appended to this parent)
{DOM} domDocument
the XML target document (can be null, used when opening an existing document)

{String} generateUniqueId()
Generates a unique ID.
(String, prefixed with this.idPrefix).
{String} the ID

{String} getI18NString(sKey)
Gets a localized message string associated with the editor context.
{String} sKey
the key for the message string
{String} the message string

{String} makeXhtmlControl(cfgObject, ctlParent, bInitialize)
Makes a GXE HTML based user interface control.
By default, a new gxe.control.Control object will be instantiated. If the supplied configuration object has a configured g:jsClass attribute, the attribute value will be used to instantiatethe control object (it is assumed that any supplied g:jsClass will extend from gxe.control.control).
{cfgObject} cfgObject
the associated editor configuration object
{gxe.control.Control} ctlParent
the parent control
{boolean} bInitialize
if true then run new control's initialize function
{String} the new control