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Class gxe.Client

Provides client functionality for executing AJAX calls to the server.
Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
onError(error, ioArgs)
Handles an error condition.
queryDefinition(context, sParam, sParamValue, callback)
Loads a JSON based editor definition.
queryDocument(context, id, callback)
Loads an XML document.
saveDocument(context, id, sXml, asDraft, callback)
Saves an XML document.
Class Detail
Method Detail
onError(error, ioArgs)
Handles an error condition.
{Error} error
the error
{Object} ioArgs
the Dojo i/o arguments

queryDefinition(context, sParam, sParamValue, callback)
Loads a JSON based editor definition.

This method is geared towards the Geoportal Server end-point for loading an editor definition:
[context path]/gxe/definition
{gxe.Context} context
the editor context
{String} sParam
a URL parameter name (key|loc)
{String} sParamValue
a URL parameter value
when sParam="key", use the key for the standard (e.g. "fgdc")
when sParam="loc", use the location (e.g. "gpt/gxe/fgdc/fgdc-editor.xml")
{function} callback
function to call once the definition has been successfully retrieved
signature: function(responseObject,ioArgs)
--- where responseObject is the JSON definition for the editor

queryDocument(context, id, callback)
Loads an XML document.

This method is geared towards the Geoportal Server rest end-point for document management:
[context path]/rest/manage/document
{gxe.Context} context
the editor context
{String} id
the document identifier
{function} callback
function to call once the document has been successfully retrieved
signature: function(responseObject,ioArgs)
--- where responseObject is the XML DOM

saveDocument(context, id, sXml, asDraft, callback)
Saves an XML document.

This method is geared towards the Geoportal Server rest end-point for document management:
[context path]/rest/manage/document
{gxe.Context} context
the editor context
{String} id
the document identifier (can be null for documents that are internally identified)
{String} sXml
the XML to save
{boolean} asDraft
true if document is being saved as a draft
{function} callback
optional function to call once the save has successfully executed
signature: function(responseObject,ioArgs)