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Class gxe.control.InputBase

Extends gxe.control.Control.
Base class for all input controls.
Defined in: gxe.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
indicates whether or not the control supports the input of multiple values
Fields borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
cfgObject, context, gxeId, htmlAttributes, htmlElement, htmlTag, htmlTextContent, parentControl, xmlNode, xmlParentElement
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Attempts to find label text associated with the input control.
Fires the onInputChanged() event.
Fires the onInputChanged() event based upon a browser onkeyup() event.
Gets the value associated with the input control.
Gets the values associated with the input control.
Indicates whether or not the control supports the input of multiple values.
Makes an HTML "input" element of type "text" supporting entry of "other" code values.
Methods borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
build, createHtmlElement, ensureVisibility, evaluateValue, execBuild, findFirstChildControl, focus, getLabelText, importCfgProperties, importHtmlAttributes, initialize, processCfgAttribute, processCfgElement, processChildren
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
An event fired when input has changed.
Events borrowed from class gxe.control.Control:
fireOnEvent, onChildControlCreated, onEvent, onHtmlChildrenCreated, onHtmlElementCreated
Class Detail
Field Detail
{boolean} supportsMultipleValues
indicates whether or not the control supports the input of multiple values
Method Detail
{String} findParentLabelText(xmlNode)
Attempts to find label text associated with the input control. The label text is used for validation feedback within the gxe.control.MessageArea portion of the page.
{gxe.xml.XmlNode} xmlNode
the targeted XML node for input control
{String} the label text

Fires the onInputChanged() event.
{Event} e
the underlying browser event

Fires the onInputChanged() event based upon a browser onkeyup() event. The onInputChanged() event will only be fired if the user key is not 13 (carriage return) and not 9 (tab).
{Event} e
the underlying browser event

{Object} getInputValue(bInFeedbackMode)
Gets the value associated with the input control. This method should be overridden for all sub-classes that support single valued input (i.e. where this.supportsMultipleValues == false).
{boolean} bInFeedbackMode
true if the value is being requested as validation feedback
{Object} the input value

{Object[]} getInputValues(bInFeedbackMode)
Gets the values associated with the input control. This method should be overridden for all sub-classes that support multi-valued input (i.e. where this.supportsMultipleValues == true).
{boolean} bInFeedbackMode
true if the value is being requested as validation feedback
{Object[]} the input values

{boolean} getSupportsMultipleValues()
Indicates whether or not the control supports the input of multiple values. (simple wrapper for this.supportsMultipleValues)
{boolean} true if multi-valued input is supported

{Element} makeOtherInputText(cfgOption)
Makes an HTML "input" element of type "text" supporting entry of "other" code values. This function is useful when the user requires the ability to enter a value outside of a coded domain.
{Object} cfgOption
the JSON configuration object associated with the input control
{Element} the HTML "input" element
Event Detail
An event fired when input has changed.
{Object} inputControl
the input control that initiated the change