
esri-iis Cookbook #

This cookbook enables IIS, installs features required by ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS), configures HTTPS, and starts IIS.

Platforms #

  • Windows 10
    • requires .Net Framework 3.5 (See ms_dotnet cookbook README)
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

Dependencies #

The following cookbooks are required:

  • openssl
  • windows

Attributes #

  • node['arcgis']['iis']['domain_name'] = Domain name used for generating a self-signed SSL certificate. By default, <node FQDN> is used.
  • node['arcgis']['iis']['keystore_file'] = Path to PKSC12 keystore file (.pfx) with server SSL certificate for IIS. Default value is nil.
  • node['arcgis']['iis']['keystore_password'] = Password for keystore file with server SSL certificate for IIS. Default value is nil.
  • node['arcgis']['iis']['web_site'] = IIS web site to configure. Default value is Default Web Site.
  • node['arcgis']['iis']['replace_https_binding'] = If false, the current HTTPS binding is not changed if it is already configured. Default value is false.
  • node['arcgis']['iis']['features'] = An array of Windows features to be installed. Default value is ['Web-Server', 'Web-WebServer'].

Recipes #

default #

Enables IIS features required by ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) and configures HTTPS binding.

The default list of features depends on the Windows version.

  "arcgis": {
    "iis": {
      "appid": "{00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}",
      "domain_name": "",
      "keystore_file": "C:\\chef\\cache\\",
      "keystore_password": "<password>",
      "web_site": "Default Web Site",
      "replace_https_binding": false,
      "features": [ "IIS-WebServerRole", "IIS-ISAPIFilter",
                    "IIS-ISAPIExtensions", "NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45", "IIS-NetFxExtensibility45",
                    "IIS-ASPNET45", "IIS-WebServerManagementTools", "IIS-ManagementConsole",
                    "IIS-ManagementService", "IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility",
                    "IIS-ManagementScriptingTools", "IIS-StaticContent", "IIS-BasicAuthentication",
                    "IIS-WindowsAuthentication", "IIS-Metabase", "IIS-WebSockets" 
  "run_list": [

If the specified keystore file does not exists, the recipe generates a self-signed SSL certificate for the specified domain.

install #

Enables IIS features required by ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS).

The default list of features depends on the Windows version.

    "arcgis": {
      "iis": {
        "features": [ "IIS-WebServerRole", "IIS-ISAPIFilter",
                      "IIS-ISAPIExtensions", "NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45", "IIS-NetFxExtensibility45",
                      "IIS-ASPNET45", "IIS-WebServerManagementTools", "IIS-ManagementConsole",
                      "IIS-ManagementService", "IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility",
                      "IIS-ManagementScriptingTools", "IIS-StaticContent", "IIS-BasicAuthentication",
                      "IIS-WindowsAuthentication", "IIS-Metabase", "IIS-WebSockets" 
    "run_list": [