
arcgis-repository cookbook #

arcgis-repository cookbook downloads ArcGIS software setup archives from remote to local repositories.

Supported ArcGIS versions #

  • 10.9.1
  • 11.0
  • 11.1
  • 11.2
  • 11.3

Platforms #

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Oracle Linux 9
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • Rocky Linux 9
  • AlmaLinux 9

Dependencies #

The following cookbooks are required:

  • s3_file

Attributes #

  • node['arcgis']['repository']['setups'] = Path to folder with the ArcGIS software setups. Default path is %USERPROFILE%\Documents on Windows and /opt/arcgis on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['archives'] = Local or network ArcGIS software repository path. The default path on Windows is %USERPROFILE%\\Software\\Esri. On Linux, it is /opt/software/esri.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['local_archives'] = Local ArcGIS software repository path. The default path on Windows is %USERPROFILE%\\Software\\Esri. On Linux, it is /opt/software/esri.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['shared'] = If true, a network share is created for the local repository path. Default value is false.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patches'] = Path to folder with hot fixes and patches for ArcGIS Enterprise software. The default path on Windows is %USERPROFILE%\Software\Esri\patches. On Linux, it is /opt/software/esri/patches.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['url'] = Remote ArcGIS software repository URL. The default URL is
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['key'] = Remote ArcGIS software repository key.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['s3bucket'] = Remote ArcGIS software repository S3 bucket name.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['region'] = Remote ArcGIS software repository S3 bucket region id.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['aws_access_key'] = AWS access key ID. IAM role credentials are used if access key is not specified.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['server']['aws_secret_access_key'] = AWS secret access key.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['files'] = File names mapped to SHA256 checksum and the remote path subfolder attributes. Default value is nil.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patch_notification']['url'] = ArcGIS patch notification file URL. The default URL is
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patch_notification']['products'] = An array or ArcGIS product names used to filter downloaded patches. If the array is empty, patches are downloaded for all products. The default value is [].
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patch_notification']['versions'] = An array of ArcGIS versions used to filter downloaded patches. The default value is [node['arcgis']['version']].
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patch_notification']['subfolder'] = S3 bucket subfolder with patches. The default value is nil.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['patch_notification']['patches'] = An array of file name patterns used to filter downloaded patches. The default value is [].
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['aws_cli']['msi_url'] = AWS CLI MSI setup URL. The default URL is
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['aws_cli']['zip_url'] = AWS CLI ZIP setup URL. The default URL is
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['aws_cli']['bin_dir'] = The main aws program in the install directory is symbolically linked to the file aws in the specified path. The default directory is /usr/local/bin.
  • node['arcgis']['repository']['aws_cli']['install_dir'] = AWS CLI installation directory. The default directory is /usr/local/aws-cli

Recipes #

aws_cli #

Downloads and installs AWS CLI on the machine.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "repository": {
      "aws_cli": {
        "msi_url": "",
        "zip_url": "",
        "bin_dir": "/usr/local/bin",
        "install_dir": "/usr/local/aws-cli"
  "run_list": [

default #

Calls arcgis-repository::files recipe.

files #

Downloads files from the ArcGIS software repository.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "repository": {
      "local_archives": "C:\\Software\\Archives",
      "server": {
        "url": "",
        "token_service_url": "",
        "username": "<ArcGIS Online username>",
        "password": "<ArcGIS Online>"
      "files": {
        "<file name>": {
          "subfolder": "<folder>",
          "md5": "<MD5 checksum>",
          "sha256": "<SHA256 checksum>"
  "run_list": [

fileserver #

Creates a repository directory and a network share for it if the arcgis.repository.shared attribute is set to true.

         "shared": false,

patches #

Downloads patches for specific ArcGIS products and versions from the ArcGIS software repository.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "version": "11.1",
    "repository": {
      "local_patches": "C:\\Software\\Archives\\Patches",
      "patch_notification": {
        "products": ["ArcGIS Server"]
  "run_list": [

s3files #

Downloads files from the ArcGIS software repository in S3 to the local repository specified by the node[‘arcgis’][‘repository’][‘local_archives’] attribute.

Attributes used by the recipe:

            "region": "us-east-1",
         "files": {
          "<file name>": {
            "subfolder": "<folder>"

s3files2 #

Downloads files from the ArcGIS software repository in S3 to the local repository specified by the node[‘arcgis’][‘repository’][‘local_archives’] attribute.

Downloads patches form S3 subfolder specified by node[‘arcgis’][‘repository’][‘patch_notification’][‘subfolder’] attribute to the local patches repository specified by node[‘arcgis][‘repository’][‘local_patches’] attribute.

The s3files2 recipe invokes arcgis-repository::aws_cli recipe to install AWS CLI on the machine.

Attributes used by the recipe:

          "region": "us-east-1",
        "patch_notification": {
          "subfolder": "<s3 bucket folder>",
          "patches": [
        "files": {
          "<file name>": {
            "subfolder": "<s3 bucket folder>"