
arcgis-notebooks cookbook #

This cookbook installs and configures ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Supported ArcGIS Notebook Server versions #

  • 10.9.1
  • 11.0
  • 11.1
  • 11.2
  • 11.3

Supported ArcGIS software #

  • ArcGIS Notebook Server

Platforms #

  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Oracle Linux 9
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • Rocky Linux 9
  • AlmaLinux 9

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server platforms Mirantis Container Runtime must be installed before running Chef.

Dependencies #

The following cookbooks are required:

  • arcgis-enterprise
  • arcgis-repository
  • docker
  • iptables

Attributes #

  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['url'] = The ArcGIS Notebook Server site URL. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>:11443.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['wa_name'] = Name of ArcGIS Web Adaptor used for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Default name is notebooks.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['wa_url'] = The URL of the Web Adaptor used for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>/<Notebook Server Web Adaptor name>.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['domain_name'] = The ArcGIS Notebook Server site domain name. Default domain is FQDN of the machine.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['private_url'] = Private URL of the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>:11443/arcgis.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['web_context_url'] = The web context URL of the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. Default URL is https://<FQDN of the machine>/<Notebook Server Web Adaptor name>.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['authorization_file'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server authorization file path.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['authorization_file_version'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server authorization file version. Default value is node['arcgis']['server']['authorization_file_version'].
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['license_level'] = License level of ArcGIS Notebook Server. Allowed values are standard and advanced. Default license level is standard.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_dir'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory. By default, ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed to %ProgramW6432%\ArcGIS\NotebookServer on Windows machines and to /home/arcgis on Linux machines.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['directories_root'] = The root ArcGIS Notebook Server site’s server directory location. The default value is C:\arcgisnotebookserver on Windows and /gisdata/notebookserver on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['config_store_type'] = The ArcGIS Notebook Server configuration store type <FILESYSTEM|AMAZON|AZURE>. Default value is FILESYSTEM.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['config_store_connection_string'] = The configuration store location for the ArcGIS Notebook Server site. By default, the configuration store is created in the local directory C:\arcgisnotebookserver\config-store on Windows and /gisdata/notebookserver/config-store on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['config_store_class_name'] = The ArcGIS Notebook Server configuration store persistence class name. Default value is com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.filesystem.FSConfigPersistence.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['log_level'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server log level. Default value is WARNING.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['log_dir'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server log directory. Default value is C:\arcgisnotebookserver\logs on Windows and /gisdata/notebookserver/logs on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['max_log_file_age'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server maximum log file age. Default value is 90.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['workspace'] = The workspace directory location. This must be a local path; if the site will have additional machines joined to it, a replication method must be set up between the workspace directories of each machine. By default, the workspace directory is set to C:\arcgisnotebookserver\arcgisworkspace on Windows and to /gisdata/notebookserver/directories/arcgisworkspace on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['setup_archive'] = Path to the ArcGIS Notebook Server setup archive. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['setup'] = The location of the ArcGIS Notebook Server setup executable. Default location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS11.3\NotebookServer\Setup.exe on Windows and /opt/arcgis/11.3/NotebookServer_Linux/Setup on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['standard_images'] = Standard Docker container images for notebooks. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['advanced_images'] = Advanced Docker container images for notebooks. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['configure_autostart'] = If set to true, on Linux ArcGIS Notebook Server is configured to start with the operating system. Default value is true.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['admin_username'] = Primary ArcGIS Notebook Server administrator user name. Default user name is admin.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['admin_password'] = Primary ArcGIS Notebook Server administrator password. Default value is nil.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['primary_server_url'] = The URL of the existing ArcGIS Notebook Server site to join, in the format Default URL nil.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_system_requirements'] = Enable system-level configuration for ArcGIS Notebook Server. Default value is true.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_samples_data'] = If set to true, the arcgis-notebooks::server recipe includes the arcgis-notebooks::data recipe. Default value is false.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['install_docker'] = If set to true, the arcgis-notebooks::docker recipe installs the Docker engine. Default value is false for RHEL Linux and true otherwise.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['ports'] = Ports to open for Notebook Servier in the Windows firewall. Default is 11443.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['hostname'] = Host name or IP address of ArcGIS Notebook Server machine. Default value is ''.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['system_properties'] = ArcGIS Notebook Server system properties. Default value is {}.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['data_setup'] = The location of the ArcGIS Notebook Server Samples Data setup. Default location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS11.3\NotebookServerData\Setup.exe on Windows and /opt/arcgis/11.3/NotebookServerData_Linux/ on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['data_setup_archive'] = Path to the ArcGIS Notebook Server Samples Data setup archive. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['notebook_server']['patches] = File names of ArcGIS Notebook Server patches to install. Default value is [].

Recipes #

default #

Calls arcgis-notebooks::server recipe.

docker #

Installs and starts Docker engine. The recipe is supported only on Linux platforms.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "run_list": [

federation #

Federates ArcGIS Notebook Server with Portal for ArcGIS and enables the Notebook Server role.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "portal": {
            "private_url": "",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "<password>",
            "root_cert": "",
            "root_cert_alias": ""
        "notebook_server": {
            "web_context_url": "",
            "private_url": "",
            "admin_username": "siteadmin",
            "admin_password": "<password>"
    "run_list": [

install_server #

Installs ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_113_190340.tar.gz",
            "standard_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_113_190269.tar.gz",
            "advanced_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Advanced_113_190270.tar.gz",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/notebooksadvsvr_113.prvc",
            "license_level": "advanced",
            "install_dir": "/home/arcgis",
            "server_directories_root": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories",
            "config_store_connection_string": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories/config-store",
            "workspace": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories/config-store",
            "configure_autostart": true,
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "install_samples_data": true
    "run_list": [

install_server_wa #

Installs ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "web_server": {
            "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps"
        "web_adaptor": {
            "install_dir": "/",
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_113_190319.tar.gz"
        "notebook_server": {
            "wa_name": "notebooks"
    "run_list": [

install_patches #

Installs patches for ArcGIS Notebook Server. The recipe installs patches from the patches folder specified by the arcgis.notebook_server.patches attribute. The patch names may contain a wildcard ‘*’. For example, “ArcGIS-1091-*.tar” specifies all .tar patches that start with “ArcGIS-1091-“.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis" : {
    "repository" : {
      "patches" : "/opt/software/esri/patches"
    "notebook_server": {
      "patches": ["patch1.tar", "patch2.tar"]
  "run_list": [

restart_docker #

Restarts the Docker service.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "run_list": [

samples_data #

Installs ArcGIS Notebook Server Sample Data.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "data_setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Samples_Data_Linux_113_190346.tar.gz",
            "install_dir": "/home/arcgis"
    "run_list": [

server #

Installs and configures ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_113_190340.tar.gz",
            "standard_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_113_190269.tar.gz",
            "advanced_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Advanced_113_190270.tar.gz",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/notebooksadvsvr_113.prvc",
            "license_level": "advanced",
            "admin_username": "siteadmin",
            "admin_password": "<password>",
            "install_dir": "/home/arcgis",
            "directories_root": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/directories",
            "config_store_connection_string": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/config-store",
            "config_store_type": "FILESYSTEM",
            "workspace": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/arcgisworkspace",
            "configure_autostart": true,
            "install_system_requirements": true,
            "log_dir": "/home/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/logs",
            "log_level": "WARNING",
            "max_log_file_age": "90",
            "system_properties": {},
            "install_samples_data": false
    "run_list": [

server_node #

Joins additional machines to an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Server_Linux_113_190340.tar.gz",
            "standard_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Standard_113_190269.tar.gz",
            "advanced_images": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Notebook_Docker_Advanced_113_190270.tar.gz",
            "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/notebooksadvsvr_113.prvc",
            "license_level": "advanced",
            "admin_username": "siteadmin",
            "admin_password": "<password>",
            "install_dir": "/home/arcgis",
            "primary_server_url": "",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "<password>",
            "configure_autostart": true,
            "install_system_requirements": true
    "run_list": [

server_wa #

Installs and configures ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "web_server": {
            "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps"
        "web_adaptor": {
            "install_dir": "/",
            "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_113_190319.tar.gz"
        "notebook_server": {
            "url": "https://hostname:11443",
            "wa_name": "notebooks",
            "wa_url": "https://hostname/notebooks",
            "admin_username": "admin",
            "admin_password": "<password>"
    "run_list": [

arcgis-notebooks::uninstall_server #

Uninstalls ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "notebook_server": {
            "install_dir": "/home/arcgis"
    "run_list": [

uninstall_server_wa #

Uninstalls ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "web_server": {
            "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps"
        "web_adaptor": {
            "install_dir": "/"
        "notebook_server": {
            "wa_name": "notebooks"
    "run_list": [

unregister_server_wa #

Unregisters all ArcGIS Web Adaptors from the ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "notebook_server": {
      "url": "https://hostname:11443/arcgis",
      "admin_username": "siteadmin",
      "admin_password": "<password>"
  "run_list": [