
arcgis-geoevent cookbook #

This cookbook installs and configures ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Supported ArcGIS versions #

  • 10.9.1
  • 11.0
  • 11.1
  • 11.2
  • 11.3

Supported ArcGIS software #

  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

Platforms #

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 9
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • Oracle Linux 8
  • Oracle Linux 9
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • Rocky Linux 9
  • AlmaLinux 9

Dependencies #

The following cookbooks are required:

  • arcgis-enterprise
  • arcgis-repository

Attributes #

  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['authorization_file'] = ArcGIS GeoEvent Server authorization file path.
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['authorization_file_version'] = ArcGIS GeoEvent Server authorization file version. Default value is node['arcgis']['server']['authorization_file_version'].
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['setup_archive'] = Path to the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server setup archive. Default value depends on node['arcgis']['version'] attribute value.
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['setup'] = The location of the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server setup executable. Default location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS11.3\ArcGISGeoEventServer\Setup.exe on Windows and /opt/arcgis/11.3/geoevent/ on Linux.
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['setup_options'] = Additional ArcGIS GeoEvent Server setup command line options. Default options are ''.
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['configure_autostart'] = If set to true, on Linux the GeoEvent Server is configured to start with the operating system. Default value is true.
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['ports'] = Ports to open for GeoEvent. Default depends on node['arcgis']['version'].
  • node['arcgis']['geoevent']['patches] = File names of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server patches to install. Default value is [].

Recipes #

admin_reset #

Administratively resets GeoEvent Server.

Deletes the Apache ZooKeeper files (to administratively clear the GeoEvent Server configuration), the product’s runtime files (to force the system framework to be rebuilt), and removes previously received event messages (by deleting Kafka topic queues from disk). This is how system administrators reset a GeoEvent Server instance to look like the product has just been installed.

If you have custom components in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\GeoEvent\deploy folder, move these from the \deploy folder to a local temporary folder, while GeoEvent Server is running, to prevent the component from being restored (from the distributed configuration store) when GeoEvent Server is restarted. Also, make sure you have a copy of the most recent XML export of your GeoEvent Server configuration if you want to save the elements you have created.

Attributes used by the recipe:

    "arcgis": {
        "version": "11.3",
        "run_as_user": "arcgis",
        "server": {
            "install_dir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Server"
    "run_list": [

default #

Installs and configures ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "version": "11.3",
    "run_as_user": "arcgis",
    "run_as_password": "<password>",
    "server": {
      "install_dir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS",
    "geoevent": {
      "setup": "C:\\ArcGIS\\11.3\\GeoEvent\\Setup.exe",
      "authorization_file": "C:\\ArcGIS\\11.3\\Authorization_Files\\GeoEvent.prvc",
      "authorization_file_version": "11.3"
  "run_list": [

install_patches #

Installs patches for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server. The recipe installs patches from the patches folder specified by the arcgis.geoevent.patches attribute. The patch names may contain a wildcard ‘*’. For example, “GeoEvent_109_1*.msp” specifies all .msp patches that start with “GeoEvent_109_1”.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis" : {
    "repository" : {
      "patches" : "%USERPROFILE%\\Software\\Esri\\patches"
    "geoevent": {
      "patches": ["patch1.msp", "patch2.msp"]
  "run_list": [

lp-install #

Installs the language pack for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "version": "11.3",
    "geoevent": {
      "lp-setup": "C:\\ArcGIS\\11.3\\GeoEvent\\Japanese\\Setup.exe"

uninstall #

Uninstalls ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

Attributes used by the recipe:

  "arcgis": {
    "version": "11.3",
    "run_as_user": "arcgis",
    "server": {
      "install_dir": "C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS"

The arcgis.run_as_user and install_dir attributes are ignored on Windows.