- Intro
- Class Api
- Functional Api
- Advanced
- Access Control
- Permissions
- OperationStack
- Metrics
- Queries & Filters
- Catalogs & Collections
- Composing Workflows
- Developers
- Legacy
Sites and Pages
The sites
package in Hub.js exposes functions used to load, create, update, and remove Hub Site Application
items and Hub Page
items, as well as functions to manipulate site domain records, streamline the linking/unlinking of Pages to Sites.
Additionally, the package contains functions that can convert Site and Page items into json templates, and go from a json template back into operatational items. for inclusion in Solution items.
Note: ArcGIS Enterprise uses Site Application
and Page
item types
Lookup a Site by it's domain entry
For ArcGIS Hub, a site's domain is exactly that - the full domain on which the site is hosted.
A Hub domain can take two forms:
- a "default" domain constructed as
- a "custom" domain, registered by the site owner using a DNS registrar, that has a CNAME entry pointing to
Site domain records are stored in the Hub API. We can lookup the site item and owning orgId along with other related properties using the lookupDomain function:
import { lookupDomain } from '@esri/hub-sites';
// See the Authentication Guide for details on how to create hubRequestOptions
return lookupDomain('data-myorg.hub.arcgis.com', hubRequestOptions)
.then((domainInfo) => {
console.log(`Domain ${domainInfo.hostname} belongs to org ${domainInfo.orgId} and is backed by item ${domainInfo.itemId})
For ArcGIS Enterprise, domains operate differently. At this time, Sites in ArcGIS Enterprise are hosted at https://{your-portal-url}/{portal-instance}/apps/sites/#{site-domain}
We can use the lookupDomain
function to locate the site item - but it should be noted that instead of returning an IDomainEntry, for ArcGIS Enterprise lookupDomain
will simply return a hash containing the hostname
and the siteId
Update a Site's domain
In this example we will get the domain records for a specific site, and update the domain of a site.
import { getDomainsForSite, updateDomain } from "@esri/hub-sites";
import { findBy } from "@esri/hub-common";
// See the Authentication Guide for details on how to create hubRequestOptions
const siteId = "3ef";
const currentDomain = "beta-myorg.hub.arcgis.com";
const newDomain = "data-myorg.hub.arcgis.com";
// get domain records for the site
return getDomainsForSite(siteId, hubRequestOptions)
.then((domains) => {
// since sites can have multiple domains, let's find the one we want to change
const domainToChange = domains.findBy(domains, "domain", currentDomain);
// update the domain property to the new domain
domainToChange.hostname = newDomain;
// save the change
return updateDomain(domainToChange, hubRequestOptions);
.then((result) => {
//> result will be the updated domainEntry object returned from the Hub API
Remove a Site
To cleanly remove a Site, the following actions need to occur:
- Unprotect and delete the related Initiative item (if Hub Premium)
- Locate and remove all related Team groups
- remove all Domain entries from the Hub Domain service
- locate any pages connected to the site, and remove the site references from them
- Unprotect the Site item
- Site item is deleted
If all of these steps are not done, you will have orphan groups and items in your organization. Thus, we strongly recommend using the removeSite
function, which handles all these things in one call.
import { removeSite } from "@esri/hub-sites";
// See the Authentication Guide for details on how to create hubRequestOptions
return removeSite("3ef", hubRequestOptions).then((result) => {
//> result = {success: true}