Queries, Filters and Predicates

Building a Query

The IQuery interface is used to express both simple and extremely very complex structures.

A query must declare the target entity type. This is needed so the query can be routed to the correct backing api.

Entity Type Description and backing API end-point
item ArcGIS Portal Item
group ArcGIS Portal Group
user ArcGIS Portal User

Query Model

These entities are not currently implemented

Entity Type Description and backing API end-point
groupMember ArcGIS Portal Group Users
event ArcGIS Hub Event
post ArcGIS Hub Discussion Posts

Query, Filters, Predicates

A Query contains 1 or more Filters, which contain 1 or more Predicates.

When the query structure is serialized into an API request the following logic is applied:

Within a Query...

  • all Filters are ANDed together
  • all Predicates within a Filter use the filer.operation to control how they are connected
  "targetEntity": "item",
  "filters": [
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          "group": "3ef"
      "operation": "OR",
      "predicates": [
          "type": "Web Map"
          "type": "Hub Site"

Reads as:

  • Search for items,
    • in group "3ef" AND
    • type = "Web Map" OR type = "Hub Site"

We can also express this more concisely as:

  "targetEntity": "item",
  "filters": [
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          // Properties within a predicate are AND'ed unless
          // an `IMatchOptions` structure is used, which allows
          // more precise control
          "group": "3ef",
          "type": {
            "any": ["Web Map", "Hub Site"]

In this example we see that a property on an IPredicate can be a string, or an IMatchOptions

Using MatchOptions

As noted above, most predicate properties will work with a IMatchOptions structure, which allows more specificity with how the query is serialized for the backing API.

  "targetEntity": "item",
  "filters": [
      "operation": "AND",
      "predicates": [
          "type": "Feature Service",
          "tag": {
            "all": ["authoritative"],
            "any": ["water", "lake"],
            "not": ["rivers"]

This reads as:

  • search for items
    • of type Feature Service
    • WITH tag authoritative
    • AND tag water OR tag lake
    • WITHOUT tag rivers

We can combine predicates via the .operation to construct more complex queries

  "targetEntity": "item",
  "filters": [
      "operation": "OR",
      "predicates": [
          "type": "Feature Service",
          "tag": {
            "all": ["authoritative"],
            "any": ["water", "lake"],
            "not": ["rivers"]
          "type": "Web Map",
          "tag": {
            "all": ["authoritative"],
            "any": ["wildfire", "fire"]
          "owner": "jsmith"

This reads as:

  • search for items
    • of type Feature Service
    • WITH tag authoritative
    • AND tag water OR tag lake
    • WITHOUT tag rivers
    • OR
    • of type Web Map
    • WITH tag authoritative
    • AND tag wildfire OR tag fire
    • owned by jsmith

Predicate Properties

Although the IPredicate structure allows for any key, value combinations, the following table lists the properties and their allowed types, for queries being serialized to the ArcGIS Portal API.

Property Entity Allowed Types
access item, group, user string, string[], IMatchOptions
bbox item string
categories item string, string[], IMatchOptions
created item, group, user IDateRange<number> IRelativeDate
description item, group string, string[], IMatchOptions
disabled user boolean
email user string, string[], IMatchOptions
emailstatus user string, string[], IMatchOptions
firstname user string, string[], IMatchOptions
fullname user string, string[], IMatchOptions
group item, user string, string[], IMatchOptions
id item, group string, string[], IMatchOptions
isInvitationOnly group boolean
isopendata group boolean
joined group IDateRange<number> IRelativeDate
lastlogin user IDateRange<number> IRelativeDate
lastname user string, string[], IMatchOptions
memberType group string, string[], IMatchOptions
modified item, group IDateRange<number> IRelativeDate
orgid item, group string, string[], IMatchOptions
owner item, group string, string[], IMatchOptions
provider user string, string[], IMatchOptions
role user string, string[], IMatchOptions
searchUserAccess groupMember "member"
searchUserName groupMember string
snippet item string, string[], IMatchOptions
tags item,group string, string[], IMatchOptions
term item, group, user string, string[], IMatchOptions
type item string, string[], IMatchOptions
typekeywords item, group string, string[], IMatchOptions
userlicensetype user string, string[], IMatchOptions
username user string, string[], IMatchOptions