Hub Search

Within Hub.js the main search function is hubSearch, which uses an IQuery to defined the critera to be applied, and an IHubSearchOptions for additional information.

TODO: Add Search Example

Please read the Queries and Filters guide for details on constructing the query.

Search Options

For the most part, IHubSeachOptions is self-explanatory, as it's used to pass authentication (as IHubRequestOptions), as well as sort and paging information. However there are some additional properties that are worth exploring on their own.

Fetching Additional Fields via Include

By default, hubSearch will return a IHubSearchResponse containing IHubSearchResult objects. These are simplified objects optimized for display in a list or grid of cards. In some advanced scenarios, additional information is required, and can be requested via include.

The include array takes a list of the "enrichments" to return. e.g include: ['metadata','server'] In this simple case, before returning the results, the item metadata will be fetched, converted to json, and attached to the IHubSearchResult as .metadata. For appropriate item types (Feature Service) the server information will be fetched and attached as .server. Fetching these additional resources takes time, so it's best to do some testing to determine if the information you want is worth the performance hit.

It is also possible to pluck a specific piece of information out of an enrichment and specifying the property name to use on the IHubSearchResult. Specifying include: ["server.layerCount AS numLayers"] will fetch the server info, then grab just the layerCount property and attach that value to the result using the numLayers property.

Enrichment Entities Description
data item Returns the data json for the item.
metadata item Returns the item's metadata, in json
groupIds item Array of id's of the groups the item is shared to
ownerUser item, group returns a full IUser for the owner of the group or item
org item returns the IPortal of the owning user's org
server Feature Service, Map Service items Returns the feature service definition
layers Feature Service, Map Service item Returns the layers array


The search can also return aggregation information for the entire result set.

For the most part, the aggregations supported by hubSearch are limited to those supported by the ArcGIS Portal Search API. A maximum of three aggregations can be specified.

Entity Aggregation Fields
item tags, type, access, contentstatus, categories
user none
group none

Once the search is executed, the aggregations are available on the IHubSearchResponse.aggregations property as an array of IHubAggregation objects.

Applications can use aggregations to construct dynamic facets and filters.

Specifying the API & Authentication

By default, hubSearch will use the ArcGIS Online Portal Search API.

To specify an ArcGIS Enterprise server, IHubSearchOptions.requestOptions.portal should be set.

const opts: IHubSearchOptions = {
  requestOptions: {
    portal: "",

To pass authentication information, send IHubSearchOptions.requestOptions.authentucation

const opts: IHubSearchOptions = {
  requestOptions: {
    authentication: myUserSession, // IUserSession
  • Specifying the API to call
    • In ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Hub has it's own search engine, which is optimized for searching public items.
    • In all other cases, we recommend specifying arcgis as that will use the Portal search API, and can return non-public content.

Note If you are searching for specific Hub Entities, the entity "manager" modules also have simplified search functions return fully populated entity objects.

Explaining Query Results

Sometimes we need a means to descibe why a particular item is included in a search result - in particular when users are managing the content catalog. To that end, the explainQueryResult(result:GenericResult, query:IQuery, requestOptions) function is built to help with this.

To use this function, we pass in the IQuery that was send into hubSearch(...), and you'll get a response that looks like this:

    // Copy of the Result object
    "result": {
        "id": "92ca9c12ee604b958303a52f3e0bbb6b",
        "group": [
    // Copy of the Query
    "query": {
        "targetEntity": "item",
        "filters": [
                "predicates": [
                        "group": [
    // Did the Result match the Query's criteria?
    "matched": true,
    // Array of reasons the Query matched or did not
    "reasons": [
            "filter": {
                "predicates": [
                        "group": {
                            "any": [
            "matched": true,
            "reasons": [
                    "predicate": {
                        "group": {
                            "any": [
                    "matched": true,
                    "reasons": [
                            "attribute": "group",
                            "values": "9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780,9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6",
                            "condition": "IN",
                            "matched": true,
                            "requirement": "9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6,9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780",
                            "message": "Value(s) 9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780,9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6 contained at least one of value from [9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6,9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780]",
                            "meta": {
                                "groups": [
                                        "id": "9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780",
                                        "title": "Explain Group 2"
                                        "id": "9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6",
                                        "title": "Explain Group 1"
    "summary": [
            "attribute": "group",
            "values": "9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780,9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6",
            "condition": "IN",
            "matched": true,
            "requirement": "9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6,9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780",
            "message": "Value(s) 9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780,9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6 contained at least one of value from [9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6,9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780]",
            // Meta information that could be used when constructing a translated string
            "meta": {
                "groups": [
                        "id": "9985c3ce1f0c4c39b065fc40a4548780",
                        "title": "Explain Group 2"
                        "id": "9fef828e929d4f8e9fb5e5e3e174e9f6",
                        "title": "Explain Group 1"