An ArcGIS Online or Enterprise user

IUser can also be imported from the following packages:

import { IUser } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-auth";
import { IUser } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-portal";
interface IUser {
    access?: string;
    assignedCredits?: number;
    availableCredits?: number;
    cOrgId?: string;
    created?: number;
    culture?: string;
    description?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    email?: string;
    favGroupId?: string;
    firstName?: string;
    fullName?: string;
    groups?: IGroup[];
    idpUsername?: string;
    lastLogin?: number;
    lastName?: string;
    level?: string;
    mfaEnabled?: boolean;
    modified?: number;
    orgId?: string;
    preferredView?: any;
    privileges?: string[];
    provider?: "arcgis" | "facebook" | "google" | "enterprise";
    region?: string;
    role?: "org_admin" | "org_publisher" | "org_user";
    roleId?: string;
    storageQuota?: number;
    storageUsage?: number;
    tags?: string[];
    thumbnail?: string;
    units?: string;
    username?: string;


access?: string
assignedCredits?: number
availableCredits?: number
cOrgId?: string
created?: number
culture?: string
description?: string
disabled?: boolean
email?: string
favGroupId?: string
firstName?: string
fullName?: string
groups?: IGroup[]
idpUsername?: string
lastLogin?: number
lastName?: string
level?: string
mfaEnabled?: boolean
modified?: number
orgId?: string
preferredView?: any
privileges?: string[]
provider?: "arcgis" | "facebook" | "google" | "enterprise"
region?: string
role?: "org_admin" | "org_publisher" | "org_user"
roleId?: string
storageQuota?: number
storageUsage?: number
tags?: string[]
thumbnail?: string
units?: string
username?: string