The templatized form of an item or group.

interface IItemTemplate {
    data: any;
    dependencies: string[];
    estimatedDeploymentCostFactor: number;
    groups: string[];
    item: IItemGeneralized;
    itemId: string;
    key: string;
    properties: any;
    relatedItems?: IRelatedItems[];
    resources: any[];
    type: string;
    [propName: string]: any;


[propName: string]: any

Allow for adhoc properties


data: any

Item data section JSON

dependencies: string[]

List of ids of AGO items needed by this item

estimatedDeploymentCostFactor: number

Estimated relative cost of deploying this item; corresponds to number of progressCallback function calls made during while deploying it

groups: string[]

List of ids of AGO groups the item needs to be shared with

Item base section JSON

itemId: string

Item's AGO id

key: string

Fairly unique identifier; set to 'i' + chars 2-8 of a random number in base 36

properties: any

Miscellaneous item-specific properties

relatedItems?: IRelatedItems[]

References to related item

resources: any[]

References to item resources

type: string

AGO item type name