Interface IItemRelationshipOptionsPaging

Extends IItemRelationshipOptions for the REST JS getRelatedItems call because it doesn't include the new start and num properties.

interface IItemRelationshipOptionsPaging {
    authentication?: IAuthenticationManager;
    credentials?: RequestCredentials;
    direction?: "forward" | "reverse";
    fetch?: ((input, init?) => Promise<Response>);
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: any;
    hideToken?: boolean;
    httpMethod?: HTTPMethods;
    id: string;
    maxUrlLength?: number;
    params: {
        direction: "forward" | "reverse";
        nextkey?: string;
        num: number;
        start: number;
    portal?: string;
    rawResponse?: boolean;
    relationshipType: ItemRelationshipType | ItemRelationshipType[];


  • IItemRelationshipOptions
    • IItemRelationshipOptionsPaging


authentication?: IAuthenticationManager

The instance of IAuthenticationManager to use to authenticate this request.

credentials?: RequestCredentials

A string indicating whether credentials (cookies) will be sent with the request. Used internally for authentication workflows.

direction?: "forward" | "reverse"

The direction of the relationship. Either forward (from origin -> destination) or reverse (from destination -> origin).

fetch?: ((input, init?) => Promise<Response>)

The implementation of fetch to use. Defaults to a global fetch.

Type declaration

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

headers?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Additional Headers to pass into the request.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
hideToken?: boolean

Prevents the token from being passed in a URL Query param that is saved in browser history. Instead, the token will be passed in POST request body or through X-Esri-Authorization header. NOTE: This will force POST requests in browsers since auth header is not yet supported by preflight OPTIONS check with CORS.

httpMethod?: HTTPMethods

The HTTP method to send the request with.

id: string

Unique identifier of the item.

maxUrlLength?: number

If the length of a GET request's URL exceeds maxUrlLength the request will use POST instead.

params: {
    direction: "forward" | "reverse";
    nextkey?: string;
    num: number;
    start: number;

Type declaration

  • direction: "forward" | "reverse"

    Relationship direction sought

  • Optional nextkey?: string

    Key needed by related records search for second and subsequent batches; value comes from previous fetch

  • num: number

    Number of items requested; maximum value is 100

  • start: number

    One-based index of start of next batch to fetch

portal?: string

Base url for the portal you want to make the request to. Defaults to authentication.portal if authentication exists, otherwise to ''.

rawResponse?: boolean

Return the raw response

The type of relationship between the two items.