The relevant elements of a data source that are used for templatization

interface IDatasourceInfo {
    adminLayerInfo: any;
    basePath: string;
    fields: any[];
    id?: string;
    ids: string[];
    itemId: string;
    layerId: number;
    references?: any[];
    relationships: any[];
    url?: string;


adminLayerInfo: any

The layers adminLayerInfo Used to fetch relationship info in some cases

basePath: string

Calculated pattern used for templatization eg. "{{itemId.fields.layerId.fieldname}}"

fields: any[]

The fields this datasource contains

id?: string

The webmap layer id eg. "TestLayerForDashBoardMap_632"

ids: string[]

The id for the layer from a map could be referenced by more than one map for a solution

itemId: string

The portal item id eg. "4efe5f693de34620934787ead6693f19"

layerId: number

The id for the layer from the service eg. 0

references?: any[]

The ralative ids for references to a datasource Application types like dashboard can reference datasources via realtive widget reference ids

relationships: any[]

The details on any relationships that the datasource is involved in

url?: string

The url used for fields lookup