Interface IAdditionalGroupSearchOptions

Additional info to be used when searching the contents of a group

interface IAdditionalGroupSearchOptions {
    bbox?: string;
    categories?: string[];
    num?: number;
    sortField?: string;
    sortOrder?: string;
    start?: number;
    [key: string]: any;


[key: string]: any

Generically definines remaining/unused properties


bbox?: string

The bounding box for a spatial search defined as minx, miny, maxx, or maxy. Spatial search is an overlaps/intersects function of the query bbox and the extent of the document. Documents that have no extent (for example, mxds, 3dds, lyr) will not be found when doing a bbox search. Document extent is assumed to be in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system. E.g.: "-118,32,-116,34"

categories?: string[]

A list of desired categories; maximum of 8

num?: number

The number of results requested.

sortField?: string

Sets sort field for group items. Values: title | owner | avgrating | numviews | created | modified

sortOrder?: string

Sets sort order for group items. Values: asc | desc

start?: number

The number of the first entry requested. The index number is 1-based.