arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds module¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.RSS(label, description, rss_url, http_auth_type, http_headers=<factory>, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None, run_interval=RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles'))¶
Poll an HTTP endpoint for RSS events. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Address of the HTTP endpoint providing data.
Union[NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth]. An instance that contains the authentication information for the feed instance.
Dict[str, str]. A Name-Value dictionary that contains HTTP headers for connecting to the RSS feed.
Optional Argument
Union[RssFormat, GeoRssFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
RunInterval. An instance of the scheduler configuration. The default is: RunInterval(cron_expression=”0 * * ? * * *”, timezone=”America/Los_Angeles”)
- Returns
A data class with RSS feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import RSS from arcgis.realtime.velocity.http_authentication_type import ( NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth, ) from arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import GeoRssFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.run_interval import RunInterval name = "rss feed name" description = "rss feed description" url = "rss feed url" http_auth = NoAuth() # http_auth = BasicAuth(username="username", password="password") # http_auth = CertificateAuth(pfx_file_http_location="https://link", password="password") http_headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" } # all properties can also be defined in the constructor as follows # Set data format data_format = GeoRssFormat() # Set geometry field geometry = XYZGeometry( x_field="category_longitude", y_field="category_latitude", wkid=4326, z_field="category_altitude", z_unit="Meters" ) # Set time field time = TimeInterval( interval_start_field="start_field", interval_end_field="end_field" ) # Set recurrence run_interval = RunInterval( cron_expression="0 * * ? * * *", timezone="America/Los_Angeles" ) # Configure the RSS Feed rss = RSS( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", rss_url=url, http_auth_type=http_auth, http_headers=http_headers, track_id_field="track_id", data_format=data_format, geometry=geometry, time=time, run_interval=run_interval ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration RSS_feed = feeds.create(rss) RSS_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- http_auth_type¶
- http_headers¶
- rss_url¶
- run_interval = RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles')¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.HttpPoller(label, description, url, http_method, http_auth_type, url_params=<factory>, http_headers=<factory>, enable_long_polling=False, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None, run_interval=RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles'))¶
Poll an HTTP endpoint for event data. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. URL of the HTTP endpoint providing data.
str. HTTP method. Options: GET or POST.
Union[NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth, OAuth]. An instance that contains the authentication information for this feed instance.
Dict[str, str]. A dictionary of URL param/value pairs that contains HTTP params used to access the HTTP resource.
Dict[str, str]. A Name-Value dictionary that contains HTTP headers for connecting to the HTTP resource.
bool. The default is: False.
Optional Argument
Union[EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, DelimitedFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
RunInterval. An instance of the scheduler configuration. The default is: RunInterval(cron_expression=”0 * * ? * * *”, timezone=”America/Los_Angeles”)
- Returns
A dataclass with Http poller feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import HttpPoller from arcgis.realtime.velocity.http_authentication_type import ( NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth, ) arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import DelimitedFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.run_interval import RunInterval name = "http_poller_feed_name" description = "http_poller_description_feed" url = "http_poller_url" http_auth = NoAuth() # http_auth = BasicAuth(username="username", password="password") # http_auth = CertificateAuth(pfx_file_http_location="http_auth_link", password="password") http_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} url_params = {"f": "json"} http_poller = HttpPoller( label=name, description=description, url=url, http_method="GET", http_auth_type=http_auth, url_params=url_params, http_headers=http_headers, enable_long_polling=False, data_format=None ) # Set track id field http_poller.set_track_id("track_id") # Set time field time = TimeInstant(time_field="time_field") http_poller.set_time_config(time=time) # Set geometry field geometry = XYZGeometry( x_field="x", y_field="y", wkid=4326 ) http_poller.set_geometry_config(geometry=geometry) # Set recurrence http_poller.run_interval = RunInterval( cron_expression="0 * * ? * * *", timezone="America/Los_Angeles" ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration http_poller_feed = feeds.create(http_poller) http_poller_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- enable_long_polling = False¶
- geometry = None¶
- http_auth_type¶
- http_headers¶
- http_method¶
- run_interval = RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles')¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- url¶
- url_params¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.HttpReceiver(label, description, authentication_type, sample_message, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events via a dedicated HTTP endpoint. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Authentication type. Options: none or arcgis.
str. The sample content to auto-detect the data format. For example: “name,agensam,23”
Optional Argument
Union[EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, DelimitedFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with Http receiver feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import HttpReceiver from arcgis.realtime.velocity.http_authentication_type import ( NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth, ) sample_message="name,age dan,23" http_receiver = HttpReceiver( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", authentication_type="none", sample_message=sample_message, data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration http_receiver_feed = feeds.create(http_receiver) http_receiver_feed.start() feeds.items
- authentication_type¶
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- sample_message¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.HttpSimulator(label, description, url, field_separator=',', features_per_execution=1, interval_for_sending_events=1000, repeat_simulation=True, time_field_index=0, convert_to_current_time=True, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Simulate events from a text file. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. The full URL to the externally accessible simulation file.
str. The character, or delimiter, which separates field values in the simulation file. The default is: ,.
int. The number of records (features) to simulate at a time. The default is: 1.
int. The interval between sending the number of features per execution. The default is: 1000.
boolean. Whether to automatically restart from the beginning when the end of the file is reached. The default is: True.
int. The numerical index of the date field in the dataset, where the index starts at 0. The default is: 0.
boolean. Whether to convert the time values in the dataset to current time as the data is simulated. The default is: True.
Optional Argument
Union[DelimitedFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with Http simulator feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import HttpSimulator from arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import DelimitedFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant http_simulator = HttpSimulator( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", url="http_simulator_url", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration http_simulator_feed = feeds.create(http_simulator) http_simulator_feed.start() feeds.items
- convert_to_current_time = True¶
- data_format = None¶
- features_per_execution = 1¶
- field_separator = ','¶
- geometry = None¶
- interval_for_sending_events = 1000¶
- repeat_simulation = True¶
- time = None¶
- time_field_index = 0¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- url¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.AWSIoT(label, description, endpoint, topic, qos_level=0, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, session_token=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from an AWS IoT broker. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for the feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Endpoint for the AWS IoT broker.
str. Topic over which event messages stream.
int. The Quality of Service (QoS) level defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message. A QoS of 0 means a message is delivered zero or more times. It offers better performance, but no guaranteed delivery. A QoS of 1 means a message is delivered at least once, thereby offering guaranteed delivery. With both levels, messages may be delivered multiple times. The default is: 0.
Optional Argument
str. Access key ID for the AWS IoT credentials.
str. Secret access key for the AWS IoT credentials.
str. Session token for the AWS IoT broker.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as the track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with AWS Iot feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import AWSIoT from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant aws_config = AWSIoT( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", endpoint="aws_iot feed endpoint", topic="aws_iot_topic", qos_level=0, access_key_id="aws_iot_access_key_id", secret_access_key="aws_iot_secret_access_key", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration aws_feed = feeds.create(aws_config) aws_feed.start() feeds.items
- access_key_id = None¶
- data_format = None¶
- endpoint¶
- geometry = None¶
- qos_level = 0¶
- secret_access_key = None¶
- session_token = None¶
- time = None¶
- topic¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.AzureEventHub(label, description, shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key, event_hub_endpoint, event_hub_entity_path, consumer_group=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from an Azure Event Hub. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Shared access key name for Azure Event Hub credentials.
str. Shared access key name for Azure Event Hub credentials.
str. Endpoint of the Azure Event Hub.
str. Entity path of the Azure Event Hub.
Optional Argument
str. Consumer group for the Azure Event Hub.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with azure event hub feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import AzureEventHub from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant azure_event_hub_config = AzureEventHub( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", shared_access_key_name="azure_event_hub_shared_key_name", shared_access_key="azure_event_hub_shared_key", event_hub_endpoint="azure_event_hub_endpoint", event_hub_entity_path="azure_event_hub_entity_path", consumer_group="azure_consumer_group", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration azure_event_hub_feed = feeds.create(azure_event_hub_config) azure_event_hub_feed.start() feeds.items
- consumer_group = None¶
- data_format = None¶
- event_hub_endpoint¶
- event_hub_entity_path¶
- geometry = None¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.AzureServiceBus(label, description, topic_name, subscription_name, shared_access_key_name, shared_access_key, endpoint, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from an Azure Service Bus. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Topic name for the Azure Service Bus.
str. Topic name for the Azure Service Bus.
str. Shared access key name for the Azure Service Bus.
str. Shared access key for the Azure Service Bus.
str. Endpoint of the Azure Service Bus.
Optional Argument
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with azure service bus feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import AzureServiceBus from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant azure_service_bus_config = AzureServiceBus( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", topic_name="azure_service_bus_topic_name", subscription_name="azure_service_bus_subscription_name", shared_access_key_name="azure_service_bus_shared_access_key_name", shared_access_key="azure_service_bus_shared_access_key", endpoint="azure_service_bus_endpoint", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration azure_service_bus_feed = feeds.create(azure_service_bus_config) azure_service_bus_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- endpoint¶
- geometry = None¶
- subscription_name¶
- time = None¶
- topic_name¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.CiscoEdgeIntelligence(label, description, host, port, topic, qos_level=0, username=None, password=None, client_id=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from a Cisco Edge Intelligence broker. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Hostname of the Cisco Edge Intelligence broker prefixed with “tcp://” for non-SSL or “ssl://” for SSL connections.
str. Port on which the Cisco Edge Intelligence broker is accessible.
str. Topic over which event messages stream.
int. Quality of Service (QoS) level defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message. In MQTT 3.1.1, a QoS of 0 means a message is delivered at most once, a QoS of 1 at least once, and a QoS of 2 exactly once. The default is: 0.
Optional Argument
Username for basic authentication.
Password for basic authentication.
The client ID ArcGIS Velocity will use to connect to the Cisco Edge Intelligence broker.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with cisco edge intelligence feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import CiscoEdgeIntelligence from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant cisco_edge_config = CiscoEdgeIntelligence( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", host="cisco_host", port="cisco_port", topic="cisco_topic", qos_level=0, username="cisco_username", password="cisco_password", client_id="cisco_client_id", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration cisco_edge_feed = feeds.create(cisco_edge_config) cisco_edge_feed.start() feeds.items
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.FeatureLayer(label, description, query='1=1', fields='*', outSR=4326, url=None, portal_item_id=None, extent=None, time_stamp_field=None, track_id_field=None, time=None, run_interval=RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles'))¶
Poll a feature layer for features at a fixed schedule. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
The data format is a feature layer. ArcGIS Velocity will automatically handle the location for you.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Feature layer query parameters. The default is: 1=1.
str. Requested feature layer output fields. For example: “field1,field2” The default is: *.
int. Requested output spatial reference. The default is: 4326. .. note:
To learm more about projected and geographic coordinate systems, refer to `Using spatial references <>`.
Optional Argument
str. The Portal item ID of the feature layer. .. note:
Either the portal_item_id or url is required.
Dict[str, Any]. A Geometry object that defines the spatial extent for the feature layer.
# Sample Value { "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 3857, "wkid": 102100 }, "xmin": -14784278.027601289, "ymin": 2604610.848073723, "xmax": -11451317.846255329, "ymax": 6852675.132049575 }
str. An optional date field for latest features. Optionally, specify a date field to be used to retrieve only the latest features from the feature layer.
If a timestamp field is not specified, ArcGIS Velocity will load all features that meet the criteria of the WHERE clause when it polls the feature layer.
If a timestamp field is specified, the first time ArcGIS Velocity polls the feature layer it will load all features with a timestamp field datetime within the past minute and less than the first feed poll time that also meets the criteria of the WHERE clause. With each subsequent poll, only features with a timestamp field value between the last polling time and the current polling time that also meet the criteria of the WHERE clause will be loaded.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
RunInterval. An instance of the scheduler configuration. The default is: RunInterval(cron_expression=”0 * * ? * * *”, timezone=”America/Los_Angeles”)
- Returns
A data class with feature layer feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import FeatureLayer from arcgis.realtime.velocity.http_authentication_type import ( NoAuth, BasicAuth, CertificateAuth, ) from arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import DelimitedFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.run_interval import RunInterval extent = { "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 3857, "wkid": 102100 }, "xmin": "xmin", "ymin": "ymin", "xmax": "xmax", "ymax": "ymax" } # Feature Layer Properties feature_layer_config = FeatureLayer( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", query="1=1", fields="*", outSR=4326, url="feed_sample_server_link", extent=extent, time_stamp_field="date_field" ) feature_layer_config # Set recurrence feature_layer_config.run_interval = RunInterval( cron_expression="0 * * ? * * *", timezone="America/Los_Angeles" ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration feature_layer_feed = feeds.create(feature_layer_config) feature_layer_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- extent = None¶
- fields = '*'¶
- outSR = 4326¶
- portal_item_id = None¶
- query = '1=1'¶
- run_interval = RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles')¶
- time = None¶
- time_stamp_field = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- url = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.StreamLayer(label, description, portal_item_id, query='1=1', fields='*', outSR=4326, extent=None, track_id_field=None, time=None)¶
Receive features from a stream layer. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
Data format is Esri stream layer. ArcGIS Velocity will automatically handle the location for you.
str. Unique label for the feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Portal item ID of the stream layer.
str. Stream layer query parameters. The default is: “1=1”
str. Requested stream layer output fields. For example: “field1,field2” The default is: “*”.
int. Requested output spatial reference. The default is: 4326.
To learm more about projected and geographic coordinate systems, refer to Using spatial references <>.
str. Specifies the overall format of the incoming data.
Optional Argument
WHERE clause
str. Query to retrieve a subset of features.
Out fields
str. Comma-separated list of fields to use for processing.
Output spatial reference
str. Spatial reference in which queried features should return.
Dict[str, Any]. JSON representing an envelope as defined by the ArcGIS REST API’s JSON geometry schema.
# Sample Value { "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 3857, "wkid": 102100 }, "xmin": -14784278.027601289, "ymin": 2604610.848073723, "xmax": -11451317.846255329, "ymax": 6852675.132049575 }
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with stream layer feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import StreamLayer from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant extent = { "spatialReference": { "latestWkid": 3857, "wkid": 102100 }, "xmin": "xmin", "ymin": "ymin", "xmax": "xmax", "ymax": "ymax" } stream_layer_config = StreamLayer( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", portal_item_id="portal_id", query="1=1", fields="*", outSR=4326, extent=extent ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration stream_layer_feed = feeds.create(stream_layer_config) stream_layer_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- extent = None¶
- fields = '*'¶
- outSR = 4326¶
- portal_item_id¶
- query = '1=1'¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.Geotab(label, description, url, database, username, password, groups=None, diagnostics_ids=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None, run_interval=RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles'))¶
Poll Geotab for event data. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. The URL to authenticate Geotab.
str. The name of the Geotab database providing data.
str. Specify the username to authenticate Geotab.
str. Specify the password to authenticate Geotab.
Optional Argument
str. List of groups to include in the feature schema. Separate multiple values with a semi-colon (;).
str. List of diagnostic IDs to include in the feature schema. Separate multiple values with a semi-colon (;).
JsonFormat. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
RunInterval. An instance of the scheduler configuration. The default is: RunInterval(cron_expression=”0 * * ? * * *”, timezone=”America/Los_Angeles”)
- Returns
A data class with Geotab feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import Geotab from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant geotab = Geotab( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", url="Geotab_url", database="Geotab_database", username="Geotab_user_name", password="Geotab_password", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration geotab_feed = feeds.create(geotab) geotab_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- database¶
- diagnostics_ids = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- groups = None¶
- password¶
- run_interval = RunInterval(cron_expression='0 * * ? * * *', timezone='America/Los_Angeles')¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- url¶
- username¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.Kafka(label, description, brokers, topics, authentication, consumer_group_id=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive event data from a Kafka broker. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Comma-separated list of Kafka brokers, including the port, such as,
For example:,
str. Topic to which the output will send messages.
Union[NoAuth, SASLPlain]. Kafka authentication type.
Optional Argument
str. A unique string that identifies the consumer group this feed belongs to as a consumer.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with Kafka feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import Kafka from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.kafka_authentication_type import NoAuth, SASLPlain from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant kafka_config = Kafka( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", brokers="", topics="topicName", authentication=NoAuth(), data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration kafka_feed = feeds.create(kafka_config) kafka_feed.start() feeds.items
- authentication¶
- brokers¶
- consumer_group_id = None¶
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- time = None¶
- topics¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.MQTT(label, description, host, port, topic, qos_level=0, username=None, password=None, client_id=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from an MQTT broker. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for this feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Hostname of the of the broker prefixed with “tcp://” for non-SSL or “ssl://” for SSL connections.
int. Port on which the MQTT broker is accessible.
str. Topic over which event messages stream.
int. Quality of Service (QoS) level defines the guarantee of delivery for a specific message. In MQTT 3.1.1, a QoS of 0 means a message is delivered at most once, a QoS of 1 at least once, and a QoS of 2 exactly once. The default is: 0.
Optional Argument
str. Username for basic authentication.
str. Password for basic authentication.
str. Client ID ArcGIS Velocity will use to connect to the MQTT broker.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with MQTT feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import MQTT from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant mqtt_config = MQTT( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", host="Mqtt host", port=8883, topic="Mqtt topic", qos_level=0, username="Mqtt_username", password="Mqtt_password", client_id="Mqtt_client_id", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration mqtt_feed = feeds.create(mqtt_config) mqtt_feed.start() feeds.items
- client_id = None¶
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- host¶
- password = None¶
- port¶
- qos_level = 0¶
- time = None¶
- topic¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- username = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.RabbitMQ(label, description, host, port=5672, use_ssl=False, prefetch_count=0, virtual_host=None, username=None, password=None, queue_name=None, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive events from a RabbitMQ broker. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for the feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Host address of the RabbitMQ Server.
For example:
int. Port on which the RabbitMQ Server is accessible. The default is: 5672.
bool. Whether or not to use SSL in the connection. The default is: False.
int. Prefetch count is used to specify the number of messages RabbitMQ sends. This limits how many messages are received before acknowledging a message. The default is: 0.
Optional Argument
str. Virtual host of the RabbitMQ Server. For example: virtualhost1
str. Username for server authentication.
str. Password for server authentication.
str. Name of the queue over which messages will be received.
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with RabbitMQ feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import RabbitMQ from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant rabbitmq_config = RabbitMQ( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", host="RabbitMQ host", username="RabbitMQ_username", password="RabbitMQ password", prefetch_count=0, queue_name="RabbitMQ_queue_name", data_format=None ) # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration rabbitmq_feed = feeds.create(rabbitmq_config) rabbitmq_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- host¶
- password = None¶
- port = 5672¶
- prefetch_count = 0¶
- queue_name = None¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- use_ssl = False¶
- username = None¶
- virtual_host = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.VerizonConnectReveal(label, description, username, password, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receive messages from Verizon Connect Reveal via a dedicated HTTP endpoint. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and to create the feed.
str. Unique label for the feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. Specify a new username.
str. Specify a new password.
Optional Argument
Union[JsonFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with Verizon connection reveal feed configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import VerizonConnectReveal from arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import DelimitedFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant verizon_connect_reveal = VerizonConnectReveal( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", username = "username", password = "password", data_format=None ) # user can't change the schema verizon_connect_reveal.set_track_id("SequenceId") # create verizon connect reveal feed # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration verizon_connect_reveal_feed = feeds.create(verizon_connect_reveal) verizon_connect_reveal_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- password¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- username¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.WebSocket(label, description, url, data_format=None, track_id_field=None, geometry=None, time=None)¶
Receives events from a web socket. This data class can be used to define the feed configuration and use it to create the feed.
str. Unique label for the feed instance.
str. Feed description.
str. WebSocket URL over which messages are received.
Optional Argument
Union[DelimitedFormat, EsriJsonFormat, GeoJsonFormat, JsonFormat, XMLFormat]. An instance that contains the data format configuration for this feed. Configure only allowed formats. If this is not set right during initialization, a format will be auto-detected and set from a sample of the incoming data. This sample will be fetched from the configuration provided so far in the init.
str. Name of the field from the incoming data that should be set as track ID.
Union[XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry]. An instance of geometry configuration that will be used to create geometry objects from the incoming data.
Union[TimeInstant, TimeInterval]. An instance of time configuration that will be used to create time information from the incoming data.
- Returns
A data class with Web Socket feed configuration configuration.
# Usage Example from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds import WebSocket from arcgis.realtime.velocity.input.format import DelimitedFormat from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.geometry import XYZGeometry, SingleFieldGeometry from arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.time import TimeInterval, TimeInstant web_socket = WebSocket( label="feed_name", description="feed_description", url = "" ) # create web socket feed # use velocity object to get the FeedsManager instance feeds = velocity.feeds # use the FeedsManager object to create a feed from this feed configuration web_socket_feed = feeds.create(web_socket) web_socket_feed.start() feeds.items
- data_format = None¶
- geometry = None¶
- time = None¶
- track_id_field = None¶
- url¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.NoAuth¶
This dataclass is used to specify that no authentication is needed to connect to a Kafka broker.
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.SASLPlain(username, password)¶
This dataclass is used to specify a SASL/Plain Authentication scenario using username and password for connecting to a Kafka broker.
str. Username for basic authentication.
str. Password for basic authentication.
- password¶
- username¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.XYZGeometry(x_field, y_field, wkid, z_field=None, z_unit=None)¶
Dataclass that holds the XYZ Geometry configuration.
str. Longitude field name.
str. Latitude field name.
int. WKID of the geometry.
Optional Argument
str. Z field name.
str. Z units. Options: Kilometers, Meters, Centimeters, Millimeters, Fathoms, Miles, NauticalMiles, Yards, Feet, Inches.
- Returns
True if the operation is a success
# Usage Example geometry = XYZGeometry( x_field = "x", y_field = "y", wkid = 4326 )
- wkid¶
- x_field¶
- y_field¶
- z_field = None¶
- z_unit = None¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.SingleFieldGeometry(geometry_field, geometry_type, geometry_format, wkid)¶
Dataclass that holds the Single Field Geometry configuration.
str. Geometry field name. Options: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon, esriGeometryMulti.
str. Geometry type. Options: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon, esriGeometryMulti.
str. Geometry format. Options: coordinates, esrijson, geojson, or wkt.
int. WKID of the geometry.
- Returns
True if the operation is a success
# Usage Example geometry = SingleFieldFeometry( geometry_field="geometry_field" geometry_type="esriGeometryPoint", geometry_format="esrijson", wkid=4326 )
- geometry_field¶
- geometry_format¶
- geometry_type¶
- wkid¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.TimeInstant(time_field, date_format=None)¶
Data class that holds the Instant Time configuration
str. Time field name.
Optional Argument
str. If the field does not contain epoch values, a date format can be defined for the time field.
- Returns
boolean True if the operation is a success
# Usage Example time = TimeInstant(time_field="time_field")
- date_format = None¶
- time_field¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.TimeInterval(interval_start_field, interval_end_field, date_format=None)¶
Data class that holds the Interval Time configuration
str. Start-time field name for the time interval.
str. End-time field name for the time interval.
Optional Argument
str. If the field does not contain epoch values, a date format can be defined for the time field.
- Returns
boolean True if the operation is a success
# Usage Example time = TimeInterval( interval_start_field="start_field", interval_end_field="end_field" )
- date_format = None¶
- interval_end_field¶
- interval_start_field¶
- class arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds.RunInterval(cron_expression, timezone='America/Los_Angeles')¶
Set the run interval for the feed.
str. Cron expression that specifies the run interval. You can use the cron generator at the following link to generate a cron expression: Cron Expression Generator & Explainer <>. The default is every one minute, represented by the following expression: “0 * * ? * * *”
str. Run interval timezone to use. The default is: “America/Los_Angeles” .. note:
To learn more about time zones, see `List of tz database time zones <>` page on Wikipedia.
- Returns
True if the operation is a success
# Usage Example feed.run_interval = RunInterval( cron_expression="0 * * ? * * *", timezone="America/Los_Angeles", ) # Seconds value must be between 10 and 59 # Minutes value must be between 1 and 59 # Hours value must be between 1 and 23
- cron_expression¶
- timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'¶