arcgis.learn module¶
Functions for calling the Deep Learning Tools.
Data Preparation Methods¶
- arcgis.learn.export_training_data(input_raster, input_class_data=None, chip_format=None, tile_size=None, stride_size=None, metadata_format=None, classvalue_field=None, buffer_radius=None, output_location=None, context=None, input_mask_polygons=None, rotation_angle=0, reference_system='MAP_SPACE', process_all_raster_items=False, blacken_around_feature=False, fix_chip_size=True, additional_input_raster=None, input_instance_data=None, instance_class_value_field=None, min_polygon_overlap_ratio=0, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function is designed to generate training sample image chips from the input imagery data with labeled vector data or classified images. The output of this service tool is the data store string where the output image chips, labels and metadata files are going to be stored.
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
/String (URL). Raster layer that needs to be exported for training.input_class_data
Labeled data, either a feature layer or image layer. Vector inputs should follow a training sample format as generated by the ArcGIS Pro Training Sample Manager. Raster inputs should follow a classified raster format as generated by the Classify Raster tool.
Optional string. The raster format for the image chip outputs.
: TIFF formatPNG
: PNG formatJPEG
: JPEG formatMRF
: MRF (Meta Raster Format)
Optional dictionary. The size of the image chips.
Example: {“x”: 256, “y”: 256}
Optional dictionary. The distance to move in the X and Y when creating the next image chip. When stride is equal to the tile size, there will be no overlap. When stride is equal to half of the tile size, there will be 50% overlap.
Example: {“x”: 128, “y”: 128}
Optional string. The format of the output metadata labels. There are 4 options for output metadata labels for the training data, KITTI Rectangles, PASCAL VOCrectangles, Classified Tiles (a class map) and RCNN_Masks. If your input training sample data is a feature class layer such as building layer or standard classification training sample file, use the KITTI or PASCAL VOC rectangle option. The output metadata is a .txt file or .xml file containing the training sample data contained in the minimum bounding rectangle. The name of the metadata file matches the input source image name. If your input training sample data is a class map, use the Classified Tiles as your output metadata format option.
: The metadata follows the same format as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Toyota Technological Institute (KITTI) Object Detection Evaluation dataset. The KITTI dataset is a vision benchmark suite. This is the default.The label files are plain text files. All values, both numerical or strings, are separated by spaces, and each row corresponds to one object. This format can be used with FasterRCNN, RetinaNet, SingleShotDetector and YOLOv3 models.PASCAL_VOC_rectangles
: The metadata follows the same format as the Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modeling and Computational Learning, Visual Object Classes (PASCAL_VOC) dataset. The PASCAL VOC dataset is a standardized image data set for object class recognition.The label files are XML files and contain information about image name, class value, and bounding box(es). This format can be used with FasterRCNN, RetinaNet, SingleShotDetector and YOLOv3 models.Classified_Tiles
: This option will output one classified image chip per input image chip. No other meta data for each image chip. Only the statistics output has more information on the classes such as class names, class values, and output statistics. This format can be used with BDCNEdgeDetector, DeepLab, HEDEdgeDetector, MultiTaskRoadExtractor, PSPNetClassifier and UnetClassifier models.RCNN_Masks
: This option will output image chips that have a mask on the areas where the sample exists. The model generates bounding boxes and segmentation masks for each instance of an object in the image. This format can be used with MaskRCNN model.Labeled_Tiles
: This option will label each output tile with a specific class. This format is used for image classification. This format can be used with FeatureClassifier model.MultiLabeled_Tiles
: Each output tile will be labeled with one or more classes. For example, a tile may be labeled agriculture and also cloudy. This format is used for object classification. This format can be used with FeatureClassifier model.Export_Tiles
: The output will be image chips with no label. This format is used for image enhancement techniques such as Super Resolution and Change Detection. This format can be used with ChangeDetector, CycleGAN, Pix2Pix and SuperResolution models.CycleGAN
: The output will be image chips with no label. This format is used for image translation technique CycleGAN, which is used to train images that do not overlap.Imagenet
: Each output tile will be labeled with a specific class. This format is used for object classification; however, it can also be used for object tracking when the Deep Sort model type is used during training.Panoptic_Segmentation
: The output will be one classified image chip and one instance per input image chip. The output will also have image chips that mask the areas where the sample exists; these image chips will be stored in a different folder. This format is used for both pixel classification and instance segmentation, therefore there will be two output labels folders.
Optional string. Specifies the field which contains the class values. If no field is specified, the system will look for a ‘value’ or ‘classvalue’ field. If this feature does not contain a class field, the system will presume all records belong the 1 class.
Optional integer. Specifies a radius for point feature classes to specify training sample area.
This is the output location for training sample data. It can be the server data store path or a shared file system path.
- Server datastore path -
- File share path -
Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution. Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
exportAllTiles - Choose if the image chips with overlapped labeled data will be exported.
True - Export all the image chips, including those that do not overlap labeled data.
False - Export only the image chips that overlap the labelled data. This is the default.
startIndex - Allows you to set the start index for the sequence of image chips. This lets you append more image chips to an existing sequence. The default value is 0.
cellSize - cell size can be set using this key in context parameter
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.(cellSize, extent)
eg: {“exportAllTiles” : False, “startIndex”: 0 }
Optional feature layer. The feature layer that delineates the area where image chips will be created. Only image chips that fall completely within the polygons will be created.
Optional float. The rotation angle that will be used to generate additional image chips.
An image chip will be generated with a rotation angle of 0, which means no rotation. It will then be rotated at the specified angle to create an additional image chip. The same training samples will be captured at multiple angles in multiple image chips for data augmentation. The default rotation angle is 0.
Optional string. Specifies the type of reference system to be used to interpret the input image. The reference system specified should match the reference system used to train the deep learning model.
MAP_SPACE : The input image is in a map-based coordinate system. This is the default.
IMAGE_SPACE : The input image is in image space, viewed from the direction of the sensor that captured the image, and rotated such that the tops of buildings and trees point upward in the image.
PIXEL_SPACE : The input image is in image space, with no rotation and no distortion.
Optional bool. Specifies how all raster items in an image service will be processed.
False : all raster items in the image service will be mosaicked together and processed. This is the default.
True : all raster items in the image service will be processed as separate images.
Optional bool. Specifies whether to blacken the pixels around each object or feature in each image tile. This parameter only applies when the metadata format is set to Labeled_Tiles and an input feature class or classified raster has been specified.
False : Pixels surrounding objects or features will not be blackened. This is the default.
True : Pixels surrounding objects or features will be blackened.
Optional bool. Specifies whether to crop the exported tiles such that they are all the same size. This parameter only applies when the metadata format is set to Labeled_Tiles and an input feature class or classified raster has been specified.
True : Exported tiles will be the same size and will center on the feature. This is the default.
False : Exported tiles will be cropped such that the bounding geometry surrounds only the feature in the tile.
/String (URL). An additional input imagery source that will be used for image translation methods.This parameter is valid when the metadata_format parameter is set to Classified_Tiles, Export_Tiles, or CycleGAN.
Optional. The training sample data collected that contains classes for instance segmentation.
The input can also be a point feature without a class value field or an integer raster without any class information.
This parameter is only valid when the metadata_format parameter is set to Panoptic_Segmentation.
Optional string. The field that contains the class values for instance segmentation. If no field is specified, the tool will use a value or class value field, if one is present. If the feature does not contain a class field, the tool will determine that all records belong to one class.
This parameter is only valid when the metadata_format parameter is set to Panoptic_Segmentation.
Optional float. The minimum overlap percentage for a feature to be included in the training data. If the percentage overlap is less than the value specified, the feature will be excluded from the training chip, and will not be added to the label file.
The percent value is expressed as a decimal. For example, to specify an overlap of 20 percent, use a value of 0.2. The default value is 0, which means that all features will be included.
This parameter improves the performance of the tool and also improves inferencing. The speed is improved since less training chips are created. Inferencing is improved since the model is trained to only detect large patches of objects and ignores small corners of features.
This parameter is honoured only when the input_class_data parameter value is a feature service.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
Output string containing the location of the exported training data
- arcgis.learn.export_point_dataset(data_path, output_path, block_size=50.0, max_points=8192, extra_features=[], **kwargs)¶
Exports the las files into h5 blocks.
Note: This function has been deprecated starting from ArcGIS API for Python version 1.9.0. Export data using Prepare Point Cloud Training Data tool available in 3D Analyst Extension from ArcGIS Pro 2.8 onwards.
- arcgis.learn.prepare_data(path, class_mapping=None, chip_size=224, val_split_pct=0.1, batch_size=64, transforms=None, collate_fn=<function _bb_pad_collate>, seed=42, dataset_type=None, resize_to=None, working_dir=None, **kwargs)¶
Prepares a data object from training sample exported by the Export Training Data tool in ArcGIS Pro or Image Server, or training samples in the supported dataset formats. This data object consists of training and validation data sets with the specified transformations, chip size, batch size, split percentage, etc. -For object detection, use Pascal_VOC_rectangles or KITTI_rectangles format. -For feature categorization use Labelled Tiles or Imagenet format. -For pixel classification, use Classified Tiles format. -For DeepSort, use Imagenet format. -For panoptic segmentation, use Panoptic_Segmentation format.
Required string. Path to data directory or a list of paths.
Optional dictionary. Mapping from id to its string label.
Optional integer, default 224. Size of the image to train the model. Images are cropped to the specified chip_size. If image size is less than chip_size, the image size is used as chip_size. A chip size that is a multiple of 32 pixels is recommended. Not supported for SuperResolution, SiamMask, WNet_cGAN, Pix2Pix and CycleGAN.
Optional float. Percentage of training data to keep as validation.
Optional integer. Batch size for mini batch gradient descent (Reduce it if getting CUDA Out of Memory Errors). Batch size is required to be greater than 1.
Optional tuple. transforms for data augmentation of training and validation datasets respectively (We have set good defaults which work for satellite imagery well). If transforms is set to False no transformation will take place and chip_size parameter will also not take effect. If the dataset_type is ‘PointCloud’, use Transform3d class from arcgis.learn.
Optional function. Passed to PyTorch to collate data into batches(usually default works).
Optional integer. Random seed for reproducible train-validation split.
Optional string. prepare_data function will infer the dataset_type on its own if it contains a map.txt file. If the path does not contain the map.txt file pass one of ‘PASCAL_VOC_rectangles’, ‘KITTI_rectangles’, ‘RCNN_Masks’, ‘Classified_Tiles’, ‘Labeled_Tiles’, ‘MultiLabeled_Tiles’, ‘Imagenet’, ‘PointCloud’, ‘ImageCaptioning’, ‘ChangeDetection’, ‘superres’, ‘CycleGAN’, ‘Pix2Pix’, ‘WNet_cGAN’, ‘Panoptic_Segmentation’, and ‘ObjectTracking’. This parameter is mandatory for data which are not exported by ArcGIS Pro / Enterprise which includes ‘PointCloud’, ‘ImageCaptioning’, ‘ChangeDetection’, ‘CycleGAN’, ‘Pix2Pix’, ‘WNet_cGAN’ and ‘ObjectTracking’.
Optional integer or tuple of integers. A tuple should be of the form (height, width). Resize the images to a given size. Works only for “PASCAL_VOC_rectangles”, “Labelled_Tiles”, “superres” and “Imagenet”.First resizes the image to the given size and then crops images of size equal to chip_size. Note: If resize_to is less than chip_size, the resize_to is used as chip_size.
Optional string. Sets the default path to be used as a prefix for saving trained models and checkpoints.
Keyword Arguments
Optional int. Default value is 30. Required for MaXDeepLab panoptic segmentation model. It represents the max number of class labels and instances any image can contain. To compute the exact value for your dataset, use the ‘compute_n_masks()’ method available with MaXDeepLab model.
Optional float. Factor to downsample the images for image SuperResolution. for example: if value is 2 and image size 256x256, it will create label images of size 128x128. Default is 4
Optional int. Filtering based on minimum number of points in a block. Set min_points=1000 to filter out blocks with less than 1000 points. Applicable only for dataset_type=’PointCloud’
Optional string. List of classes of interest. This will filter blocks based on classes_of_interest. If we have classes [1, 3, 5, 7] in our dataset, but we are mainly interested in 1 and 3, Set classes_of_interest=[1,3]. Only those blocks will be considered for training which either have class 1 or 3 in them, rest of the blocks will be filtered out. If remapping of rest of the classes is required set background_classcode to some value. Applicable only for dataset_type=’PointCloud’
Optional List. Contains a list of strings which tells which extra features to use to train PointCNN. By default only x,y and z are considered for training irrespective of what features were exported. Set this to be a subset of [‘intensity’, ‘numberOfReturns’, ‘returnNumber’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘nearInfrared’]. For data exported from export_point_dataset set this to [‘intensity’, ‘num_returns’, ‘return_num’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘nir’].
Optional dictionary {int:int}. Mapping from class values to user defined values. If we have [1, 3, 5, 7] in our dataset and we want to map class 5 to 3. Set this parameter to remap_classes={5:3}. In training then 5 will also be considered as 3. Applicable only for dataset_type=’PointCloud’
Optional int. Default None. If this is defined it will remap other class except classes_of_interest to background_classcode value. Only applicable when specifying classes_of_interest. Applicable only for dataset_type=’PointCloud’.
Optional boolean. If True, prepare_data will try to maintain the class proportion in train and validation data according to the val_split_pct. Default value feature classification is True. Default value pixel classification is False.
Note: Applies to single label feature classification, object detection and pixel classification.
- Returns
data object
- arcgis.learn.prepare_tabulardata(input_features=None, variable_predict=None, explanatory_variables=None, explanatory_rasters=None, date_field=None, cell_sizes=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7], distance_features=None, preprocessors=None, val_split_pct=0.1, seed=42, batch_size=64, index_field=None, working_dir=None)¶
Prepares a tabular data object from input_features and optionally rasters.
Optional Feature Layer Object or spatially enabled dataframe. This contains features denoting the value of the dependent variable. Leave empty for using rasters with MLModel.
Optional String, denoting the field_name of the variable to predict. Keep none for unsupervised training using MLModel.
Optional list containing field names from input_features By default the field type is continuous. To override field type to categorical, pass a 2-sized tuple in the list containing:
field to be taken as input from the input_features.
True/False denoting Categorical/Continuous variable.
- For example:
[“Field_1”, (“Field_2”, True)]
Here Field_1 is treated as continuous and Field_2 as categorical.
Optional list containing Raster objects. By default the rasters are continuous. To mark a raster categorical, pass a 2-sized tuple containing:
Raster object.
True/False denoting Categorical/Continuous variable.
- For example:
[raster_1, (raster_2, True)]
Here raster_1 is treated as continuous and raster_2 as categorical. To select only specific bands of raster, pass 2/3 sized tuple containing:
Raster object.
True/False denoting Categorical/Continuous variable.
Tuple holding the indexes of the bands to be used.
- For example:
[raster_1, (raster_2, True,(0,)),(raster_3, (0,1,2))]
Here bands with indexes 0 will be chosen from raster_2 and it will be treated as categorical variable, bands with indexes 0,1,2 will be chosen from raster_3 and they will be treated as continuous.
Optional field_name. This field contains the date in the input_features. The field type can be a string or date time field. If specified, the field will be split into Year, month, week, day, dayofweek, dayofyear, is_month_end, is_month_start, is_quarter_end, is_quarter_start, is_year_end, is_year_start, hour, minute, second, elapsed and these will be added to the prepared data as columns. All fields other than elapsed and dayofyear are treated as categorical.
Size of H3 cells (specified as H3 resolution) for spatially aggregating input features and passing in the cell ids as additional explanatory variables to the model. If a spatial dataframe is passed as input_features, ensure that the spatial reference is 4326, and the geometry type is Point. Not applicable when explanatory_rasters are provided. Not applicable for MLModel.
Optional list of Feature Layer objects. Distance is calculated from features in these layers to features in input_features. Nearest distance to each feature is added in the prepared data. Field names in the prepared data added are “NEAR_DIST_1”, “NEAR_DIST_2” etc.
For FullyConnectedNetworks: All the transforms are applied by default and hence users need not pass any additional transforms/preprocessors. For MLModel which uses Scikit-learn transforms: 1. Supply a column transformer object. 2. Supply a list of tuple, For example: [(‘Col_1’, ‘Col_2’, Transform1()), (‘Col_3’, Transform2())] Categorical data is by default encoded. If nothing is specified, default transforms are applied to fill missing values and normalize categorical data. For Raster use for the the first band, raster.name_1 for 2nd band, raster.name_2 for 3rd and so on.
Optional float. Percentage of training data to keep as validation. By default 10% data is kept for validation.
Optional integer. Random seed for reproducible train-validation split. Default value is 42.
Optional integer. Batch size for mini batch gradient descent (Reduce it if getting CUDA Out of Memory Errors). Default value is 64.
Optional string. Field Name in the input features which will be used as index field for the data. Used for Time Series, to visualize values on the x-axis.
Optional string. Sets the default path to be used as a prefix for saving trained models and checkpoints.
- Returns
TabularData object
- arcgis.learn.prepare_textdata(path, task, text_columns=None, label_columns=None, train_file='train.csv', valid_file=None, val_split_pct=0.1, seed=42, batch_size=8, process_labels=False, remove_html_tags=False, remove_urls=False, working_dir=None, dataset_type=None, class_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
Prepares a text data object from the files present at data folder
Required directory path. The directory path where the training and validation files are present.
Required string. The task for which the dataset is prepared. Available choice at this point is “classification”, “sequence_translation” or “entity_recognition”.
Optional string. This parameter is mandatory when task is “classification”
or “sequence_translation”.
The column that will contain the input text.
Optional list. This parameter is mandatory when task is “classification”
or “sequence_translation”.
The list of columns denoting the class label/translated text to predict. Provide a list of columns in case of multi-label classification problem.
Optional string. The file name containing the training data. Supported file formats/extensions are .csv and .tsv Default value is train.csv
Optional string. The file name containing the validation data. Supported file formats/extensions are .csv and .tsv. Default value is None. If None then some portion of the training data will be kept for validation (based on the value of val_split_pct parameter)
Optional float. Percentage of training data to keep as validation. By default 10% data is kept for validation.
Optional integer. Random seed for reproducible train-validation split. Default value is 42.
Optional integer. Batch size for mini batch gradient descent (Reduce it if getting CUDA Out of Memory Errors). Default value is 16.
Optional boolean. If true, default processing functions will be called on label columns as well. Default value is False.
Optional boolean. If true, remove html tags from text. Default value is False.
Optional boolean. If true, remove urls from text. Default value is False.
Optional string. Sets the default path to be used as a prefix for saving trained models and checkpoints.
Optional list. This parameter is mandatory when task is “entity_recognition” Accepted data format for this model are - ‘ner_json’,’BIO’ or ‘LBIOU’
Optional dictionary. Mapping from id to its string label. For dataset_type=IOB, BILUO or ner_json:
Provide address field as class mapping in below format: class_mapping={‘address_tag’:’address_field’}. Field defined as ‘address_tag’ will be treated as a location. In cases where trained model extracts multiple locations from a single document, that document will be replicated for each location.
Keyword Arguments
Optional boolean. If True, prepare_textdata will try to maintain the class proportion in train and validation data according to the val_split_pct. The default value is True. Note: Applies only to single-label text classification.
Optional string. Applicable only when task is entity_recognition: The encoding to read the csv/json file. Default is ‘UTF-8’
- Returns
TextData object
- class arcgis.learn.Transform3d(rotation_range=[0.04363323129985824, 3.141592653589793, 0.04363323129985824, 'u'], scaling_range=[0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 'g'], jitter=0.0)¶
Creates a 3D transformation that can be used in prepare_data to apply data augmentation to blocks, with a 50 % probability. Applicable only for dataset_type=’PointCloud’.
Optional tuple of length 4. It contains a list of angles(in radians) for X, Z and Y coordinates respectively. These angles will rotate the point cloud block according to the randomly selected angle. The fourth value in the tuple is the sampling method where ‘u’ means uniform and ‘g’ means gaussian. Intrinsic rotation will take place. Default: [math.pi / 72, math.pi, math.pi / 72, ‘u’].
Optional tuple of length 4. It contains a list of scaling ranges[0-1] which will scale the points. Please keep it a very small number otherwise, point cloud block may get distorted. The fourth value in the tuple is the sampling method where ‘u’ means uniform and ‘g’ means gaussian. Default: [0.05, 0.05, 0.05, ‘g’].
Optional float. The scale to which randomly jitter the points in the point cloud block. Default: 0.0.
- Returns
Transform3d object
Automated Machine Learning¶
- class arcgis.learn.AutoML(data=None, total_time_limit=3600, mode='Basic', algorithms=None, eval_metric='auto', n_jobs=1, ml_task='auto')¶
Automates the process of model selection, training and hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models within a specified time limit. Based upon MLJar( and scikit-learn.
Note that automated machine learning support is provided only for supervised learning. Refer
Required TabularDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function.
Optional Int. The total time limit in seconds for AutoML training. Default is 3600 (1 Hr)
Optional Str. Can be {Basic, Intermediate, Advanced}. This parameter defines the goal of AutoML and how intensive the AutoML search will be.
- BasicTo to be used when the user wants to explain and
understand the data. Uses 75%/25% train/test split. Uses the following models: Baseline, Linear, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost, Neural Network, and Ensemble. Has full explanations in reports: learning curves, importance plots, and SHAP plots.
- IntermediateTo be used when the user wants to train a model that will be
used in real-life use cases. Uses 5-fold CV (Cross-Validation). Uses the following models: Linear, Random Forest, LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost, Neural Network, and Ensemble. Has learning curves and importance plots in reports.
- AdvancedTo be used for machine learning competitions (maximum performance).
Uses 10-fold CV (Cross-Validation). Uses the following models: Decision Tree, Random Forest, Extra Trees, XGBoost, CatBoost, Neural Network, Nearest Neighbors, Ensemble, and Stacking.It has only learning curves in the reports. Default is Basic.
Optional. List of str. The list of algorithms that will be used in the training. The algorithms can be: Linear, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Extra Trees, LightGBM, Xgboost, Neural Network
Optional Str. The metric to be used to compare models. Possible values are: For binary classification - logloss (default), auc, f1, average_precision, accuracy. For multiclass classification - logloss (default), f1, accuracy For regression - rmse (default), mse, mae, r2, mape, spearman, pearson
Note - If there are only 2 unique values in the target, then binary classification is performed, If number of unique values in the target is between 2 and 20 (included), then multiclass classification is performed, In all other cases, regression is performed on the dataset.
Optional. Int. Number of CPU cores to be used. By default, it is set to 1.Set it to -1 to use all the cores.
- Returns
AutoML Object
- copy_and_overwrite(from_path, to_path)¶
- fit()¶
Fits the AutoML model.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path)¶
Creates a MLModel Object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition file.
- Returns
AutoML Object
- get_ml_task(all_labels)¶
- predict(input_features=None, explanatory_rasters=None, datefield=None, distance_features=None, output_layer_name='Prediction Layer', gis=None, prediction_type='features', output_raster_path=None, match_field_names=None, cell_sizes=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7])¶
Predict on data from feature layer, dataframe and or raster data.
Optional Feature Layer or spatial dataframe. Required if prediction_type=’features’. Contains features with location and some or all fields required to infer the dependent variable value.
Optional list. Required if prediction_type=’raster’. Contains a list of raster objects containing some or all fields required to infer the dependent variable value.
Optional string. Field name from feature layer that contains the date, time for the input features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Size of H3 cells (specified as H3 resolution) for spatially aggregating input features and passing in the cell ids as additional explanatory variables to the model. If a spatial dataframe is passed as input_features, ensure that the spatial reference is 4326, and the geometry type is Point. Not applicable when explanatory_rasters are provided.
Optional List of Feature Layer objects. These layers are used for calculation of field “NEAR_DIST_1”, “NEAR_DIST_2” etc in the output dataframe. These fields contain the nearest feature distance from the input_features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional string. Used for publishing the output layer.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional String. Set ‘features’ or ‘dataframe’ to make output feature layer predictions. With this feature_layer argument is required.
Set ‘raster’, to make prediction raster. With this rasters must be specified.
Optional path. Required when prediction_type=’raster’, saves the output raster to this path.
Optional dictionary. Specify mapping of field names from prediction set to training set. For example:
- {
“Field_Name_1”: “Field_1”, “Field_Name_2”: “Field_2”
:returns Feature Layer if prediction_type=’features’, dataframe for prediction_type=’dataframe’ else creates an output raster.
- predict_proba()¶
:returns output from AutoML’s model.predict_proba() with prediction probability for the training data
- report()¶
:returns a report of the different models trained by AutoML along with their performance.
- save(path)¶
Saves the model in the path specified. Creates an Esri Model and a dlpk. Uses pickle to save the model and transforms.
:returns path
- score()¶
:returns output from AutoML’s model.score(), R2 score in case of regression and Accuracy in case of classification.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Shows sample results for the model.
:returns dataframe
- class arcgis.learn.AutoDL(data=None, total_time_limit=5, mode='basic', network=None, verbose=True)¶
Automates the process of model selection, training and hyperparameter tuning of arcgis.learn supported deep learning models within a specified time limit.
Required ImageryDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional Int. The total time limit in hours for AutoDL training. Default is 5 Hr.
Optional Str. Can be “basic” or “advanced”.
basic : To to be used when the user wants to train all selected networks. advanced : To be used when the user wants to tune hyper parameters of two best performing models from basic mode.
Optional List of str. The list of models that will be used in the training. For eg: Supported Object Detection models: [“SingleShotDetector”, “RetinaNet”, “FasterRCNN”, “YOLOv3”, “MMDetection”] Supported Pixel Classification models: [“DeepLab”, “UnetClassifier”, “PSPNetClassifier”, “MMSegmentation”]
Optional Boolean. To be used to display logs while training the models. Default is True.
- Returns
AutoDL Object
- average_precision_score()¶
Calculates the average of the “average precision score” of all classes for selected networks
- fit(**kwargs)¶
Train the selected networks for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
- mIOU()¶
Calculates the mIOU of all classes for selected networks
- score(allow_plot=False)¶
returns output from AutoDL’s model.score(), “average precision score” in case of detection and accuracy in case of classification.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Shows sample results for the model.
Optional number of rows. By default, 5 rows are displayed.
:returns dataframe
- supported_classification_models()¶
Supported classification models.
- supported_detection_models()¶
Supported detection models.
- class arcgis.learn.ImageryModel¶
Imagery Model is used to fine tune models trained using AutoDL
- available_metrics()¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score()¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs while using the specified learning rates
Optional integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if the model is underfitting. Default value is 10.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- load(path, data)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk, which can be used to further fine tune the models saved using AutoDL.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required ImageryDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU()¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the progress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
Object Classification Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.FeatureClassifier(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, mixup=False, oversample=False, backend='pytorch', *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates an image classifier to classify the area occupied by a geographical feature based on the imagery it overlaps with.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is
by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) frombackbones()
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional boolean. If set to True, it creates new training images by randomly mixing training set images.
The default is set to False.
Optional boolean. If set to True, it oversamples unbalanced classes of the dataset during training. Not supported with MultiLabel dataset.
Optional string. Controls the backend framework to be used for this model, which is ‘pytorch’ by default.
valid options are ‘pytorch’, ‘tensorflow’
- Returns
FeatureClassifier Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- categorize_features(feature_layer, raster=None, class_value_field='class_val', class_name_field='prediction', confidence_field='confidence', cell_size=1, coordinate_system=None, predict_function=None, batch_size=64, overwrite=False)¶
Deprecated since version 1.7.1: Please use arcgis.learn.classify_objects() instead
Categorizes each feature by classifying its attachments or an image of its geographical area (using the provided Imagery Layer) and updates the feature layer with the prediction results in the
. Deprecated, Use the Classify Objects Using Deep Learning tool or arcgis.learn.classify_objects()Argument
Required. Public Feature Layer or path of local feature class for classification with read, write, edit permissions.
Optional. Imagery layer or path of local raster to be used for exporting image chips. (Requires arcpy)
Required string. Output field to be added in the layer, containing class value of predictions.
Required string. Output field to be added in the layer, containing class name of predictions.
Optional string. Output column name to be added in the layer which contains the confidence score.
Optional float. Cell size to be used for exporting the image chips.
Optional. Cartographic Coordinate System to be used for exporting the image chips.
Optional list of tuples. Used for calculation of final prediction result when each feature has more than one attachment. The
takes as input a list of tuples. Each tuple has first element as the class predicted and second element is the confidence score. The function should return the final tuple classifying the feature and its confidence.batch_size
Optional integer. The no of images or tiles to process in a single go.
The default value is 64.
Optional boolean. If set to True the output fields will be overwritten by new values.
The default value is False.
- Returns
Boolean : True if operation is successful, False otherwise
- classify_features(feature_layer, labeled_tiles_directory, input_label_field, output_label_field, confidence_field=None, predict_function=None)¶
Deprecated in ArcGIS version 1.9.1 and later: Use the Classify Objects Using Deep Learning tool or arcgis.learn.classify_objects()
Classifies the exported images and updates the feature layer with the prediction results in the
. Works with RGB images only.Argument
Required. Feature Layer for classification.
Required. Folder structure containing images and labels folder. The chips should have been generated using the export training data tool in the Labeled Tiles format, and the labels should contain the OBJECTIDs of the features to be classified.
Required. Value field name which created the labeled tiles. This field should contain the OBJECTIDs of the features to be classified. In case of attachments this field is not used.
Required. Output column name to be added in the layer which contains predictions.
Optional. Output column name to be added in the layer which contains the confidence score.
Optional. Used for calculation of final prediction result when each feature has more than one attachment. The
takes as input a list of tuples. Each tuple has first element as the class predicted and second element is the confidence score. The function should return the final tuple classifying the feature and its confidence- Returns
Boolean : True/False if operation is successful
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Feature classifier from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
FeatureClassifier Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_confusion_matrix(**kwargs)¶
Plots a confusion matrix of the model predictions to evaluate accuracy kwargs
confidence score threshold for multilabel predictions, defaults to 0.5
- plot_hard_examples(num_examples)¶
Plots the hard examples with their heatmaps.
Number of hard examples to plot
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(img_path, visualize=False, gradcam=False)¶
Runs prediction on an Image. Works with RGB images only.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional: Set this parameter to True to visualize the image being predicted.
Optional: Set this parameter to True to get gradcam visualization to help with explanability of the prediction. If set to True, visualize parameter must also be set to True.
- Returns
prediction label and confidence
- predict_folder_and_create_layer(folder, feature_layer_name, gis=None, prediction_field='predict', confidence_field='confidence')¶
Predicts on images present in the given folder and creates a feature layer. The images stored in the folder contain GPS information as part of EXIF metadata. Works with RGB images only.
Required String. Folder containing images to inference on.
Required String. The name of the feature layer used to publish.
Optional GIS Object, the GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Optional String. The field name to use to add predictions.
Optional String. The field name to use to add confidence.
- Returns
FeatureCollection Object
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
Object Detection Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.FasterRCNN(data, backbone='resnet50', pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
object detection model, based on
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet50 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep before applying NMS during training. Default: 2000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep before applying NMS during testing. Default: 1000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep after applying NMS during training. Default: 2000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep after applying NMS during testing. Default: 1000
Optional float. NMS threshold used for postprocessing the RPN proposals. Default: 0.7
Optional float. Minimum IoU between the anchor and the GT box so that they can be considered as positive during training of the RPN. Default: 0.7
Optional float. Maximum IoU between the anchor and the GT box so that they can be considered as negative during training of the RPN. Default: 0.3
Optional int. Number of anchors that are sampled during training of the RPN for computing the loss. Default: 256
Optional float. Proportion of positive anchors in a mini-batch during training of the RPN. Default: 0.5
Optional float. During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than box_score_thresh Default: 0.05
Optional float. NMS threshold for the prediction head. Used during inference. Default: 0.5
Optional int. Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Default: 100
Optional float. Minimum IoU between the proposals and the GT box so that they can be considered as positive during training of the classification head. Default: 0.5
Optional float. Maximum IoU between the proposals and the GT box so that they can be considered as negative during training of the classification head. Default: 0.5
Optional int. Number of proposals that are sampled during training of the classification head. Default: 512
Optional float. Proportion of positive proposals in a mini-batch during training of the classification head. Default: 0.25
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.2, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
FasterRCNN Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=False, visualize=False, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on an Image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- Returns
Returns a tuple with predictions, labels and optionally confidence scores if return_scores=True. The predicted bounding boxes are returned as a list of lists containing the xmin, ymin, width and height of each predicted object in each image. The labels are returned as a list of class values and the confidence scores are returned as a list of floats indicating the confidence of each prediction.
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the video frames to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the video frames are resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the frame (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.RetinaNet(data, scales=None, ratios=None, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a RetinaNet Object Detector with the specified zoom scales and aspect ratios. Based on the notebook at
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional list of float values. Zoom scales of anchor boxes.
Optional list of float values. Aspect ratios of anchor boxes.
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet50 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
RetinaNet Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.5, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a RetinaNet Object Detector from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
RetinaNet Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=True, visualize=False, resize=False)¶
Predicts and displays the results of a trained model on a single image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- Returns
‘List’ of xmin, ymin, width, height of predicted bounding boxes on the given image
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the video frames to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the video frames are resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the frame (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.YOLOv3(data=None, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a YOLOv3 object detector.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function. YOLOv3 only supports image sizes in multiples of 32 (e.g. 256, 416, etc.)
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
YOLOv3 Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.1, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision. Defaults to 0.1. To be modified according to the dataset and training.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a YOLOv3 Object Detector from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
YOLOv3 Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.1, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=True, visualize=False, resize=False, **kwargs)¶
Predicts and displays the results of a trained model on a single image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid. Defaults to 0.1. To be modified according to the dataset and training.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
Optional int. Batch size to be used during tiled inferencing. Deafult value 1.
- Returns
‘List’ of xmin, ymin, width, height of predicted bounding boxes on the given image
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.1, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered. Defaults to 0.1. To be modified according to the dataset and training.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the video frames to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the video frames are resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the frame (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.1, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid. Defaults to 0.1. To be modified according to the dataset and training.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.SingleShotDetector(data, grids=None, zooms=[1.0], ratios=[[1.0, 1.0]], backbone=None, drop=0.3, bias=-4.0, focal_loss=False, pretrained_path=None, location_loss_factor=None, ssd_version=2, backend='pytorch', *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a Single Shot Detector with the specified grid sizes, zoom scales and aspect ratios. Based on MOOC Version2 Lesson 9.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Required list. Grid sizes used for creating anchor boxes.
Optional list. Zooms of anchor boxes.
Optional list of tuples. Aspect ratios of anchor boxes.
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet34 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet, DenseNet, VGG families and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional float. Dropout probability. Increase it to reduce overfitting.
Optional float. Bias for SSD head.
Optional boolean. Uses Focal Loss if True.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional float. Sets the weight of the bounding box loss. This should be strictly between 0 and 1. This is default None which gives equal weight to both location and classification loss. This factor adjusts the focus of model on the location of bounding box.
Optional int within [1,2]. Use version=1 for arcgis v1.6.2 or earlier
Optional string. Controls the backend framework to be used for this model, which is ‘pytorch’ by default.
valid options are ‘pytorch’, ‘tensorflow’
- Returns
SingleShotDetector Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.2, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_emd(data, emd_path)¶
Creates a Single Shot Detector from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition file.
- Returns
SingleShotDetector Object
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Single Shot Detector from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Note: Only supported for Pytorch models.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
SingleShotDetector Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=False, visualize=False, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on an Image.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- Returns
‘List’ of xmin, ymin, width, height of predicted bounding boxes on the given image
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MaskRCNN(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, pointrend=False, *args, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
Instance segmentation model, based on
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet50 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use PointRend architecture on top of the segmentation head. Default: False. PointRend architecture from
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep before applying NMS during training. Default: 2000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep before applying NMS during testing. Default: 1000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep after applying NMS during training. Default: 2000
Optional int. Number of proposals to keep after applying NMS during testing. Default: 1000
Optional float. NMS threshold used for postprocessing the RPN proposals. Default: 0.7
Optional float. Minimum IoU between the anchor and the GT box so that they can be considered as positive during training of the RPN. Default: 0.7
Optional float. Maximum IoU between the anchor and the GT box so that they can be considered as negative during training of the RPN. Default: 0.3
Optional int. Number of anchors that are sampled during training of the RPN for computing the loss. Default: 256
Optional float. Proportion of positive anchors in a mini-batch during training of the RPN. Default: 0.5
Optional float. During inference, only return proposals with a classification score greater than box_score_thresh Default: 0.05
Optional float. NMS threshold for the prediction head. Used during inference. Default: 0.5
Optional int. Maximum number of detections per image, for all classes. Default: 100
Optional float. Minimum IoU between the proposals and the GT box so that they can be considered as positive during training of the classification head. Default: 0.5
Optional float. Maximum IoU between the proposals and the GT box so that they can be considered as negative during training of the classification head. Default: 0.5
Optional int. Number of proposals that are sampled during training of the classification head. Default: 512
Optional float. Proportion of positive proposals in a mini-batch during training of the classification head. Default: 0.25
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.5, iou_thresh=0.5, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a
Instance segmentation object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
MaskRCNN Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=True, visualize=False, resize=False, **kwargs)¶
Predicts and displays the results of a trained model on a single image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
Optional int. Batch size to be used during tiled inferencing
Optional int. Minimum object size to be detected.
- Returns
‘List’ of xmin, ymin, width, height, labels, scores, of predicted bounding boxes on the given image
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=4, mode='mask', mask_threshold=0.5, box_threshold=0.7, imsize=5, index=0, alpha=0.5, cmap='tab20', **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
- Required arguments within [‘bbox’, ‘mask’, ‘bbox_mask’].
- For visualizing only bounding boxes.mask
- For visualizing only maskbbox_mask
- For visualizing both mask and bounding boxes.
Optional float. The probability above which a pixel will be considered mask.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MMDetection(data, model, model_weight=False, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Required model name or path to the configuration file from
repository. The list of the supported models can be queried usingMMDetection.supported_models
Optional path of the model weight from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.2, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
MMDetection Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=False, visualize=False, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on an Image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- Returns
Returns a tuple with predictions, labels and optionally confidence scores if return_scores=True. The predicted bounding boxes are returned as a list of lists containing the xmin, ymin, width and height of each predicted object in each image. The labels are returned as a list of class values and the confidence scores are returned as a list of floats indicating the confidence of each prediction.
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the video frames to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the video frames are resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the frame (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- supported_models = ['atss', 'carafe', 'cascade_rcnn', 'cascade_rpn', 'dcn', 'detectors', 'double_heads', 'dynamic_rcnn', 'empirical_attention', 'fcos', 'foveabox', 'fsaf', 'ghm', 'hrnet', 'libra_rcnn', 'nas_fcos', 'pafpn', 'pisa', 'regnet', 'reppoints', 'res2net', 'sabl', 'vfnet']¶
List of models supported by this class.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.DETReg(data, backbone='resnet50', pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
object detection model, based on
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet50 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- average_precision_score(detect_thresh=0.2, iou_thresh=0.1, mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes average precision on the validation set for each class.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered for computing average precision.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth labels, above which a predicted bounding box will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise average precision otherwise returns mean average precision.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
DETReg Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(image_path, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, return_scores=False, visualize=False, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on an Image. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the image file to make the predictions on.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional boolean. Will return the probability scores of the bounding box predictions if True.
Optional boolean. Displays the image with predicted bounding boxes if True.
Optional boolean. Resizes the image to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the image is resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the image (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- Returns
Returns a tuple with predictions, labels and optionally confidence scores if return_scores=True. The predicted bounding boxes are returned as a list of lists containing the xmin, ymin, width and height of each predicted object in each image. The labels are returned as a list of class values and the confidence scores are returned as a list of floats indicating the confidence of each prediction.
- predict_video(input_video_path, metadata_file, threshold=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1, track=False, visualize=False, output_file_path=None, multiplex=False, multiplex_file_path=None, tracker_options={'assignment_iou_thrd': 0.3, 'detect_frames': 10, 'vanish_frames': 40}, visual_options={'color': (255, 255, 255), 'fontface': 0, 'show_labels': True, 'show_scores': True, 'thickness': 2}, resize=False)¶
Runs prediction on a video and appends the output VMTI predictions in the metadata file. This method is only supported for RGB images.
Required. Path to the video file to make the predictions on.
Required. Path to the metadata csv file where the predictions will be saved in VMTI format.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
Optional bool. Set this parameter as True to enable object tracking.
Optional boolean. If True a video is saved with prediction results.
Optional path. Path of the final video to be saved. If not supplied, video will be saved at path input_video_path appended with _prediction.
Optional boolean. Runs Multiplex using the VMTI detections.
Optional path. Path of the multiplexed video to be saved. By default a new file with _multiplex.MOV extension is saved in the same folder.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for object tracking. assignment_iou_thrd parameter is used to assign threshold for assignment of trackers, vanish_frames is the number of frames the object should be absent to consider it as vanished, detect_frames is the number of frames an object should be detected to track it.
Optional dictionary. Set different parameters for visualization. show_scores boolean, to view scores on predictions, show_labels boolean, to view labels on predictions, thickness integer, to set the thickness level of box, fontface integer, fontface value from opencv values, color tuple (B, G, R), tuple containing values between 0-255.
Optional boolean. Resizes the video frames to the same size (chip_size parameter in prepare_data) that the model was trained on, before detecting objects. Note that if resize_to parameter was used in prepare_data, the video frames are resized to that size instead.
By default, this parameter is false and the detections are run in a sliding window fashion by applying the model on cropped sections of the frame (of the same size as the model was trained on).
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, nms_overlap=0.1)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional float. The probability above which a detection will be considered valid.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with other predicted bounding boxes, above which the box with the highest score will be considered a true positive.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
Pixel Classification Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.UnetClassifier(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, backend='pytorch', *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a Unet like classifier based on given pretrained encoder.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet34 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional string. Controls the backend framework to be used for this model, which is ‘pytorch’ by default.
valid options are ‘pytorch’, ‘tensorflow’
Optional boolean. If True, it will balance the cross-entropy loss inverse to the frequency of pixels per class. Default: False.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use mixup augmentation and mixup loss. Default: False
Optional boolean. If True, it will use focal loss Default: False
Optional float. Min_val=0, Max_val=1 If > 0 , model will use a combination of default or focal(if focal=True) loss with the specified fraction of dice loss. E.g. for dice = 0.3, loss = (1-0.3)*default loss + 0.3*dice Default: 0
Optional str. micro: Micro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. macro: Macro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. A macro-average will compute the metric independently for each class and then take the average (hence treating all classes equally), whereas a micro-average will aggregate the contributions of all classes to compute the average metric. In a multi-class classification setup, micro-average is preferable if you suspect there might be class imbalance (i.e you may have many more examples of one class than of other classes) Default: ‘micro’
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
- Returns
UnetClassifier Object
- accuracy()¶
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_emd(data, emd_path)¶
Creates a Unet like classifier from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition file.
- Returns
UnetClassifier Object
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Unet like classifier from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
UnetClassifier Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU(mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the progress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- per_class_metrics(ignore_classes=[])¶
Computer per class precision, recall and f1-score on validation set.
segmentation model object -> [PSPNetClassifier | UnetClassifier | DeepLab]
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
Returns per class precision, recall and f1 scores
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.PSPNetClassifier(data, backbone=None, use_unet=True, pyramid_sizes=[1, 2, 3, 6], pretrained_path=None, unet_aux_loss=False, pointrend=False, *args, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a PSPNet Image Segmentation/ Pixel Classification model.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet50 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet, DenseNet, VGG families and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional Bool. Specify whether to use Unet-Decoder or not, Default True.
Optional List. The sizes at which the feature map is pooled at. Currently set to the best set reported in the paper, i.e, (1, 2, 3, 6)
Optional Bool. If True, use the pretrained backbone
Optional string. Path where pre-trained PSPNet model is saved.
Optional. Bool If True will use auxiliary loss for PSUnet. Default set to False. This flag is applicable only when use_unet is True.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use PointRend architecture on top of the segmentation head. Default: False. PointRend architecture from
Optional boolean. If True, it will balance the cross-entropy loss inverse to the frequency of pixels per class. Default: False.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use mixup augmentation and mixup loss. Default: False
Optional boolean. If True, it will use focal loss. Default: False
Optional float. Min_val=0, Max_val=1 If > 0 , model will use a combination of default or focal(if focal=True) loss with the specified fraction of dice loss. E.g. for dice = 0.3, loss = (1-0.3)*default loss + 0.3*dice Default: 0
Optional str. micro: Micro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. macro: Macro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. A macro-average will compute the metric independently for each class and then take the average (hence treating all classes equally), whereas a micro-average will aggregate the contributions of all classes to compute the average metric. In a multi-class classification setup, micro-average is preferable if you suspect there might be class imbalance (i.e you may have many more examples of one class than of other classes) Default: ‘micro’
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
Optional boolean. When PointRend architecture is used, keep_dilation=True can potentially improves accuracy at the cost of memory consumption. Default: False
- Returns
PSPNetClassifier Object
- accuracy(input=None, target=None, void_code=0, class_mapping=None)¶
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- freeze()¶
Freezes the pretrained backbone.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a PSPNet classifier from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
PSPNetClassifier Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU(mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the progress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- per_class_metrics(ignore_classes=[])¶
Computer per class precision, recall and f1-score on validation set.
segmentation model object -> [PSPNetClassifier | UnetClassifier | DeepLab]
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
Returns per class precision, recall and f1 scores
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.DeepLab(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, pointrend=False, *args, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
Image Segmentation/ Pixel Classification model, based on
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is resnet101 by default since it is pretrained in torchvision. Supported backbones: ResNet, DenseNet, VGG family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use PointRend architecture on top of the segmentation head. Default: False. PointRend architecture from
Optional boolean. If True, it will balance the cross-entropy loss inverse to the frequency of pixels per class. Default: False.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use mixup augmentation and mixup loss. Default: False
Optional boolean. If True, it will use focal loss. Default: False
Optional float. Min_val=0, Max_val=1 If > 0 , model will use a combination of default or focal(if focal=True) loss with the specified fraction of dice loss. E.g. for dice = 0.3, loss = (1-0.3)*default loss + 0.3*dice Default: 0
Optional str. micro: Micro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. macro: Macro dice coefficient will be used for loss calculation. A macro-average will compute the metric independently for each class and then take the average (hence treating all classes equally), whereas a micro-average will aggregate the contributions of all classes to compute the average metric. In a multi-class classification setup, micro-average is preferable if you suspect there might be class imbalance (i.e you may have many more examples of one class than of other classes) Default: ‘micro’
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
Optional boolean. When PointRend architecture is used, keep_dilation=True can potentially improves accuracy at the cost of memory consumption. Default: False
- Returns
- accuracy()¶
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
semantic segmentation object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
DeepLab Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU(mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the progress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- per_class_metrics(ignore_classes=[])¶
Computer per class precision, recall and f1-score on validation set.
segmentation model object -> [PSPNetClassifier | UnetClassifier | DeepLab]
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
Returns per class precision, recall and f1 scores
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.BDCNEdgeDetector(data, backbone='vgg19', pretrained_path=None)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
Bi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge Detection
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is vgg19 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet, Vgg family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
Bi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge Detection
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- compute_precision_recall(thresh=0.5, buffer=3, show_progress=True)¶
Computes precision, recall and f1 score on validation set.
Optional float. The probability on which the detection will be considered edge pixel.
Optional int. pixels in neighborhood to consider true detection.
- Returns
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
Bi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge Detection
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
Bi-Directional Cascade Network for Perceptual Edge Detection Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, thinning=True, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.HEDEdgeDetector(data, backbone='vgg19', pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a
Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional string. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction, which is vgg19 by default. Supported backbones: ResNet, Vgg family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- compute_precision_recall(thresh=0.5, buffer=3, show_progress=True)¶
Computes precision, recall and f1 score on validation set.
Optional float. The probability on which the detection will be considered edge pixel.
Optional int. pixels in neighborhood to consider true detection.
- Returns
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
Holistically-Nested Edge Detection Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, thinning=True, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MultiTaskRoadExtractor(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a Multi-Task Learning model for binary segmentation of roads. Supports RGB and Multispectral Imagery. Implementation based on .
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional String. Backbone convolutional neural network model used for feature extraction. If hourglass is chosen as the mtl_model (Architecture), then this parameter is ignored as hourglass uses a special customised architecture. This parameter is used with linknet model. Default: ‘resnet34’ Supported backbones: ResNet family and specified Timm models(experimental support) from
Optional String. Path where a compatible pre-trained model is saved. Accepts a Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Optional String. It is used to create model from linknet or hourglass based neural architectures. Supported: ‘linknet’, ‘hourglass’. Default: ‘hourglass’
Optional float. Sets the gaussian threshold which allows to set the required road width. Range: 0.0 to 1.0 Default: 0.76
Optional Int. Sets the bin size for orientation angles. Default: 20
Optional Int. Sets the width of orientation mask. Default: 8
- Returns
MultiTaskRoadExtractor Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Multi-Task Learning model for binary segmentation from a Deep Learning Package(DLPK) or Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
Multi-Task Road Extractor Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU(mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the prgress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Shows the ground truth and predictions of model side by side.
Number of rows of data to be displayed, if batch size is smaller, then the rows will display the value provided for batch size.
Optional Float. Opacity parameter for label overlay on image. Float [0.0 - 1.0] Default: 0.6
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.ConnectNet(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a ConnectNet model for binary segmentation of linear features. Supports RGB and Multispectral Imagery. Implementation based on .
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Optional String. Backbone CNN model to be used for creating the base. If hourglass is chosen as the mtl_model (Architecture), then this parameter is ignored as hourglass uses a special customised architecture. This parameter is to be used with linknet architecture. Default: ‘resnet34’
Use supported_backbones property to get the list of all the supported backbones.
Optional String. Path where a compatible pre-trained model is saved. Accepts a Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Optional String. It is used to create model from linknet or hourglass based neural architectures. Supported: ‘linknet’, ‘hourglass’. Default: ‘hourglass’
Optional float. Sets the gaussian threshold which allows to set the required width of the linear feature. Range: 0.0 to 1.0 Default: 0.76
Optional Int. Sets the bin size for orientation angles. Default: 20
Optional Int. Sets the width of orientation mask. Default: 8
- Returns
ConnectNet Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- static backbones()¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Multi-Task Learning model for binary segmentation from a Deep Learning Package(DLPK) or Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
Multi-Task Road Extractor Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- mIOU(mean=False, show_progress=True)¶
Computes mean IOU on the validation set for each class.
Optional bool. If False returns class-wise mean IOU, otherwise returns mean iou of all classes combined.
Optional bool. Displays the prgress bar if True.
- Returns
dict if mean is False otherwise float
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Shows the ground truth and predictions of model side by side.
Number of rows of data to be displayed, if batch size is smaller, then the rows will display the value provided for batch size.
Optional Float. Opacity parameter for label overlay on image. Float [0.0 - 1.0] Default: 0.6
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported list of backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.ChangeDetector(data, backbone=None, attention_type='PAM', pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a Change Detection model.
A Spatial-Temporal Attention-Based Method and a New Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection -
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional function. Backbone CNN model to be used for creating the encoder of the ChangeDetector, which is resnet18 by default. It supports the ResNet family of backbones.
Optional string. It’s value can be either be “PAM” (Pyramid Attention Module) or “BAM” (Basic Attention Module). Defaults to “PAM”.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a ChangeDetector model from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Optional fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- precision_recall_score()¶
Computes precision, recall and f1 score.
- predict(before_image, after_image, **kwargs)¶
Predict on a pair of images.
Required string. Path to image from before.
Required string. Path to image from later.
Optional Boolean. If True, It will predict using a sliding window strategy. Typically, used when image size is larger than the chip_size the model is trained on. Default False.
Optional Boolean. If True, It will plot the predictions on the notebook. Default False.
Optional Boolean. If true will write the prediction file on the disk. Default False.
- Returns
PyTorch Tensor of the change mask.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=4, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on the validation set.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported torchvision backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MMSegmentation(data, model, model_weight=False, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
Required model name or path to the configuration file from
repository. The list of the supported models can be queried usingMMSegmentation.supported_models
Optional path of the model weight from
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional boolean. If True, it will balance the cross-entropy loss inverse to the frequency of pixels per class. Default: False.
Optional list. It will contain the list of class values on which model will not incur loss. Default: []
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
MMSegmentation Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, thresh=0.5, thinning=True, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- supported_models = ['ann', 'apcnet', 'ccnet', 'cgnet', 'deeplabv3', 'deeplabv3plus', 'dmnet', 'dnlnet', 'emanet', 'fastscnn', 'fcn', 'gcnet', 'hrnet', 'mobilenet_v2', 'nonlocal_net', 'ocrnet', 'psanet', 'pspnet', 'resnest', 'sem_fpn', 'unet', 'upernet']¶
List of models supported by this class.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MaXDeepLab(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a
panoptic segmentation model.Argument
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
function. MaXDeepLab only supports image sizes in multiples of 16 (e.g. 256, 416, etc.).pretrained_path
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_n_masks()¶
Computes the maximum number of class labels and masks in any chip in the entire dataset. Note: It might take long time for larger datasets.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a
MaXDeepLab Panoptic Segmentation
object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.Argument
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from
function or None for inferencing.- Returns
MaXDeepLab Panoptic Segmentation Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
Image Translation Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.CycleGAN(data, pretrained_path=None, gen_blocks=9, lsgan=True, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a model object which generates images of type A from type B or type B from type A.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional integer. Number of ResNet blocks to use in generator.
Optional boolean. If True, it will use Mean Squared Error else it will use Binary Cross Entropy.
- Returns
CycleGAN Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics()¶
Computes Frechet Inception Distance (FID) on validation set.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a CycleGAN object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- Returns
CycleGAN Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(img_path, convert_to)¶
Predicts and display the image.
Required path of an image.
‘A’ if we want to generate image of type ‘A’ from type ‘B’ or ‘B’ if we want to generate image of type ‘B’ from type ‘A’ where A and B are the domain specifications that were used while training.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional list of integers (band numbers) to be considered for rgb visualization.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.Pix2Pix(data, pretrained_path=None, perceptual_loss=False, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a model object which generates fake images of type B from type A.
Required fastai Databunch with image chip sizes in multiples of 256. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional boolean. True when Perceptual loss is used. Default set to False.
- Returns
Pix2Pix Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics(show_progress=True)¶
Computes Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) on validation set. Additionally, computes Frechet Inception Distance (FID) for RGB imagery only.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Pix2Pix object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
Pix2Pix Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(path)¶
Predicts and display the image.
Required path of an image.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- rgb_bands Optional list of integers (band numbers)
to be considered for rgb visualization.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.Pix2PixHD(data, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a model object which generates fake images of type B from type A.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional int. Number of gen filters in first conv layer. Default: 64
Optional string (global/local). Selects model to use for generator. Use global if gpu memory is less. Default: “local”
Optional int. Number of downsampling layers in gen_network Default: 4
Optional int. Number of residual blocks in the global generator network. Default: 9
Optional int. Number of local enhancers to use. Default: 1
Optional int. number of residual blocks in the local enhancer network. Default: 3
Optional string. instance normalization or batch normalization Default: “instance”
Optional bool. Use least square GAN, if True, use vanilla GAN. Default: True
Optional int. number of discriminator filters in first conv layer. Default: 64
Optional int. only used if which_model_net_dscr==n_layers. Default: 3
Optional int. number of discriminators to use. Default: 2
Optional bool. if ‘True’, use discriminator feature matching loss. Default: True
Optional bool. if ‘True’, use VGG feature matching loss. Default: True (supported for 3 band imagery only).
Optional int. weight for feature matching loss. Default: 10
Optional int. weight for feature matching loss. Default: 100 (not supported for 3 band imagery)
- Returns
Pix2PixHD Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics(accuracy=True, show_progress=True)¶
Computes Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) on validation set.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a Pix2PixHD object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
Pix2PixHD Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(path)¶
Predicts and display the image.
Required path of an image.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
Optional list of integers (band numbers) to be considered for rgb visualization.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.WNet_cGAN(data, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a model object which generates images of type C from type A and type B.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
WNet_cGAN Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics(accuracy=True, show_progress=True)¶
Computes Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) on validation set.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a WNet_cGAN object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
WNet_cGAN Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(img_path1, img_path2)¶
Predicts and display the image.
Required path of an image 1.
Required path of an image 2.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.SuperResolution(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Creates a model object which increases the resolution and improves the quality of images. Based on MOOC Lesson 7.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional function. Backbone CNN model to be used for creating the base of the SuperResolution, which is resnet34 by default. Compatible backbones: ‘resnet18’, ‘resnet34’, ‘resnet50’, ‘resnet101’, ‘resnet152’
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
- Returns
SuperResolution Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics(accuracy=True, show_progress=True)¶
Computes Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) on validation set.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_emd(data, emd_path)¶
Creates a SuperResolution object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition file.
- Returns
SuperResolution Object
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a SuperResolution object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
SuperResolution Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(img_path, width=None, height=None)¶
Predicts and display the image.
Required path of an image.
Optional int. Width of the predicted output image.
Optional int. Height of the predicted output image.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported torchvision backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.ImageCaptioner(data, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates an Image Captioning model.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional function. Backbone CNN model to be used for creating the encoder of the ImageCaptioner, which is resnet34 by default. It supports the ResNet family of backbones.
Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are embed_size, hidden_size, attention_size, teacher_forcing, dropout and pretrained_embeddings.
- Default values:
- decoder_params={
‘embed_size’:100, ‘hidden_size’:100, ‘attention_size’:100, ‘teacher_forcing’:1, ‘dropout’:0.1, ‘pretrained_emb’:False
- Parameter Explanation
‘embed_size’: Size of embedding to be used during training.
‘hidden_size’: Size of hidden layer.
‘attention_size’: Size of intermediate attention layer.
‘teacher_forcing’: Probability of teacher forcing.
‘dropout’: Dropout probability.
‘pretrained_emb’: If true, it will use fasttext embeddings.
- Returns
ImageCaptioner Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- bleu_score(**kwargs)¶
Computes bleu score over validation set.
Optional int. The size of beam to be used during beam search decoding. Default is 5.
Optional int. The maximum length of the sentence to be decoded. Default is 20.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a ImageCaptioner model from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Optional fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
ImageCaptioner Object
- load(name_or_path)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(path, visualize=True, **kwargs)¶
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=4, **kwargs)¶
Shows the ground truth and predictions of model side by side.
Optional int. The size of beam to be used during beam search decoding. Default is 5.
Optional int. The maximum length of the sentence to be decoded. Default is 20.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported torchvision backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
3D Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.PointCNN(data, pretrained_path=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Model architecture from Creates a Point Cloud classification model.
Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function.
Optional String. Path where pre-trained model is saved.
Optional dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are out_channels, P, K, D and m.
- Examples:
{‘out_channels’:[16, 32, 64, 96], ‘P’:[-1, 768, 384, 128], ‘K’:[12, 16, 16, 16], ‘D’:[1, 1, 2, 2], ‘m’:8 }
Length of out_channels, P, K, D should be same. The length denotes the number of layers in encoder.
- Parameter Explanation
‘out_channels’: Number of channels produced by each layer,
‘P’: Number of points in each layer,
‘K’: Number of K-nearest neighbor in each layer,
‘D’: Dilation in each layer,
‘m’: Multiplier which is multiplied by each element of out_channel.
Optional float. This parameter will control overfitting. The range of this parameter is [0,1).
Optional integer. The number of points that the model will actually process.
- Returns
PointCNN Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_precision_recall()¶
Computes precision, recall and f1-score on the validation sets.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates. The precision, recall and f1 scores shown in the training table are macro averaged over all classes.
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
Optional integer. The number of iterations to run during the training phase.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates an PointCNN model object from a Deep Learning Package(DLPK) or Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
PointCNN Object
- load(name_or_path)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict_h5(path, output_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Predicts and writes the resulting las file on the disk. The block size which was used for training will be used for prediction. Coordinate system for the inferencing data & trained model’s training data should be the same.
Required string. The path to folder where the h5 files which needs to be predicted are present.
Optional string. The path to folder where to dump the resulting h5 block files. Defaults to results folder in input path.
Optional integer. The number of blocks to process in one batch. Default is set to 1.
- Returns
Path where files are dumped.
- predict_las(path, output_path=None, print_metrics=False, **kwargs)¶
Predicts and writes the resulting las file on the disk. The block size which was used for training will be used for prediction. Coordinate system for the inferencing data & trained model’s training data should be the same.
Note: This method has been deprecated starting from ArcGIS API for Python version 1.9.0. Use Classify Points Using Trained Model tool available in 3D Analyst extension from ArcGIS Pro 2.8 onwards.
Models trained on exported data from ArcGIS Pro 2.8 onwards are not supported.
Required string. The path to folder where the las files which needs to be predicted are present.
Optional string. The path to folder where to dump the resulting las files. Defaults to results folder in input path.
Optional boolean. If True, precision, recall and f1_score are also calculated and reported. Defaults to False.
Optional dictionary {int:int}. Mapping from class values to user defined values. Please query pointcnn._data.classes to get the class values on which the model is trained on. Default is {}.
Optional list of integers. If passed, predict_las will selectively classify only those points belonging to the specified class-codes. Other points in the input point clouds will retain their class-codes. Please query pointcnn._data.classes to get the class values on which the model is trained on. If remap_classes is specified, the new mapped values will be used for classification. Default value is [].
Optional list of integers. A list of classes from the input data, that should be preserved in the predicted output. If a point in the input data belongs to any of the classes mentioned in this list, its class-code won’t be updated with the model’s predicted class. Example: If preserve_classes=[2,6]. The class-code of a point won’t be updated with the predicted class, if it’s 2 or 6. Default: [].
- Returns
Path where files are dumped.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=2, **kwargs)¶
Displays the results from your model on the validation set with ground truth on the left and predictions on the right. Visualization of data, exported in a geographic coordinate system is not yet supported.
Optional rows. Number of rows to show. Default value is 2 and maximum value is the batch_size passed in prepare_data.
Optional dictionary. Mapping from class value to RGB values. Default value example: {0:[220,220,220], 2:[255,0,0], 6:[0,255,0]}.
Optional list of integers. Array containing class values to mask. Use this parameter to display the classes of interest. Default value is []. Example: All the classes are in [0, 1, 2] to display only class 0 set the mask class parameter to be [1, 2]. List of all classes can be accessed from data.classes attribute where data is the Databunch object returned by prepare_data function.
Optional integer. Width of the plot. Default value is 750.
Optional integer. Height of the plot. Default value is 512.
Optional integer. Maximum number of points to display. Default is 20000. A warning will be raised if the total points to display exceeds this parameter. Setting this parameter will randomly sample the specified number of points and once set, it will be used for future uses.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning. Not implemented for PointCNN as none of the layers are frozen by default.
Object Tracking Models¶
- class arcgis.learn.SiamMask(data=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a SiamMask object.
Optional fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function with dataset_type as ‘ObjectTracking’ and data format as ‘YouTube-VOS’. Default value is None.
- Returns
SiamMask Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- compute_metrics(iou_thres=0.2)¶
Computes mean IOU and f-measure on validation set.
Optional float. The intersection over union threshold with the ground truth mask, above which a predicted mask will be considered a true positive.
- Returns
dict with mean IOU and F-Measure
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- freeze()¶
Freezes the pretrained backbone.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a SiamMask Object tracker from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
SiamMask Object
- init(frame, detections, labels=None, reset=True, **kwargs)¶
Initializes the position of the object in the frame/Image using detections.
Required numpy array. frame is used to initialize the objects to track.
Required list. A list of bounding boxes.
Optional list. A list of labels corresponding to the bounding boxes.
- Returns
Track list
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- remove(track_ids)¶
Removes the tracks from the track list using track_ids
Required List. List of track ids to be removed from the track list.
- Returns
Updated track list
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set
Optional int. Number of rows to display.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported torchvision backbones for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- update(frame, **kwargs)¶
Tracks the position of the object in the frame/Image
Required numpy array. frame is used to update the object track.
Optional list. A list of bounding boxes.
Optional list. A list of labels.
- Returns
Updated track list
- class arcgis.learn.DeepSort(data, **kwargs)¶
Creates a DeepSort object.
Fastai Databunch. Returned data object from prepare_data function with dataset_type=Imagenet. Default value is None. DeepSort only supports image size of (3, 128, 64)
- Returns
DeepSort Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a DeepSort Object tracker from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_data function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
DeepSort Object
- init(frame, detections=None, labels=None, scores=None, **kwargs)¶
Initializes the DeepSort tracker for inference.
Required numpy array. Frame is used to initialize the tracker.
Required list. A list of bounding boxes corresponding to the detections.
Optional list. A list of labels corresponding to the detections.
Optional list. A list of scores corresponding to the detections.
- Returns
Track list
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- remove(track_ids)¶
Removes the tracks from the track list using track_ids.
Required list. list of track ids to be removed from the track list.
- Returns
Updated track list
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, compute_metrics=True, save_optimizer=False, save_inference_file=True, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Name of the model to save. It stores it at the pre-defined location. If path is passed then it stores at the specified path with model name as directory name and creates all the intermediate directories.
Optional string. Exports the model in the specified framework format (‘PyTorch’, ‘tflite’ ‘torchscript’, and ‘TF-ONXX’ (deprecated)). Only models saved with the default framework (PyTorch) can be loaded using from_model.
framework (experimental support) is supported bySingleShotDetector - tensorflow backend only
andRetinaNet - tensorflow backend only
format is supported bySiamMask
. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro >= 2.8, load thePyTorch
framework saved model and export it withtorchscript
framework using ArcGIS API for Python >= v1.8.5. For usage of SiamMask model in ArcGIS Pro 2.9, set framework totorchscript
and use the model files additionally generated inside ‘torch_scripts’ folder. If framework isTF-ONNX
(Only supported forSingleShotDetector
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.publish
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for computing model metrics.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional boolean. Used for saving the inference file along with the model. If False, the model will not work with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or earlier. Default is set to True.
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Displays the results of a trained model on a part of the validation set.
Optional int. Number of rows of results to be displayed.
- property supported_backbones¶
Supported torchvision backbones for this model.
- property supported_datasets¶
Supported dataset types for this model.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- update(frame, detections=None, labels=None, scores=None, **kwargs)¶
Updates the DeepSort tracker.
Required numpy array. Frame is used to update the tracker.
Required list. A list of bounding boxes corresponding to the detections. bounding box = [xmin, ymin, width, height]
Optional list. A list of labels corresponding to the detections.
Optional list. A list of scores corresponding to the detections.
- Returns
Track list
- class arcgis.learn.ObjectTracker(tracker, detector=None, tracker_options={'detect_fail_interval': 5, 'detect_track_failure': True, 'detection_interval': 5, 'detection_threshold': 0.3, 'enable_post_processing': True, 'knn_distance_ratio': 0.75, 'min_obj_size': 10, 'recover_conf_threshold': 0.1, 'recover_iou_threshold': 0.1, 'recover_track': True, 'search_period': 60, 'stab_period': 6, 'status_fail_threshold': 0.6, 'status_history': 60, 'template_history': 25})¶
Creates ObjectTracker Object.
Required. Returned tracker object from from_model API of object tracking models.
Optional. Returned detector object from from_model API of object detection models.
Optional dictionary. A dictionary with keys as parameter names and values as parameter values.
“enable_post_processing” refers to the flag which enables/disables post_processing of tracks internal to ObjectTracker module. For DeepSort, it’s recommended to keep this flag as False. Default - True
“detection_interval” refers to the interval in frames at which the detector is invoked. It should be >= 1
“detection_threshold” refers to the lower threshold for selecting the detections.
“detect_track_failure” refers to the flag which enables/disables the logic to detect whether the object appearance has changed detection.
“recover_track” refers to the flag which enables/disables track recovery post failure.
“stab_period” refers to the number of frames after which post processing starts.
“detect_fail_interval” refers to the number of frames after which to detect track failure.
“min_obj_size” refers to the size in pixels below which tracking is assumed to have failed.
“template_history” refers to the number of frames before the current frame at which template image is fetched.
“status_history” refers to the number of frames over which status of the track is used to detect track failure.
“status_fail_threshold” refers to the threshold for the ratio between number of frames for which object is searched for and the total number of frames which needs to be crossed for track failure detection.
“search_period” refers to the number of frames for which object is searched for before declaring object is lost.
“knn_distance_ratio” refers to the threshold for ratio of the distances between template descriptor and the two best matched detection descriptor, used for filtering best matches.
“recover_conf_threshold” refers to the minimum confidence value over which recovery logic is enabled.
“recover_iou_threshold” refers to the minimum overlap between template and detection for successful recovery.
- Returns
ObjectTracker Object
- init(frame, detections=None, labels=None, reset=True)¶
Initializes tracks based on the detections returned by detector/ manually fed to the function.
Required numpy array. frame is used to initialize the objects to track.
Optional list. A list of bounding box to intialize the tracks.
Optional list. A list of labels corresponding to the detections.
Optional flag. Indicates whether to reset the tracker and remove all existing tracks before initialization.
- Returns
list of active track objects
- remove(tracks_ids)¶
Removes the tracks corresponding to track_ids parameter.
Required list. List of track ids to be removed.
- update(frame)¶
Tracks the position of the object in the frame/Image.
Required numpy array. frame is the current frame to be used to track the objects.
- Returns
list of active track objects
- class arcgis.learn.Track(id, label, bbox, mask)¶
Creates a Track object, used to maintain the state of a track
Required int. ID for each track initialized
Required String. label/class name of the track
Required list. Bounding box of the track
Required numpy array. Mask for the tack
- Returns
Track Object
Scanned Maps¶
- class arcgis.learn.ScannedMapDigitizer(input_folder, output_folder)¶
Creates the object for ScannedMapDigitizer class
Path to the folder that contains extracted maps
Path to the folder where intermediate results should get generated
- classmethod create_mask(color_list, color_delta=60, kernel_size=None, kernel_type='rect', show_result=True)¶
Generates the binary masked images
A list containing different color inputs in list/tuple format [(r, g, b)]. For eg: [[110,10,200], [210,108,11]].
A value which defines the range around the threshold value for a specific color used for creating the mask images. Default value is 60.
A list of 2 integers corresponding to size of the morphological filter operations closing and opening respectively.
A string value defining the type/shape of the kernel. kernel type can be “rect”, “elliptical” or “cross”. Default value is “rect”.
A boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod create_template_image(color, color_delta=10, kernel_size=2, show_result=True)¶
This method generates templates and color masks from scanned maps which are used in the subsequent step of template matching.
A list containing r, g, b value representing land color. The color parameter is required for extracting the land region and generating the binary mask.
A value which defines the range around the threshold value for a specific color used for creating the mask images.
Default value is 60.
An integer corresponding to size of kernel used for dilation(morphological operation).
A Boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod digitize_image(show_result=True)¶
This method is the final step in the pipeline that maps the species regions on the search image using the computed transformations. Also, it generates the shapefiles for the species region that can be visualized using ArcGIS Pro and further edited.
A Boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod georeference_image(padding_param, show_result=True)¶
This method estimates the control point pairs by traversing the contours of template image and finding the corresponding matches on the search region ROI image
A tuple that contains x-padding and y-padding at 0th and 1st index respectively.
A Boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod get_search_region_extent()¶
Getter function for search region extent
- classmethod match_template_multiscale(min_scale, max_scale, num_scales, show_result=True)¶
This method finds the location of the best match of a smaller image (template) in a larger image(search image) assuming it exists in the larger image.
An integer representing the minimum scale at which template matching is performed.
An integer representing maximum scale at which template matching is performed.
An integer representing the number of scales at which template matching is performed.
A Boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod prepare_search_region(search_image, color, extent, image_height, image_width, show_result=True)¶
This method prepares the search region in which the prepared templates are to be searched.
Path to the bigger image/shapefile.
A list containing r, g, b value representing water color. For Eg: [173, 217, 219].
Extent defines the extreme longitude/latitude of the search region.
Height of the search region.
Width of the search region.
A boolean value. Set to “True” to visualize results and set to “False” otherwise.
- classmethod set_search_region_extent(extent)¶
Creates the object for ScannedMapDigitizer class
Extent defines the extreme longitude/latitude of the search region.
Feature, Tabular and Timeseries models¶
- class arcgis.learn.FullyConnectedNetwork(data, layers=None, emb_szs=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a FullyConnectedNetwork Object. Based on the’s Tabular Learner
Required TabularDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function.
Optional list, specifying the number of nodes in each layer. Default: [500, 100] is used. 2 layers each with nodes 500 and 100 respectively.
Optional dict, variable name with embedding size for categorical variables. If not specified, then calculated using fastai.
- Returns
FullyConnectedNetwork Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- property feature_importances_¶
:Returns the global feature importance summary plot from SHAP.Feature is temporarily disabled.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a FullyConnectedNetwork Object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
FullyConnectedNetwork Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(input_features=None, explanatory_rasters=None, datefield=None, distance_features=None, output_layer_name='Prediction Layer', gis=None, prediction_type='features', output_raster_path=None, match_field_names=None, explain=False, explain_index=None)¶
Predict on data from feature layer, dataframe and or raster data.
Optional Feature Layer or spatially enabled dataframe. Required if prediction_type=’features’. Contains features with location and some or all fields required to infer the dependent variable value.
Optional list of Raster Objects. If prediction_type=’raster’, must contain all rasters required to make predictions.
Optional string. Field name from feature layer that contains the date, time for the input features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional List of Feature Layer objects. These layers are used for calculation of field “NEAR_DIST_1”, “NEAR_DIST_2” etc in the output dataframe. These fields contain the nearest feature distance from the input_features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional string. Used for publishing the output layer.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional String. Set ‘features’ or ‘dataframe’ to make output feature layer predictions. With this feature_layer argument is required.
Set ‘raster’, to make prediction raster. With this rasters must be specified.
Optional path. Required when prediction_type=’raster’, saves the output raster to this path.
Optional dictionary. Specify mapping of field names from prediction set to training set. For example:
- {
“Field_Name_1”: “Field_1”, “Field_Name_2”: “Field_2”
Optional Bool. Setting this parameter to true generates prediction explaination plot. Plot is generated using model interpretability library called SHAP. ( Feature is temporarily disabled.
Optional Int. The index of the dataframe passed to the predict function for which model interpretability is desired. If the parameter is not passed and if the explain parameter is set to true, the SHAP plot will be generated for a random index of the dataframe.
:returns Feature Layer if prediction_type=’features’, dataframe for prediction_type=’dataframe’ else creates an output raster.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, save_optimizer=False, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Folder path to save the model.
Optional string. Defines the framework of the model. (Only supported by
, currently.) If framework used isTF-ONNX
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.Framework choice: ‘PyTorch’ and ‘TF-ONNX’
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- score()¶
:returns R2 score for regression model and Accuracy for classification model.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Prints the rows of the dataframe with target and prediction columns.
Optional Integer. Number of rows to print.
- Returns
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
- class arcgis.learn.MLModel(data, model_type, **kwargs)¶
Creates a machine learning model based on its implementation from scikit-learn, xgboost, lightgbm, catboost. For supervised learning: Refer for scikit-learn, for xgboost, for lightgbm, for catboost.
For unsupervised learning: 1. Clustering Models 2. Gaussian Mixture Models 3. Novelty and outlier detection Refer
Required TabularDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function.
Required string path to the module. For example for SVM:
sklearn.svm.SVR or sklearn.svm.SVC
- For tree:
sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor or sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
- For gradient boosting:
lightgbm.LGBMRegressor or lightgbm.LGBMClassifier
model_type specific arguments. Refer Parameters section for scikit-learn,
- Returns
MLModel Object
- decision_function()¶
:returns output from scikit-learn’s model.decision_function()
- property feature_importances_¶
:Returns the global feature importance summary plot from SHAP. Most of the sklearn models are supported by this method.
- fit()¶
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a MLModel Object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Esri Model Definition file.
Required TabularDataObject or None. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
MLModel Object
- kneighbors(X=None, n_neighbors=None, return_distance=True)¶
:returns output from scikit-learn’s model.kneighbors()
- load(name_or_path)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- mahalanobis()¶
:returns output from scikit-learn’s model.mahalanobis()
- predict(input_features=None, explanatory_rasters=None, datefield=None, distance_features=None, output_layer_name=None, gis=None, prediction_type='features', output_raster_path=None, match_field_names=None, explain=False, explain_index=None)¶
Predict on data from feature layer, dataframe and or raster data.
Optional Feature Layer or spatial dataframe. Required if prediction_type=’features’. Contains features with location and some or all fields required to infer the dependent variable value.
Optional list. Required if prediction_type=’raster’. Contains a list of raster objects containing some or all fields required to infer the dependent variable value.
Optional string. Field name from feature layer that contains the date, time for the input features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional List of Feature Layer objects. These layers are used for calculation of field “NEAR_DIST_1”, “NEAR_DIST_2” etc in the output dataframe. These fields contain the nearest feature distance from the input_features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional string. Used for publishing the output layer.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional String. Set ‘features’ or ‘dataframe’ to make output feature layer predictions. With this feature_layer argument is required.
Set ‘raster’, to make prediction raster. With this rasters must be specified.
Optional path. Required when prediction_type=’raster’, saves the output raster to this path.
Optional dictionary. Specify mapping of field names from prediction set to training set. For example:
- {
“Field_Name_1”: “Field_1”, “Field_Name_2”: “Field_2”
Optional Bool. Setting this parameter to true generates prediction explaination plot. Plot is generated using model interpretability library called SHAP. (
Optional Int. The index of the dataframe passed to the predict function for which model interpretability is desired. If the parameter is not passed and if the explain parameter is set to true, the SHAP plot will be generated for a random index of the dataframe.
:returns Feature Layer if prediction_type=’features’, dataframe for prediction_type=’dataframe’ else creates an output raster.
- predict_proba()¶
:returns output from scikit-learn’s model.predict_proba()
- save(name_or_path, publish=False, gis=None, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model, creates an Esri Model Definition. Uses pickle to save the model. Using protocol level 2. Protocol level is backward compatible.
:returns dataframe
- score()¶
:returns output from scikit-learn’s model.score(), R2 score in case of regression and Accuracy in case of classification. For KMeans returns Opposite of the value of X on the K-means objective.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Shows sample results for the model.
:returns dataframe
- class arcgis.learn.TimeSeriesModel(data, seq_len, model_arch='InceptionTime', **kwargs)¶
Creates a TimeSeriesModel Object. Based on the’s
Required TabularDataObject. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function.
Required Integer. Sequence Length for the series. In case of raster only, seq_len = number of rasters, any other passed value will be ignored.
Optional string. Model Architecture. Allowed “InceptionTime”, “ResCNN”, “Resnet”, “FCN”
Optional kwargs.
- Returns
TimeSeriesModel Object
- property available_metrics¶
List of available metrics that are displayed in the training table. Set monitor value to be one of these while calling the fit method.
- fit(epochs=10, lr=None, one_cycle=True, early_stopping=False, checkpoint=True, tensorboard=False, monitor='valid_loss', **kwargs)¶
Train the model for the specified number of epochs and using the specified learning rates
Required integer. Number of cycles of training on the data. Increase it if underfitting.
Optional float or slice of floats. Learning rate to be used for training the model. If
, an optimal learning rate is automatically deduced for training the model.one_cycle
Optional boolean. Parameter to select 1cycle learning rate schedule. If set to False no learning rate schedule is used.
Optional boolean. Parameter to add early stopping. If set to ‘True’ training will stop if parameter monitor value stops improving for 5 epochs. A minimum difference of 0.001 is required for it to be considered an improvement.
Optional boolean or string. Parameter to save checkpoint during training. If set to True the best model based on monitor will be saved during training. If set to ‘all’, all checkpoints are saved. If set to False, checkpointing will be off. Setting this parameter loads the best model at the end of training.
Optional boolean. Parameter to write the training log. If set to ‘True’ the log will be saved at <dataset-path>/training_log which can be visualized in tensorboard. Required tensorboardx version=2.1
The default value is ‘False’. **Note - Not applicable for Text Models
Optional string. Parameter specifies which metric to monitor while checkpointing and early stopping. Defaults to ‘valid_loss’. Value should be one of the metric that is displayed in the training table. Use {model_name}.available_metrics to list the available metrics to set here.
- classmethod from_model(emd_path, data=None)¶
Creates a TimeSeriesModel Object from an Esri Model Definition (EMD) file.
Required string. Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
Required fastai Databunch or None. Returned data object from prepare_tabulardata function or None for inferencing.
- Returns
TimeSeriesModel Object
- load(name_or_path, **kwargs)¶
Loads a compatible saved model for inferencing or fine tuning from the disk.
Required string. Name or Path to Deep Learning Package (DLPK) or Esri Model Definition(EMD) file.
- lr_find(allow_plot=True)¶
Runs the Learning Rate Finder. Helps in choosing the optimum learning rate for training the model.
Optional boolean. Display the plot of losses against the learning rates and mark the optimal value of the learning rate on the plot. The default value is ‘True’.
- plot_losses()¶
Plot validation and training losses after fitting the model.
- predict(input_features=None, explanatory_rasters=None, datefield=None, distance_features=None, output_layer_name='Prediction Layer', gis=None, prediction_type='features', output_raster_path=None, match_field_names=None, number_of_predictions=None)¶
Predict on data from feature layer and or raster data.
Optional Feature Layer or spatially enabled dataframe. Contains features with location of the input data. Required if prediction_type is ‘features’ or ‘dataframe’
Optional list of Raster Objects. Required if prediction_type is ‘rasters’
Optional field_name. This field contains the date in the input_features. The field type can be a string or date time field. If specified, the field will be split into Year, month, week, day, dayofweek, dayofyear, is_month_end, is_month_start, is_quarter_end, is_quarter_start, is_year_end, is_year_start, hour, minute, second, elapsed and these will be added to the prepared data as columns. All fields other than elapsed and dayofyear are treated as categorical.
Optional List of Feature Layer objects. These layers are used for calculation of field “NEAR_DIST_1”, “NEAR_DIST_2” etc in the output dataframe. These fields contain the nearest feature distance from the input_features. Same as prepare_tabulardata().
Optional string. Used for publishing the output layer.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional String. Set ‘features’ or ‘dataframe’ to make output predictions.
Optional path. Required when prediction_type=’raster’, saves the output raster to this path.
Optional string. Specify mapping of the original training set with prediction set.
Optional int for univariate time series. Specify the number of predictions to make, adds new rows to the dataframe. For multivariate or if None, it expects the dataframe to have empty rows. For prediction_type=’raster’, a new raster is created.
:returns Feature Layer/dataframe if prediction_type=’features’/’dataframe’, else returns True and saves output raster at the specified path.
- save(name_or_path, framework='PyTorch', publish=False, gis=None, save_optimizer=False, **kwargs)¶
Saves the model weights, creates an Esri Model Definition and Deep Learning Package zip for deployment to Image Server or ArcGIS Pro.
Required string. Folder path to save the model.
Optional string. Defines the framework of the model. (Only supported by
, currently.) If framework used isTF-ONNX
can be passed as an optional keyword argument.Framework choice: ‘PyTorch’ and ‘TF-ONNX’
Optional boolean. Publishes the DLPK as an item.
Optional GIS Object. Used for publishing the item. If not specified then active gis user is taken.
Optional boolean. Used for saving the model-optimizer state along with the model. Default is set to False
Optional Parameters: Boolean overwrite if True, it will overwrite the item on ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, default False.
- score()¶
:returns R2 score for regression model and Accuracy for classification model.
- show_results(rows=5)¶
Prints the graph with predictions.
Optional Integer. Number of rows to print.
- unfreeze()¶
Unfreezes the earlier layers of the model for fine-tuning.
Unstructured Text Models¶
arcgis.learn.text module¶
- EntityRecognizer
- TextClassifier
- SequenceToSequence
- Inference Only Models
Inferencing Methods¶
- arcgis.learn.detect_objects(input_raster, model, model_arguments=None, output_name=None, run_nms=False, confidence_score_field=None, class_value_field=None, max_overlap_ratio=0, context=None, process_all_raster_items=False, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function can be used to generate feature service that contains polygons on detected objects found in the imagery data using the designated deep learning model. Note that the deep learning library needs to be installed separately, in addition to the server’s built in Python 3.x library. .. note:
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
Required. raster layer that contains objects that needs to be detected.
Required model object.
Optional dictionary. Name-value pairs of arguments and their values that can be customized by the clients.
eg: {“name1”:”value1”, “name2”: “value2”}
Optional. If not provided, a Feature layer is created by the method and used as the output . You can pass in an existing Feature Service Item from your GIS to use that instead. Alternatively, you can pass in the name of the output Feature Service that should be created by this method to be used as the output for the tool. A RuntimeError is raised if a service by that name already exists
Optional bool. Default value is False. If set to True, runs the Non Maximum Suppression tool.
Optional string. The field in the feature class that contains the confidence scores as output by the object detection method. This parameter is required when you set the run_nms to True
Optional string. The class value field in the input feature class. If not specified, the function will use the standard class value fields Classvalue and Value. If these fields do not exist, all features will be treated as the same object class. Set only if run_nms is set to True
Optional integer. The maximum overlap ratio for two overlapping features. Defined as the ratio of intersection area over union area. Set only if run_nms is set to True
Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution. Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
cellSize - Set the output raster cell size, or resolution
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
parallelProcessingFactor - Sets the parallel processing factor. Default is “80%”
mask: Only cells that fall within the analysis mask will be considered in the operation.
Eg: {“mask”: {“url”: “<feature_service_url>”}}
processorType - Sets the processor type. “CPU” or “GPU”
Eg: {“processorType” : “CPU”}
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.
Optional bool. Specifies how all raster items in an image service will be processed.
False : all raster items in the image service will be mosaicked together and processed. This is the default.
True : all raster items in the image service will be processed as separate images.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
The output feature layer item containing the detected objects
- arcgis.learn.classify_objects(input_raster, model, model_arguments=None, input_features=None, class_label_field=None, process_all_raster_items=False, output_name=None, context=None, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function can be used to output feature service with assigned class label for each feature based on information from overlapped imagery data using the designated deep learning model. .. note:
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
Required. raster layer that contains objects that needs to be classified.
Required model object.
Optional dictionary. Name-value pairs of arguments and their values that can be customized by the clients.
eg: {“name1”:”value1”, “name2”: “value2”}
Optional feature layer. The point, line, or polygon input feature layer that identifies the location of each object to be classified and labelled. Each row in the input feature layer represents a single object.
If no input feature layer is specified, the function assumes that each input image contains a single object to be classified. If the input image or images use a spatial reference, the output from the function is a feature layer, where the extent of each image is used as the bounding geometry for each labelled feature layer. If the input image or images are not spatially referenced, the output from the function is a table containing the image ID values and the class labels for each image.
Optional str. The name of the field that will contain the classification label in the output feature layer.
If no field name is specified, a new field called ClassLabel will be generated in the output feature layer.
- Example:
Optional bool.
If set to False, all raster items in the image service will be mosaicked together and processed. This is the default.
If set to True, all raster items in the image service will be processed as separate images.
Optional. If not provided, a Feature layer is created by the method and used as the output . You can pass in an existing Feature Service Item from your GIS to use that instead. Alternatively, you can pass in the name of the output Feature Service that should be created by this method to be used as the output for the tool. A RuntimeError is raised if a service by that name already exists
Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution. Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
cellSize - Set the output raster cell size, or resolution
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
parallelProcessingFactor - Sets the parallel processing factor. Default is “80%”
processorType - Sets the processor type. “CPU” or “GPU”
Eg: {“processorType” : “CPU”}
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
- Returns
The output feature layer item containing the classified objects
- arcgis.learn.classify_pixels(input_raster, model, model_arguments=None, output_name=None, context=None, process_all_raster_items=False, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function to classify input imagery data using a deep learning model. Note that the deep learning library needs to be installed separately, in addition to the server’s built in Python 3.x library. .. note:
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
Required. raster layer that needs to be classified.
Required model object.
Optional dictionary. Name-value pairs of arguments and their values that can be customized by the clients.
eg: {“name1”:”value1”, “name2”: “value2”}
Optional. If not provided, an imagery layer is created by the method and used as the output . You can pass in an existing Image Service Item from your GIS to use that instead. Alternatively, you can pass in the name of the output Image Service that should be created by this method to be used as the output for the tool. A RuntimeError is raised if a service by that name already exists
- Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution.
Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
outSR - (Output Spatial Reference) Saves the result in the specified spatial reference
snapRaster - Function will adjust the extent of output rasters so that they match the cell alignment of the specified snap raster.
cellSize - Set the output raster cell size, or resolution
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
parallelProcessingFactor - Sets the parallel processing factor. Default is “80%”
processorType - Sets the processor type. “CPU” or “GPU”
Eg: {“outSR” : {spatial reference}}
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.
Optional bool. Specifies how all raster items in an image service will be processed.
False : all raster items in the image service will be mosaicked together and processed. This is the default.
True : all raster items in the image service will be processed as separate images.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. In ArcGIS Online, the default output image service for this function would be a Tiled Imagery Layer. To create Dynamic Imagery Layer as output in ArcGIS Online, set tiles_only parameter to False.
Function will not honor tiles_only parameter in ArcGIS Enterprise and will generate Dynamic Imagery Layer by default.
- Returns
The classified imagery layer item
- arcgis.learn.compute_accuracy_for_object_detection(detected_features, ground_truth_features, detected_class_value_field=None, ground_truth_class_value_field=None, min_iou=None, mask_features=None, out_accuracy_table_name=None, out_accuracy_report_name=None, context=None, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function can be used to calculate the accuracy of a deep learning model by comparing the detected objects from the detect_objects function to ground truth data. Function available in ArcGIS Image Server 10.9 and higher (not available in ArcGIS Online).
Required. The input polygon feature layer containing the objects detected from the detect_objects function.
Required. The polygon feature layer containing ground truth data.
Optional dictionary. The field in the detected objects feature class that contains the class names or class values.
If a field name is not specified, a Classvalue or Value field will be used. If these fields do not exist, all records will be identified as belonging to one class.
The class values or class names must match those in the ground truth feature class exactly.
Syntax: A string describing the detected class value field.
Example: “class”
The field in the ground truth feature class that contains the class names or class values.
If a field name is not specified, a Classvalue or Value field will be used. If these fields do not exist, all records will be identified as belonging to one class.
The class values or class names must match those in the detected objects feature class exactly.
Example: “class”
The Intersection over Union (IoU) ratio to use as a threshold to evaluate the accuracy of the object-detection model. The numerator is the area of overlap between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth bounding box. The denominator is the area of union or the area encompassed by both bounding boxes.
min_IoU value should be in the range 0 to 1. [0,1] Example:
Optional feature layer. A polygon feature service layer that delineates the area where accuracy will be computed. Only the image area that falls completely within the polygons will be assessed for accuracy.
Optional. Name of the output accuracy table item to be created. If not provided, a random name is generated by the method and used as the output name.
Optional. Accuracy report can either be added as an item to the portal. or can be written to a datastore. To add as an item, specify the name of the output report item (pdf item) to be created. Example:
In order to write accuracy report to datastore, specify the datastore path as value to uri key.
- Example -
Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution. Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
cellSize - Set the output raster cell size, or resolution
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
parallelProcessingFactor - Sets the parallel processing factor. Default is “80%”
processorType - Sets the processor type. “CPU” or “GPU”
Eg: {“processorType” : “CPU”}
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
- Returns
The output accuracy table item or/and accuracy report item (or datastore path to accuracy report)
# Usage Example: This example generates an accuracy table for a specified minimum IoU value. compute_accuracy_op = compute_accuracy_for_object_detection(detected_features=detected_features, ground_truth_features=ground_truth_features, detected_class_value_field="ClassValue", ground_truth_class_value_field="Class", min_iou=0.5, mask_features=None, out_accuracy_table_name="accuracy_table", out_accuracy_report_name="accuracy_report", gis=gis)
- class arcgis.learn.Embeddings(dataset_type='image', backbone=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates an Embeddings Object. This object is capable of giving embeddings for text as well as images. The image embeddings are currently supported for RGB images only
Required string. The type of data for which we would like to get the embedding vectors. Valid values are text & image. Default is set to image. **Note - The image embeddings are currently supported for RGB images only.
Optional string. Specify the backbone/model-name to be used to get the embedding vectors. Default backbone for image dataset-type is resnet34 and for text dataset-type is sentence-transformers/distilbert-base-nli-stsb-mean-tokens
To learn more about the available models for for getting text embeddings, kindly visit:-
Option str. Path to a directory on local filesystem. If directory is not present, it will be created. This directory is used as the location to save the model.
- Returns
Embeddings Object
- get(text_or_list, batch_size=32, show_progress=True, **kwargs)¶
Method to get the embedding vectors for the image/text items.
Required string or List. String containing directory path or list of directory paths where image/text files are present for which the user wants to get the embedding vectors.
Optional integer. The number of items to process in one batch. Default is set to 32.
Optional boolean. If set to True, will display a progress bar depicting the items processed so far. Default is set to True.
Optional boolean. If set to true, will normalize the image with imagenet-stats (mean and std-deviation for each color channel in RGB image). This argument is valid only for dataset-type image. Default is set to True.
Optional String or List. The file extension(s) for which the user wish to get embedding vectors for. Allowed values for dataset-type image are - [‘png’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘tiff’, ‘tif’, ‘bmp’] Allowed values for dataset-type text are - [‘csv’, ‘txt’, ‘json’] **Note - For json files, if we have nested json structures, then text will be extracted only from the 1st level.
Optional integer. Resize the image to chip_size X chip_size pixels. This argument is valid only for dataset-type image. Default is set to 224
Optional string. The encoding to read the text/csv/ json file. Applicable only for dataset-type text. Default is UTF-8
Optional string. The column that will be used to get the text content from csv or json file types. This argument is valid only for dataset-type text. Default is set to text
Optional boolean. If true, remove urls from text. This argument is valid only for dataset-type text. Default value is False.
Optional boolean. If true, remove html tags from text. This argument is valid only for dataset-type text. Default value is False.
Optional string. The transformer model gives embeddings for each word/token present in the text. The type of pooling to be done on those word/token vectors in order to form the text embeddings. Allowed values are - [‘mean’, ‘max’, ‘first’] This argument is valid only for dataset-type text. Default value is mean.
- Returns
The path of the H5 file where items & corresponding embeddings are saved.
- load(file_path, load_to_memory=True)¶
Load the extracted embeddings from the H5 file
Required string. The path to the H5 file which gets auto generated after the call to the get method of the Embeddings class
Optional Bool. whether or not to load the entire content of the H5 file to memory. Loading very large H5 files into the memory takes up lot of RAM space. Use this parameter with caution for large H5 files. Default is set to True.
- Returns
When load_to_memory param is True - A 2 item tuple containing the numpy arrays of extracted embeddings and items When load_to_memory param is False - A 3 item tuple containing the H5 file handler & 2 H5 dataset object of extracted embeddings and items
- classmethod supported_backbones(dataset_type='image')¶
Get available backbones/model-name for the given dataset-type
Required string. The type of data for which we would like to get the embedding vectors. Valid values are text & image. Default is set to image
- Returns
a list containing the available models for the given dataset-type
- visualize(file_path, visualize_with_items=True, n_clusters=5, dimensions=3)¶
Method to visualize the embedding vectors for the image/text items. This method uses the K-Means clustering algorithm to partition the embeddings vectors into n-clusters. This requires the loading the entire content of the H5 file to RAM. Loading very large H5 files into the memory takes up lot of RAM space. Use this method with caution for large H5 files.
Required string. The path to the H5 file which gets auto generated after the call to the get method of the Embeddings class.
Optional Bool. Whether or not to visualize the embeddings with items. Default is set to True.
Optional integer. The number of clusters to create for the embedding vectors. This value will be passed to the KMeans algorithm to generate the clusters. Default is set to 5.
Optional integer. The number of dimensions to project the embedding vectors for visualization purpose. Allowed values are 2 & 3 Default is set to 3.
Model Management¶
- class arcgis.learn.Model(model=None)¶
- from_json(model)¶
Function is used to initialise Model object from model definition JSON
eg usage:
model = Model()
- model.from_json({“Framework” :”TensorFlow”,
“ModelConfiguration”:”DeepLab”, “InferenceFunction”:”
”, “ModelFile”:”\\folder_path_of_pb_file\frozen_inference_graph.pb
”, “ExtractBands”:[0,1,2], “ImageWidth”:513, “ImageHeight”:513, “Classes”: [ { “Value”:0, “Name”:”Evergreen Forest”, “Color”:[0, 51, 0] },{ “Value”:1, “Name”:”Grassland/Herbaceous”, “Color”:[241, 185, 137] }, { “Value”:2, “Name”:”Bare Land”, “Color”:[236, 236, 0] }, { “Value”:3, “Name”:”Open Water”, “Color”:[0, 0, 117] }, { “Value”:4, “Name”:”Scrub/Shrub”, “Color”:[102, 102, 0] }, { “Value”:5, “Name”:”Impervious Surface”, “Color”:[236, 236, 236] } ] })
- from_model_path(model)¶
Function is used to initialise Model object from url of model package or path of model definition file eg usage:
model = Model()
or model = Model()
- install(*, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function is used to install the uploaded model package (*.dlpk). Optionally after inferencing the necessary information using the model, the model can be uninstalled by uninstall_model()
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
Path where model is installed
- query_info(*, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function is used to extract the deep learning model specific settings from the model package item or model definition file.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
The key model information in dictionary format that describes what the settings are essential for this type of deep learning model.
- uninstall(*, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function is used to uninstall the uploaded model package that was installed using the install_model() This function will delete the named deep learning model from the server but not the portal item.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
itemId of the uninstalled model package item
- class arcgis.learn.ModelExtension(data, model_conf, backbone=None, pretrained_path=None, **kwargs)¶
Creates a ModelExtension object, to train the model for object detection, semantic segmentation, and edge detection. ===================== ============================================================ Argument Description ——————— ———————————————————— data Required fastai Databunch. Returned data object from
function.——————— ———————————————————— model_conf A class definition contains the following methods:
get_model(self, data, backbone=None, **kwargs)
: for model definition,on_batch_begin(self, learn, model_input_batch, model_target_batch, **kwargs)
: for feeding input to the model during training,transform_input(self, xb)
: for feeding input to the model during inferencing/validation,transform_input_multispectral(self, xb)
: for feeding input to the model during inferencing/validation in case of multispectral data,loss(self, model_output, *model_target)
: to return loss value of the model, andpost_process(self, pred, nms_overlap, thres, chip_size, device)
: to post-process the output of the object-detection model.post_process(self, pred, thres)
: to post-process the output of the segmentation model.
——————— ———————————————————— backbone Optional function. If custom model requires any backbone. ——————— ———————————————————— pretrained_path Optional string. Path where pre-trained model is
- arcgis.learn.list_models(*, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function is used to list all the installed deep learning models. .. note:
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Keyword only parameter. Optional boolean. If True, the result will be a GPJob object and results will be returned asynchronously.
- Returns
list of deep learning models installed
- arcgis.learn.train_model(input_folder, model_type, model_arguments=None, batch_size=2, max_epochs=None, learning_rate=None, backbone_model=None, validation_percent=None, pretrained_model=None, stop_training=True, freeze_model=True, overwrite_model=False, output_name=None, context=None, *, gis=None, future=False, **kwargs)¶
Function can be used to train a deep learning model using the output from the export_training_data function. It generates the deep learning model package (*.dlpk) and adds it to your enterprise portal. train_model function performs the training using the Raster Analytics server. .. note:
This function is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise (Image Server)
Required string or list. This is the input location for the training sample data. It can be the path of output location on the file share raster data store or a shared file system path. The training sample data folder needs to be the output of export_training_data function, containing “images” and “labels” folder, as well as the JSON model definition file written out together by the function.
- File share raster store and datastore path examples:
- Shared path example:
serverNamedeepLearning rainingSampleData
The function also support multiple input folders. In this case, specify the list of input folders
- list of file share raster store and datastore path examples:
[“/rasterStores/yourRasterStoreFolderName/trainingSampleDataA”, “/rasterStores/yourRasterStoreFolderName/trainingSampleDataB”]
[“/fileShares/yourFileShareFolderName/trainingSampleDataA”, “/fileShares/yourFileShareFolderName/trainingSampleDataB”]
- list of shared path example:
[“serverNamedeepLearning rainingSampleDataA”, “serverNamedeepLearning rainingSampleDataB”]
Multiple input folders are supported when all the following conditions are met:
The metadata format must be one of the following types: Classified_Tiles, Labeled_Tiles, Multi-labeled Tiles, PASCAL_VOC_rectangles, or RCNN_Masks.
All training data must have the same metadata format.
All training data must have the same number of bands.
All training data must have the same tile size.
Required string. The model type to use for training the deep learning model. Possible values:
SSD - The Single Shot Detector (SSD) is used for object detection.
UNET - U-Net is used for pixel classification.
FEATURE_CLASSIFIER - The Feature Classifier is used for object classification.
PSPNET - The Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNET) is used for pixel classification.
RETINANET - The RetinaNet is used for object detection.
MASKRCNN - The MarkRCNN is used for object detection
YOLOV3 - The YOLOv3 approach will be used to train the model. YOLOv3 is used for object detection.
DeepLabV3 - The DeepLabV3 approach will be used to train the model. DeepLab is used for pixel classification.
FASTERRCNN - The FasterRCNN approach will be used to train the model. FasterRCNN is used for object detection.
BDCN_EDGEDETECTOR - The Bi-Directional Cascade Network (BDCN) architecture will be used to train the model. The BDCN Edge Detector is used for pixel classification. This approach is useful to improve edge detection for objects at different scales.
HED_EDGEDETECTOR - The Holistically-Nested Edge Detection (HED) architecture will be used to train the model. The HED Edge Detector is used for pixel classification. This approach is useful to in edge and object boundary detection.
MULTITASK_ROADEXTRACTOR - The Multi Task Road Extractor architecture will be used to train the model. The Multi Task Road Extractor is used for pixel classification. This approach is useful for road network extraction from satellite imagery.
CONNECTNET - The ConnectNet architecture will be used to train the model. ConnectNet is used for pixel classification. This approach is useful for road network extraction from satellite imagery.
PIX2PIX - The Pix2Pix approach will be used to train the model. Pix2Pix is used for image-to-image translation. This approach creates a model object that generates images of one type to another. The input training data for this model type uses the Export Tiles metadata format.
CYCLEGAN - The CycleGAN approach will be used to train the model. CycleGAN is used for image-to-image translation. This approach creates a model object that generates images of one type to another. This approach is unique in that the images to be trained do not need to overlap. The input training data for this model type uses the CycleGAN metadata format.
SUPERRESOLUTION - The Super-resolution approach will be used to train the model. Super-resolution is used for image-to-image translation. This approach creates a model object that increases the resolution and improves the quality of images. The input training data for this model type uses the Export Tiles metadata format.
CHANGEDETECTOR - The Change detector approach will be used to train the model. Change detector is used for pixel classification. This approach creates a model object that uses two spatial-temporal images to create a classified raster of the change. The input training data for this model type uses the Classified Tiles metadata format.
IMAGECAPTIONER - The Image captioner approach will be used to train the model. Image captioner is used for image-to-text translation. This approach creates a model that generates text captions for an image.
SIAMMASK - The Siam Mask approach will be used to train the model. Siam Mask is used for object detection in videos. The model is trained using frames of the video and detects the classes and bounding boxes of the objects in each frame. The input training data for this model type uses the MaskRCNN metadata format.
MMDETECTION - The MMDetection approach will be used to train the model. MMDetection is used for object detection. The supported metadata formats are PASCAL Visual Object Class rectangles and KITTI rectangles.
MMSEGMENTATION - The MMSegmentation approach will be used to train the model. MMDetection is used for pixel classification. The supported metadata format is Classified Tiles.
DEEPSORT - The Deep Sort approach will be used to train the model. Deep Sort is used for object detection in videos. The model is trained using frames of the video and detects the classes and bounding boxes of the objects in each frame. The input training data for this model type uses the Imagenet metadata format. Where Siam Mask is useful while tracking an object, Deep Sort is useful in training a model to track multiple objects.
PIX2PIXHD - The Pix2PixHD approach will be used to train the model. Pix2PixHD is used for image-to-image translation. This approach creates a model object that generates images of one type to another. The input training data for this model type uses the Export Tiles metadata format.
MAXDEEPLAB - The MAXDEEPLAB approach will be used to train the model. It is used for Panoptic Segmentation.
Optional dictionary. Name-value pairs of arguments and their values that can be customized by the clients.
- Example:
{“name1”:”value1”, “name2”: “value2”}
Optional int. The number of training samples to be processed for training at one time. If the server has a powerful GPU, this number can be increased to 16, 36, 64, and so on.
- Example:
Optional int. The maximum number of epochs that the model should be trained. One epoch means the whole training dataset will be passed forward and backward through the deep neural network once.
- Example:
Optional float. The rate at which the weights are updated during the training. It is a small positive value in the range between 0.0 and 1.0. If learning rate is set to 0, it will extract the optimal learning rate from the learning curve during the training process.
- Example:
Optional string. Specifies the preconfigured neural network to be used as an architecture for training the new model. Possible values: DENSENET121 , DENSENET161 , DENSENET169 , DENSENET201 , MOBILENET_V2 , RESNET18 , RESNET34 , RESNET50 , RESNET101 , RESNET152 , VGG11 , VGG11_BN , VGG13 , VGG13_BN , VGG16 , VGG16_BN , VGG19 , VGG19_BN , DARKNET53 , REID_V1 , REID_V2
- Example:
Optional float. The percentage (in %) of training sample data that will be used for validating the model.
- Example:
Optional dlpk portal item.
The pretrained model to be used for fine tuning the new model. It is a deep learning model package (dlpk) portal item.
Optional bool. Specifies whether early stopping will be implemented.
True - The model training will stop when the model is no longer improving, regardless of the maximum epochs specified. This is the default.
False - The model training will continue until the maximum epochs is reached.
Optional bool. Specifies whether to freeze the backbone layers in the pretrained model, so that the weights and biases in the backbone layers remain unchanged.
True - The predefined weights and biases will not be altered in the backboneModel. This is the default.
False - The weights and biases of the backboneModel may be altered to better fit your training samples. This may take more time to process but usually could get better results.
Optional bool. Overwrites an existing deep learning model package (.dlpk) portal item with the same name.
If the output_name parameter uses the file share data store path, this overwriteModel parameter is not applied.
True - The portal .dlpk item will be overwritten.
False - The portal .dlpk item will not be overwritten. This is the default.
Optional. trained deep learning model package can either be added as an item to the portal or can be written to a datastore.
To add as an item, specify the name of the output deep learning model package (item) to be created.
- Example -
In order to write the dlpk to fileshare datastore, specify the datastore path.
- Example -
Optional dictionary. Context contains additional settings that affect task execution. Dictionary can contain value for following keys:
cellSize - Set the output raster cell size, or resolution
extent - Sets the processing extent used by the function
parallelProcessingFactor - Sets the parallel processing factor. Default is “80%”
processorType - Sets the processor type. “CPU” or “GPU”
- Example -
{“processorType” : “CPU”}
Setting context parameter will override the values set using arcgis.env variable for this particular function.
Optional GIS. The GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
- Returns
Returns the dlpk portal item that has properties for title, type, filename, file, id and folderId.