arcgis.features.managers module

Helper classes for managing feature layers and datasets. These class are not created by users directly. Instances of this class, are available as a properties of feature layers and make it easier to manage them.


class arcgis.features.managers.AttachmentManager(layer)

Manager class for manipulating feature layer attachments. This class is not created by users directly. An instance of this class, called ‘attachments’, is available as a property of the FeatureLayer object, if the layer supports attachments. Users call methods on this ‘attachments’ object to manipulate (create, get, list, delete) attachments.

add(oid, file_path, keywords=None)

Adds an attachment to a FeatureLayer




Required string of the object ID


Required string. Path to attachement file


Optional string. Sets a text value that is stored as the keywords value for the attachment.


A JSON Repsonse stating ‘success’ or ‘error’

delete(oid, attachment_id)

Removes an attachment from a FeatureLayer




Required string of the object ID


Required string. Id of attachment to delete


JSON response stating ‘success’ or ‘error’

download(oid=None, attachment_id=None, save_path=None)

Downloads attachment and returns it’s path on disk.

The download tool works as follows:

  • If nothing is given, all attachments will be downloaded
    • example: download()

  • If a single oid and attachment_id are given, the single file will download

  • If a list of oid values are given, all the attachments for those object ids will be saved locally.




Optional list/string. A list of object Ids or a single value to download data from.


Optional string. Id of the attachment to download. This is only honored if return_all is False.


Optional string. Path to save data to.


A path to the folder where the attachement are saved


Get the list of attachements for a given OBJECT ID




Required string of the object id


A list of attachements

search(where='1=1', object_ids=None, global_ids=None, attachment_types=None, size=None, keywords=None, show_images=False, as_df=False, return_metadata=False, return_url=False, max_records=None, offset=0)

The search method allows querying the layer for its attachments and returns the results as a Pandas DataFrame or dict




required string. The definition expression to be applied to the related layer/table. From the list of records that are related to the specified object Ids, only those records that conform to this expression will be returned.

Example: where=”STATE_NAME = ‘Alaska’”. The query results will return all attachments in Alaska.


optional list/string. The object IDs of this layer/table to be queried.

Syntax: objectIds=<objectId1>,<objectId2>

Example: objectIds=2. The query results will return attachments only for the specified object id.


optional list/string. The global IDs of this layer/table to be


Syntax: globalIds=<globalIds1>,<globalIds2>

Example: globalIds=6s430c5a-kb75-4d52-a0db-b30bg060f0b9,35f0d027-8fc0-4905-a2f6-373c9600d017

The query results will return attachments only for specified global id.


optional list/string. The file format that is supported by query attachment.

Supported attachment types: bmp, ecw, emf, eps, ps, gif, img, jp2, jpc, j2k, jpf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, psd, raw, sid, tif, tiff, wmf, wps, avi, mpg, mpe, mpeg, mov, wmv, aif, mid, rmi, mp2, mp3, mp4, pma, mpv2, qt, ra, ram, wav, wma, doc, docx, dot, xls, xlsx, xlt, pdf, ppt, pptx, txt, zip, 7z, gz, gtar, tar, tgz, vrml, gml, json, xml, mdb, geodatabase

Example: attachment_types=’image/jpeg’


optional tuple/list. The file size of the attachment is specified in bytes. You can enter a file size range (1000,15000) to query for attachments with the specified range.

Example: size=1000,15000. The query results will return all attachments within the specified file size range (1000 - 15000) bytes.


optional string. When attachments are uploaded, keywords can be assigned to the uploaded file. By passing a keyword value, the values will be searched.

Example: keywords=’airplanes’


optional bool. The default is False, when the value is True, the results will be displayed as a HTML table. If the as_df is set to False, this parameter will be ignored.


optional bool. Default is False, if True, the results will be a Pandas’ DataFrame. If False, the values will be a list of dictionary values.


Optional Boolean. If true, metadata stored in the exifInfo column will be returned for attachments that have exifInfo. This option is supported only when “name”: “exifInfo” in the layer’s attachmentProperties includes “isEnabled”: true. When set to false, or not set, None is returned for exifInfo.


Optional Boolean. Specifies whether to return the attachment URL. The default is false. This parameter is supported if the supportsQueryAttachmentsWithReturnUrl property is true on the layer. Applications can use this URL to download the attachment image.


Optional Integer. This option fetches query results up to the resultRecordCount specified. When resultOffset is specified and this parameter is not, the feature service defaults to the maxRecordCount. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s maxRecordCount property. This parameter only applies if supportPagination is true.


Optional Integer. This parameter is designed to be used in conjunction with max_records to page through a long list of attachments, one request at a time. This option fetches query results by skipping a specified number of records. The query results start from the next record (i.e., resultOffset + 1). The default value is 0. This parameter only applies when supportPagination is true. You can use this option to fetch records that are beyond maxRecordCount property.


A Pandas DataFrame or Dict of the attachements of the FeatureLayer

update(oid, attachment_id, file_path)

Updates an existing attachment with a new file




Required string of the object ID


Required string. Id of the attachement to update


Required string. Path to attachement file


JSON response stating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features.managers.SyncManager(featsvc)

Manager class for manipulating replicas for syncing disconnected editing of FeatureLayerCollection object, if the layer is sync enabled / supports disconnected editing. Users call methods on this ‘replicas’ object to manipulate (create, synchronize, unregister) replicas.

cleanup_change_tracking(layers, retention_period, period_unit='days', min_server_gen=None, replica_id=None, future=False)

Change tracking information stored in each feature service layer (enabled for Change Tracking) might grow very large. The change tracking info used by the feature service to determine the change generation number and the features that have changed for a particular generation. Clients can purge the change tracking content if the changes are already synced-up to all clients and the changes are no longer needed.

Only the owner or the organization administrator can cleanup change tracking information.




Required list. A list of layers and tables to include in the replica.


Optional Integer. The retention period to use when cleaning up the change tracking information. Change tracking information will be cleaned up if they are older than the retention period.


Optional String. The units of the retention period.

Values: days, seconds, minutes, or hours


Optional String. In addition to the retention period, the change tracking can be cleaned by its generation numbers. Older tracking information that has older generation number than the min_server_gen will be cleaned.


Optional String. The change tracking can also be cleaned by the replica_id in addition to the retention_period and the min_server_gen.


Optional Boolean. Support options for asynchronous processing. The default format is false.


Boolean when future is False and Future object when future is True

create(replica_name, layers, layer_queries=None, geometry_filter=None, replica_sr=None, transport_type='esriTransportTypeUrl', return_attachments=False, return_attachments_databy_url=False, asynchronous=False, attachments_sync_direction='none', sync_model='none', data_format='json', replica_options=None, wait=False, out_path=None, sync_direction=None, target_type='client', transformations=None)

The create operation is performed on a FeatureLayerCollection resource. This operationcreates the replica between the feature dataset and a client based on a client-supplied replica definition. It requires the Sync capability. See Sync overview for more information on sync. The response for create includes replicaID, replica generation number, and data similar to the response from the arcgis.features.FeatureLayerCollection.query() operation. The create operation returns a response of type esriReplicaResponseTypeData, as the response has data for the layers in the replica. If the operation is called to register existing data by using replicaOptions, the response type will be esriReplicaResponseTypeInfo, and the response will not contain data for the layers in the replica.




Required string. Name of the replica.


Required list. A list of layers and tables to include in the replica.


Optional dictionary. In addition to the layers and geometry parameters, the layer_queries parameter can be used to further define what is replicated. This parameter allows you to set properties on a per layer or per table basis. Only the properties for the layers and tables that you want changed from the default are required. Example: layer_queries = {“0”:{“queryOption”: “useFilter”, “useGeometry”: true, “where”: “requires_inspection = Yes”}}


Optional {} object. spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a spatial relationship with another geometry.


Optional WKID or a spatial reference JSON object. the spatial reference of the replica geometry.


The transport_type represents the response format. If the transport_type is esriTransportTypeUrl, the JSON response is contained in a file, and the URL link to the file is returned. Otherwise, the JSON object is returned directly. The default is esriTransportTypeUrl. If async is true, the results will always be returned as if transport_type is esriTransportTypeUrl. If dataFormat is sqlite, the transportFormat will always be esriTransportTypeUrl regardless of how the parameter is set. Values: esriTransportTypeUrl | esriTransportTypeEmbedded.


If True, attachments are added to the replica and returned in the response. Otherwise, attachments are not included. The default is False. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments.


If True, a reference to a URL will be provided for each attachment


returned from create method. Otherwise, attachments are embedded in the response. The default is True. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments and if return_attachments is True.


If True, the request is processed as an asynchronous job, and a URL is returned that a client can visit to check the status of the job. See the topic on asynchronous usage for more information. The default is False.


Client can specify the attachmentsSyncDirection when creating a


replica. AttachmentsSyncDirection is currently a createReplica property and cannot be overridden during sync. Values: none, upload, bidirectional


This parameter is used to indicate that the replica is being created for per-layer sync or per-replica sync. To determine which model types are supported by a service, query the supportsPerReplicaSync, supportsPerLayerSync, and supportsSyncModelNone properties of the Feature Service. By default, a replica is created for per-replica sync. If syncModel is perReplica, the syncDirection specified during sync applies to all layers in the replica. If the syncModel is perLayer, the syncDirection is defined on a layer-by-layer basis.

If syncModel is perReplica, the response will have replicaServerGen. A perReplica syncModel requires the replicaServerGen on sync. The replicaServerGen tells the server the point in time from which to send back changes. If syncModel is perLayer, the response will include an array of server generation numbers for the layers in layerServerGens. A perLayer sync model requires the layerServerGens on sync. The layerServerGens tell the server the point in time from which to send back changes for a specific layer. sync_model=none can be used to export the data without creating a replica. Query the supportsSyncModelNone property of the feature service to see if this model type is supported.

See the RollbackOnFailure and Sync Models topic for more details. Values: perReplica | perLayer | none Example: syncModel=perLayer


The format of the replica geodatabase returned in the response. The default is json. Values: filegdb, json, sqlite, shapefile


This parameter instructs the create operation to create a new replica based on an existing replica definition (refReplicaId). It can be used to specify parameters for registration of existing data for sync. The operation will create a replica but will not return data. The responseType returned in the create response will be esriReplicaResponseTypeInfo.


if async, wait to pause the process until the async operation is completed.


out_path - folder path to save the file.


Defaults to bidirectional when the targetType is client and download when the targetType is server. If set, only bidirectional is supported when targetType is client. If set, only upload or download are supported when targetType is server. Values: download | upload | bidirectional Example: syncDirection=download


Can be set to either server or client. If not set, the default is client. This option was added at 10.5.1.


Optional List. Introduced at 10.8. This parameter applies a datum transformation on each layer when the spatial reference used in geometry is different than the layer’s spatial reference.


JSON response if POST request made successfully. Otherwise, return None.

create_replica_item(replica_name, item, destination_gis, layers=None, extent=None)

Creates a replicated service from a parent to another GIS.




Optional string. Name for replicated item in other GIS


Required Item to replicate


Required GIS object


Optional dict. Layers to replicate in the item


Optional dict. Depicts the geometry extent for an item.


The published replica item created





Required string. replicaId returned by the feature service when the replica was created.


The replica information


returns all the replicas for the feature layer collection

sync_replicated_items(parent, child, replica_name)

Synchronizes two replicated items between portals




Required Item that points to the feature service that is the parent dataset. (source)


Required Item that points to the feature service that is the child dataset. (target)


Required string. Name of either parent or child Item


Boolean value. True means service is up to date/synchronized, False means the synchronization failed.

synchronize(replica_id, transport_type='esriTransportTypeUrl', replica_server_gen=None, return_ids_for_adds=False, edits=None, return_attachment_databy_url=False, asynchronous=False, sync_direction='snapshot', sync_layers='perReplica', edits_upload_id=None, edits_upload_format=None, data_format='json', rollback_on_failure=True)

synchronizes replica with feature layer collection


unregisters a replica from a feature layer collection Inputs:

replica_id - The replicaID returned by the feature service

when the replica was created.


class arcgis.features.managers.FeatureLayerCollectionManager(url, gis=None, fs=None)

Allows updating the definition (if access permits) of a FeatureLayerCollection. This class is not created by users directly. An instance of this class, called ‘manager’, is available as a property of the FeatureLayerCollection object.

Users call methods on this ‘manager’ object to manage the feature layer collection.

add_to_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The add_to_definition operation supports adding a definition property to a hosted feature layer collection service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description.

This function will allow users to change or add additional values to an already published service.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object.


Optional, If True, a future object will be returns and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


JSON message as dictionary when future=False when future=True, `concurrent.futures.Future` is returned.

create_view(name, spatial_reference=None, extent=None, allow_schema_changes=True, updateable=True, capabilities='Query', view_layers=None, view_tables=None, *, description=None, tags=None, snippet=None, overwrite=None, set_item_id=None)

Creates a view of an existing feature service. You can create a view, if you need a different view of the data represented by a hosted feature layer, for example, you want to apply different editor settings, apply different styles or filters, define which features or fields are available, or share the data to different groups than the hosted feature layer create a hosted feature layer view of that hosted feature layer.

When you create a feature layer view, a new hosted feature layer item is added to Content. This new layer is a view of the data in the hosted feature layer, which means updates made to the data appear in the hosted feature layer and all of its hosted feature layer views. However, since the view is a separate layer, you can change properties and settings on this item separately from the hosted feature layer from which it is created.

For example, you can allow members of your organization to edit the hosted feature layer but share a read-only feature layer view with the public.

To learn more about views visit:




Required string. Name of the new view item


Optional dict. Specify the spatial reference of the view


Optional dict. Specify the extent of the view


Optional bool. Default is True. Determines if a view can alter a service’s schema.


Optional bool. Default is True. Determines if view can update values


Optional string. Specify capabilities as a comma separated string. For example “Query, Update, Delete”. Default is ‘Query’.


Optional list. Specify list of layers present in the FeatureLayerCollection that you want in the view.


Optional list. Specify list of tables present in the FeatureLayerCollection that you want in the view.


Optional String. A user-friendly description for the published dataset.


Optional String. The comma separated string of descriptive words.


Optional String. A short description of the view item.


Optional Boolean. If true, the view is overwritten, False is the default.


Optional String. If set, the ItemId is defined by the user, not the system.


Returns the newly created Item for the view.

delete_from_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The delete_from_definition operation supports deleting a definition property from a hosted feature layer collection service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. See # noqa for additional information on this function.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object.


Optional, If True, a future object will be returns and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


JSON message as dictionary when future=False when future=True, `concurrent.futures.Future` is returned.

classmethod fromitem(item)

The fromitem method is used to create a FeatureLayerCollection from a Item class.




A required Item object. The item needed to convert to a FeatureLayerCollection object.


A FeatureLayerCollection object.

property generate_service_definition

Returns a dictionary can be used for service generation.


dict or None (if not supported on the service)


Overwrite all the features and layers in a hosted feature layer collection service. This operation removes all features but retains the properties (such as metadata, itemID) and capabilities configured on the service. There are some limits to using this operation:

  1. Only hosted feature layer collection services can be overwritten

  2. The original data used to publish this layer should be available on the portal

3. The data file used to overwrite should be of the same format and filename as the original that was used to publish the layer 4. The schema (column names, column data types) of the data_file should be the same as original. You can have additional or fewer rows (features).

In addition to overwriting the features, this operation also updates the data of the item used to published this layer.




Required string. Path to the file used to overwrite the hosted feature layer collection.


JSON message as dictionary such as {‘success’:True} or {‘error’:’error message’}

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.


refreshes a feature layer collection

update_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The update_definition operation supports updating a definition property in a hosted feature layer collection service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object.


Optional, If True, a future object will be returns and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


JSON message as dictionary when future=False when future=True, `concurrent.futures.Future` is returned.

property webhook_manager


class arcgis.features.managers.FeatureLayerManager(url, gis=None)

Allows updating the definition (if access permits) of a FeatureLayer. This class is not created by users directly. An instance of this class, called ‘manager’, is available as a property of the FeatureLayer object, if the layer can be managed by the user. Users call methods on this ‘manager’ object to manage the feature layer.

add_to_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The addToDefinition operation supports adding a definition property to a hosted feature layer.

This function will allow users to change add additional values to an already published service.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object.


JSON message as dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

delete_from_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The deleteFromDefinition operation supports deleting a definition property from a hosted feature layer. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. See: # noqa for additional information on this function.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Only include the items you want to remove from the FeatureService or layer.


Optional, If True, a future object will be returns and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


JSON Message as dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

classmethod fromitem(item, layer_id=0)

Creates a FeatureLayerManager object from a GIS Item.




Required of type FeatureService that represents a FeatureLayerCollection.


Required string. Id of the layer in the FeatureLayerCollection


FeatureLayer created from the layer provided.

property properties

The properties property retrieves and set properties of this object.


refreshes a service

truncate(attachment_only=False, asynchronous=False, wait=True)

The truncate operation supports deleting all features or attachments in a hosted feature service layer. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. See: # noqa for additional information on this function.




Optional boolean. If True, deletes all the attachments for this layer. None of the layer features will be deleted.


Optional boolean. If True, supports asynchronous processing. The default is False. It is recommended to set asynchronous=True for large datasets.


Optional boolean. If True, then wait to pause the process until asynchronous operation is completed. Default is True.


JSON Message as dictionary indicatiing ‘success’ or ‘error’

update_definition(json_dict, future=False)

The updateDefinition operation supports updating a definition property in a hosted feature layer. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description.




Required dict. The part to add to the hosted service. The format can be derived from the properties property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object.


Optional, If True, a future object will be returns and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


JSON Message as dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features._version.VersionManager(url, gis, flc=None)

VersionManager allows users to manage the branch versioning for FeatureLayerCollection services. The Version Management Service is responsible for exposing the management capabilities necessary to support feature services that work with branch versioned datasets.

See the following for more information:




Required String. The URI to the web resource.


Required GIS. The enterprise connection to the Portal site.


Optional FeatureLayerCollection. This is the parent container that the branch versioning is enabled on.

property all

returns all visible versions on a service

create(name, permission='public', description='')

Create the named version off of DEFAULT. The version is associated with the specified feature service. During creation, the description and access (default is public) may be optionally set.




Required String. The name of the version


Optional String. The access permissions of the new version. The default access permission is public.

Values: “private” | “public” | “protected” | “hidden”


Optional String. The description of the new version


Boolean. True if successful else False.

get(version, mode=None)

Finds and Locations a Version by it’s name




Required String. This is the name of the version to locate.


Optional String. This allows users to get a version in a specific state of edit or read. If None is provided (default) the version is created without entering a mode.


  • edit - starts editting mode

  • read - starts reading mode

  • None - no mode is started. This is default.

property locks

For the specified feature service, return the versions which are locked.


List of locked versions

property properties

returns the service properties

purge(version, owner=None)

Removes a lock from a version




Required String. The name of the version that is locked.


Required String. The owner of the lock. (Deprecated)


Boolean. True if successful else False.

search(owner=None, show_hidden=False)

For the specified feature service, return the info of all versions that the client has access to. If the client is the service owner (the user that published the service), all versions are accessible and will be returned.




Optional String. A filter the versions by the owner.


Optional Boolean. If False (default) hidden versions will not be returned.


Dictionary indication ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features._version.Version(url, flc, gis=None, session_guid=None, mode=None)

A Version represents a single branch in the version tree.




Required String. The URI to the web resource.


Required GIS. The enterprise connection to the Portal site.


Optional FeatureLayerCollection. This is the parent container that the branch versioning is enabled on.


Optional String. If a GUID is known for specific version, a user can specify it.


Optional String. If a user wants to start either editing or reading on creation of the Version, it can be specified here. This is useful when a user is using the Version with a with statement.

Allowed Values:

  • edit - starts an edit session

  • read - starts a read session

alter(owner=None, version=None, description=None, permission=None)

The `alter` operation changes the geodatabase version’s name, description, and access permissions.




Optional String. The new name of the owner.


Optional String. The new name of the version.


Optional String. The new access level of the version.

Values: private, public, protected, or hidden


Optional String. The description of the new version


Boolean. True if successful else False.


The `conflicts` operation allows you to view the conflicts by layer and type (update-update, update-delete, delete-update) that were identified during the last Reconcile operation. The features that are in conflicts will also be returned as they existed in the branch, ancestor, and default versions.


Deletes the current version


Boolean. True if successful else False.


If the input moment does not match a specific moment (a moment corresponding to an edit operation), the call will return an error. The client app must correctly manage the edit session’s edit operations moments (for example, the undo/redo stack) and not blindly pass in a timestamp that could mistakenly delete all the forward moments. Thus, the input moment must be equal to a moment in which an edit operation for the version was applied. The call will also fail if the session does not have a write lock on the version.




Required String. Moment representing the new tail of the version; all forward moments will be trimmed.


Boolean. True if successful else False.

differences(result_type='objectIds', moment=None)

The `differences` operation allows you to view differences between the current version and the default version. The two versions can be compared to check for the following conditions.

  • Inserts - features that are present in the current version but not the default version

  • Updates - features that have different attributes or geometry in the current version than the default version

  • Deletions - features that are present in the default version but not in the current version

Both differences and conflicts will be returned. It is the clients responsibility to determine which are differences, and which are conflicts.




Required String. Determines the type of results to return. The default result type is objectIds.

Values : objectIds or features


Required String. Moment used to compare current version with default.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

edit(layer, adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True)

The edit operation allows users to apply changes to the current version. The edit session must be in the mode of edit or an exception will be raised.




Required FeatureLayer. The layer to perform the edit on.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updateded.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.



inspect(conflicts, inspect_all=False, set_inspected=False)

The `inspect` operation allows the client to annotate conflicts from the conflict set that was obtained during the last reconcile operation. Users can mark the conflicts as being inspected; additionally, a description or note can be associated with the conflict.




Required List. The conflicts that are being inspected (removed) from the conflict set.

Parameter Format:


“layerId” : <layerId>, “features” : [


“objectId” : <objectId>, “note” : string





The objectId key is required. The note parameter is optional.


Optional Boolean. This parameter, if true, will mark all conflicts as being inspected.


Optional Boolean. If True, the examined values will be set to inspected. If `inspect_all` is True, this parameter is ignored.


Boolean. True if successful else False.

property layers

returns the layers in the FeatureLayerCollection

property mode

The mode allows versoin editors to start and stop edit, read, or view mode.




Required string. Values: + edit - calls the start_editing method and creates a lock + read - calls the start_reading method and creates a lock + None - terminates all sessions and lets a user view the version information (default)

property parcel_fabric

Provides access to a parcel fabric manager




The Post operation allows the client to post the changes in their branch to the default version. The client can only post changes if the branch version has not been modified since the last reconcile. If the default version has been modified in the interim, the client will have to reconcile again before posting.


Boolean. True if successful else False.

property properties

returns the service properties

reconcile(end_with_conflict=False, with_post=False)

Reconcile a version against the DEFAULT version. The reconcile operation requires that you are the only user currently editing the version and the only user able to edit the version throughout the reconcile process until you save or post. The reconcile operation requires that you have full permissions to all the feature classes that have been modified in the version being edited. The reconcile operation detects differences between the branch version and the default version and flags these differences as conflicts. If conflicts exist, they should be resolved.




Optional Boolean. Specifies if the reconcile should abort when conflicts are found. The default is False


Optional Boolean. If True the with_post causes a post of the current version following the reconcile.


The restore method allows users to restore rows from a common ancestor version. This method is intended to be used when a DeleteUpdate conflicts are identified during the last reconcile.




Required List. An array of the rows to be restored




“layerId”: <layerId>, “objectIds”:[<objectId>]




Boolean and String. Bool: True if successful else False. String: the moment

property save_edits

Get/Set the Property to Save the Changes.




Required bool. Values: True | False

When set to true, any edits performed on the version will be saved.


Starts an edit session for the current user.


Boolean. True if successful else False.


Start reading represents a long-term service session. When start_reading is enabled, it will prevent other users from editing or reconciling the version.


Boolean. True if successful else False.


Starts an edit session for the current user.




Optional Boolean. States if the values should be saved. If the value is set, the save_edits property will be overrided.


Boolean. True if successful else False.


Stops and releases a reading session.


Boolean. True if successful else False.

property utility

provides access to the utility service manager

property validation

Provides access to a validation manager.




class arcgis.features._parcel.ParcelFabricManager(url, gis, version, flc)

The Parcel Fabric Server is responsible for exposing parcel management capabilities to support a variety of workflows from different clients and systems.




Required String. The URI to the service endpoint.


Required GIS. The enterprise connection.


Required Version. This is the version object where the modification will occur.


Required FeatureLayerCollection. This is the parent container for ParcelFabricManager.

analyze_least_squares_adjustment(analysis_type='CONSISTENCY_CHECK', convergence_tolerance=0.05, parcel_features=None, future=False)


Least Squares Adjustment functionality introduced at version 10.8.1

Analyzes the parcel fabric measurement network by running a least squares adjustment on the input parcels. A least-squares adjustment is a mathematical procedure that uses statistical analysis to estimate the most likely coordinates for connected points in a measurement network.

Use apply_least_squares_adjustment to apply the results of a least squares adjustment to parcel fabric feature classes.


Boolean. True if successful else False

apply_least_squares_adjustment(movement_tolerance=0.05, update_attributes=True, future=False)


Least Squares Adjustment functionality introduced at version 10.8.1

Applies the results of a least squares adjustment to parcel fabric feature classes. Least squares adjustment results stored in the AdjustmentLines and AdjustmentPoints feature classes are applied to the corresponding parcel line, connection line, and parcel fabric point feature classes.

Use analyze_least_squares_adjustment to run a least-squares analysis on parcels and store the results in adjustment feature classes.




Optional float. Represents the minimum allowable coordinate shift when updating parcel fabric points. If the distance between the adjustment point and the parcel fabric point is greater than the specified tolerance, the parcel fabric point is updated to the location of the adjustment point.

The default tolerance is 0.05 meters or 0.164 feet.


Optional boolean. Specifies whether attribute fields in the parcel fabric Points feature class will be updated with statistical metadata. The XY Uncertainty, Error Ellipse Semi Major, Error Ellipse Semi Minor, and Error Ellipse Direction fields will be updated with the values stored in the same fields in the AdjustmentPoints feature class.

The default is True


Optional boolean. If true, the request is processed as an asynchronous job and a URL is returned that points a location displaying the status of the job.

The default is False.


Boolean. True if successful else False

assign_to_record(features, record, write_attribute, moment=None)

Assigns the specified parcel features to the specified record. If parcel polygons are assigned, the record polygon will be updated to match the cumulative geometry of all the parcels associated to it. The Created By Record or Retired By Record attribute field of the parcel features is updated with the global ID of the assigned record.




Required List. The parcel features to assign to the specified record. Can be parcels, parcel polygons, parcel points, and parcel lines.




Required String. The record that will be assigned to the specified parcel features.


Required String. Represents the record field to update on the parcel features. Either the Created By Record or Retired By Record field is to be updated with the global ID of the assigned record.

Allowed Values: CreatedByRecord or RetiredByRecord


Optional Integer. This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment


Boolean. True if successful otherwise False

build(extent=None, moment=None, return_errors=False, record=None)

A build will fix known parcel fabric errors.

For example, if a parcel polygon exists without lines, then build will construct the missing lines. If lines are missing, the polygon row(s) are created. When constructing this objects, build will attribute the related keys as appropriate. Build also maintains lineage and record features. The parcel fabric must have sufficient information for build to work correctly. Ie, source reference document, and connected lines.

Build provides options to increase performance. The process can just work on specific parcels, geometry types or only respond to parcel point movement in the case of an adjustment.




Optional Envelope. The extent to build.


{“xmin”:X min,”ymin”: y min, “xmax”: x max, “ymax”: y max, “spatialReference”: <wkt of spatial reference>}


Optional String. This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment


Optional Boolean. If True, a verbose response will be given if errors occured. The default is False. Deprecated


Optional String. Represents the record identifier (guid). If a record guid is provided, only parcels associated to the record are built, regardless of the build extent.


Boolean. True if successful else False

change_type(parcels, target_type, parcel_subtype=0, moment=None)

Changes a set of parcels to a new parcel type. It creates new polygons and lines and deletes them from the source type. This is used when a parcel was associated in the wrong parcel type subtype and/or when creating multiple parcels as part of a build process. Example: when lot parcels are created as part of a subdivision, the road parcel is moved to the encumbrance (easement) parcel type.




Required List. Parcels list that will change type


Required String. The target parcel layer


Optional Integer. Target parcel subtype. The default is 0 meaning no subtype required.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Boolean. True if successful else False

clip(parent_parcels, clip_record=None, clipping_parcels=None, geometry=None, moment=None, option=None, area_unit=None)

Clip cuts a new child parcel into existing parent parcels. Commonly it retires the parent parcel(s) it cuts into to generate a reminder child parcel. This type of split is often part of a parcel split metes and bounds record driven workflow.




parent parcels that will be clipped into.


parentParcels= <parcel (guid)+layer (name)...>


Optional String. It is the GUID for the active legal record.


Optional List. A list of child parcels that will be used to clip into the parent parcels. Parcel lineage is created if the child ‘clipping_parcels’ and the parcels being clipped are of the same parcel type.


clippingParcels= <"id" : "parcel guid", "layerId": "<layer id>"...>



Either clipping_parcels or geometry is required.


Optional Polygon. Allows for the clipping a parcel based on geometry instead of ‘clippingParcels’ geometry. No parcel lineage is created.

Either clipping_parcels or geometry is required.


Optional String. This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment


Optional String. Represents the type of clip to perform:

  • PreserveArea - Preserve the areas that intersect and discard the remainder areas. (default)

  • DiscardArea - Discard the areas that intersect and preserve the remainder areas.

  • PreserveBothAreasSplit - Preserve both the intersecting and remainder areas.


Optional String. Area units to be used when calculating the stated areas of the clipped parcels. The stated area of the clipped parcels will be calculated if the stated areas exist on the parent parcels being clipped.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

copy_lines_to_parcel_type(parent_parcels, record, target_type, moment=None, mark_historic=False, use_source_attributes=False, attribute_overrides=None, use_polygon_attributes=False, parcel_subtype=None)

Copy lines to parcel type is used when the construction of the child parcel is based on parent parcel geometry. It creates a copy of the parent parcels lines that the user can modify (insert, delete, update) before they build the child parcels. If the source parcel type and the target parcel type are identical (common) parcel lineage is created.




Required String. Parcel parcels from which lines are copied.


Required String. The unique identifier (guid) of the active legal record.


Required String. The target parcel layer to which the lines will be copied to.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Optional Boolean. Mark the parent parcels historic. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. If the source and the target line schema match, attributes from the parent parcel lines will be copied to the new child parcel lines when it is set to True. The default is False.


Optional Boolean. Parameter representing whether to preserve and transfer attributes of the parent parcels to the generated seeds.


Optional Dictionary. To set fields on the child parcel lines with a specific value. Uses a key/value pair of FieldName/Value.


``attributeOverrides = [{

“type”: “PropertySet”, “propertySetItems”: [

<field name> , <field value>




Optional Integer. Represents the target parcel subtype.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

create_seeds(record, moment=None, extent=None)

Create seeds creates parcel seeds for closed loops of lines that are associated with the specified record.

When building parcels from lines, parcel seeds are used. A parcel seed is the initial state or seed state of a parcel. A parcel seed indicates to the build process that a parcel can be built from the lines enclosing the seed.

A parcel seed is a minimized polygon feature and is stored in the parcel type polygon feature class.




Required String. A GUID representing the record that will be assigned to the features set as current or historic.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Optional Dict/arcgis.Geometry.Envelope. The envelope of the extent in which to create seeds.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

delete(parcels, moment=None)

Delete a set of parcels, removing associated or unused lines, and connected points.




Required List. The parcels to erase.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Boolean. True if success else False

divide(divide_parcel_guid, divide_parcel_type, divide_record, divide_option, divide_number_of_parts, divide_part_area, divide_line_bearing, divide_left_side, divide_distribute_remainder, default_area_unit, divide_cogo_line_bearing=None)


Divide functionality introduced at version 10.9.1

Divide a polygon feature into multiple features that have proportional or equal areas, or equal widths.




Required String. GlobalId (guid) of parcel to be divided.


Required Integer. Layer ID of parcel type polygon feature.


Required String: Record identifier (guid). If missing, no history is created.


Required String. The type of division to be performed:
  • ProportionalArea

  • EqualArea

  • EqualWidth


Required Integer. The number of parts the parcel is to be divided into.


Required Float. Area of each part (parcel fabric GDB units squared).


Required Float. Bearing of the divide line (decimal degrees north azimuth).


Required Boolean. Does the division start from the left side of the divide line?


Required Boolean. Distribute any remaining area among areas created.


Required Integer. Represents the default area units.


Optional Float. Bearing of the divide line (decimal degrees north azimuth).


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

duplicate(parcels, parcel_type, record, parcel_subtype=None, moment=None)

duplicate allows for the cloning of parcels from a specific record.

Parcels can be duplicated in the following ways:

  • Duplicate to a different parcel type.

  • Duplicate to a different subtype in the same parcel type.

  • Duplicate to a different subtype in a different parcel type.

Similarly, parcel seeds can be duplicated to subtypes and different parcel types.




Required List. A list of parcels to duplicate.




Required Integer. The target parcel type.


Required String. A GUID representing the record that will be assigned to the features set as current or historic.


Optional Integer. The target parcel subtype. The default is 0.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

property layer

returns the Parcel Layer for the service

merge(parent_parcels, target_parcel_type, attribute_overrides=None, child_name=None, default_area_unit=None, merge_record=None, merge_into=None, moment=None)

Merge combines 2 or more parent parcels into onenew child parcel. Merge sums up legal areas of parent parcels to the new child parcel legal area (using default area units as dictated by client). The child parcel lines arecomposed from the outer boundaries of the parent parcels. Merge can create multipart parcels as well as proportion lines (partial overlap of parent parcels). Record footprint is updated to match the child parcel.




Required String. It is the parcel(guid)+layer(name) identifiers to merge.


Required String. Layer where parcel is merged to. History is created when parents and child are of the same parcel type


Optional List. A list of attributes to set on the child parcel, if they exist. Pairs of field name and value.


``attributeOverrides = [{

“type”: “PropertySet”, “propertySetItems”: [

<field name> , <field value>



  • to set subtype, include subtype value in this list.


Optional String. A descript of the child layer. DEPRECATED


Optional String. The area units of the child parcel.


Optional String. Record identifier (guid). If missing, no history is created.


Optional String. A parcel identifier (guid). Invalid to have a record id.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Optional Integer. Represents the default area units to be used when calculating the stated area of the merged parcel. The stated area of the merged parcel will be calculated if the stated areas exist on the parcels being merged.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

property properties

returns the properties of the service

update_history(features, record, moment=None, set_as_historic=False)

Sets the specified parcel features to current or historic using the specified record. If setting current parcels as historic, the Retired By Record field of the features is updated with the Global ID of the specified record. If setting historic parcels as current, the Created By Record field of the features is updated with the Global ID of the specified record.




Required List. The parcel features to be set as historic or current. Can be parcels, parcel polygons, parcel points, and parcel lines.




Required String. A GUID representing the record that will be assigned to the features set as current or historic.


Optional String. This parameter represents the session moment (the default is the version current moment). This should only be specified by the client when they do not want to use the current moment.


Optional Boolean. Boolean parameter representing whether to set the features as historic (true). If false, features will be set as current.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features._utility.UtilityNetworkManager(url, version, gis=None)

The Utility Network Service exposes analytic capabilities (tracing) as well as validation of network topology and management of subnetworks (managing sources, updating subnetworks, exporting subnetworks, and so on). The Utility Network Service is conceptually similar to the Network Analysis Service for transportation networks.




Required String. The web endpoint to the utility service.


Required Version. The Version class where the branch version will take place.


Optional GIS. The GIS connection object.

apply_overrides(adds=None, deletes=None)

Network attributes support the ability to have their values overridden without having to edit features and validate the network topology (build the index). The utility network also supports the ability to place ephemeral connectivity (for example, jumpers in an electrical network) between two devices or junctions without having to edit features or connectivity associations and validate the network topology (build the index). When specified by the client, a trace operation may optionally incorporate the network attribute and connectivity override values when the trace is run on.

disable_subnetwork_controller(network_source_id, global_id, terminal_id)

A subnetwork controller (or simply, a source or a sink) is the origin (or destination) of resource flow for a subpart of the network. Examples of subnetwork controllers are circuit breakers in electric networks, or town border stations in gas networks. Subnetwork controllers correspond to devices that have the Subnetwork Controller network capability set. A source is removed with disable_subnetwork_controller.


Disables the network topology for a utility network. When the topology is disabled, feature and association edits do not generate dirty areas. Analytics and diagram generation can’t be performed if the topology is not present.

When the topology is disabled, the following happens:

  • All current rows in the topology tables are deleted.

  • No dirty areas are generated from edits.

  • Remaining error features still exist and can be cleaned up without the overhead of dirty areas.

To perform certain network configuration tasks, the network topology must be disabled.

  • This operation must be executed by the portal utility network owner.

  • The topology can be disabled in the default version or in a named version.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

enable_subnetwork_controller(network_source_id, global_id, terminal_id, subnetwork_controller_name, tier_name, subnetwork_name=None, description=None, notes=None)

A subnetwork controller is the origin (or destination) of resource flow for a subpart of the network (e.g., a circuit breaker in electric networks, or a town border station in gas networks). Controllers correspond to Devices that have the Subnetwork Controller network capability set.


Enabling the network topology for a utility network is done on the DEFAULT version. Enabling is not supported in named versions. When the topology is enabled, all feature and association edits generate dirty areas, which are then consumed when the network topology is updated.




Optional Integer. Sets the threshold when the enable_topology will stop if the maximum number of errors is met. The default value is 10,000.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

export_subnetwork(domain_name, tier_name, subnetwork_name, trace_configuration=None, export_acknowlegement=False, fields=None, result_type=None, moment=None)

The export_subnetwork operation is used to export information about a subnetwork into a JSON file. That information can then be consumed by outside systems such as outage management and asset tracking. The exportSubnetwork operation allows you to delete corresponding rows in the Subnetwork Sources table as long as the IsDeleted attribute is set to True. This indicates a source feeding the subnetwork has been removed.

property properties

returns the properties for the service

query_network_moments(moments_to_return='fullValidateTopology', moment=None)

The query_network_moments operation returns the moments related to the network topology and operations against the topology. This includes when the topology was initially enabled, when it was last validated, when the topology was last disabled (and later enabled), and when the definition of the utility network was last modified.

query_overrides(attribute_ids=None, all_attributes=False, all_connectivity=False)

Network attributes support the ability to have their values overridden without having to edit features and validate the network topology (build the index). The utility network also supports the ability to place ephemeral connectivity (e.g., jumpers in an electrical network) between two devices or junctions without having to edit features or connectivity associations and validate the network topology (build the index). This operation allows the client to query all the overrides associated with the network attributes (by network attribute id). In addition, all connectivity overrides are returned.

synthesize_association_geometries(attachment_associations=False, connectivity_associations=False, containment_associations=False, count=200, extent=False, out_sr=None, moment=None)

The synthesize_association_geometries operation is used to export geometries representing associations that are synthesized as line segments corresponding to the geometries of the devices at the endpoints. All features associated with an association must be in the specified extent in order for the geometry to be synthesized. If only zero or one of the devices/junctions intersects the extent, then no geometry will be synthesized.

trace(locations, trace_type, fields=None, moment=None, configuration=None, result_type=None)

A trace refers to a pre-configured algorithm that systematically travels a network to return results. Generalized traces allow you to trace across multiple types of domain networks. For example, running a Connected trace from your electric network through to your gas network. An assortment of options is provided with trace to support various analytic work flows. All traces use the network topology to read cached information about network features. This can improve performance of complex traces on large networks. Trace results are not guaranteed to accurately represent a utility network when dirty areas are present. The network topology must be validated to ensure it reflects the most recent edits or updates made to the network.


Utility network features have an attribute called IsConnected that lets you know if a feature is connected to a source or sink, and therefore it could potentially be part of an existing subnetwork. The update_is_connected operation updates this attribute on features in the specified utility network. This operation can only be executed on the default version by the portal utility network owner.

update_subnetwork(domain_name, tier_name, subnetwork_name=None, all_subnetwork_tier=False, continue_on_failure=False, trace_configuration=None)

A subnetwork is updated by calling the update_subnetwork operation. With this operation, one or all of the subnetworks in a single tier can be updated. When a subnetwork is updated, four things can occur; the Subnetwork Name attribute is updated for all features in the subnetwork, the record representing the subnetwork inside the SubnetLine class is refreshed, the Subnetworks table is updated and finally diagrams are generated or updated for the subnetwork.


Boolean. True if successful else False.

validate_topology(envelope, run_async=False, return_edits=False)

Validating the network topology for a utility network maintains consistency between feature editing space and network topology space. Validating a network topology may include all or a subset of the dirty areas present in the network. Validation of network topology is supported synchronously and asynchronously.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features._validation.ValidationManager(url, version=None, gis=None)

The Validation Server is responsible for exposing the management capabilities necessary to support evaluation of geodatabase rules.

evaluate(evaluation, area=None, changes_in_version=False, selection=None, return_edits=False)

Runs the topology rules and returns new errors if they exist.




Required List of Strings. An array of evaluation types. Allowed Rule Types: validation, calculation and/or topology


Optional Envelope/Dict. Extent area to evaluate.


Optional Boolean. representing whether to perform the evaluation on the features that have changed in the version (default is false). Does not apply to the DEFAULT version.

When set to true, the evaluationDate property for the version is updated. This is listed as a property for a version and can be accessed using the version resource and the version infos operation.


Optional List. A set of features to evaluate. This is an array of layers and the global IDs or Object IDs of the features to examine.

If the evaluation_type is topology this parameter is ignored.


``` [


“id” : <layerId1>, “globalIds” : [ <globalId> ], “objectIds” : [ <objectId> ]

}, {

“id” : <layerId2>, “globalIds” : [ <globalId> ]. “objectIds” : [ <objectId> ]



Optional Boolean. returns features edited due to feature evaluation. Results returned are organized in a layer by layer fashion. If return_edits is set to true, each layer may have edited features returned.

The default for this parameter is false. Always set to true when evaluating topology for a parcel fabric.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’

property properties

service properties

update_error(error_features, version=None, return_edits=None, **kwargs)

Updates errors on the validation tables.




Required List. The error features to be updated.


``` [

“errorType”“object” | “point” | “line” |



“globalId” : <guid>, “fields” : {

“name1” : <value1>, “name2” : <value2>






Optional Boolean. return_edits returns features edited due to errors update. Results returned are organized in a layer by layer fashion. If it is set to True, each layer may have edited features returned in an editedFeatures object.

The editedFeatures object returns full features including the original features prior to delete, the original and current features for updates and the current rows for inserts which may contain implicit changes (e.g. as a result of a calculation rule ).

The response includes no editedFeatures and exceededTransferLimit=True if the count of edited features to return is more than the maxRecordCount. If clients are using this parameter to maintain a cache, they should invalidate the cache when exceededTransferLimit = True is returned. If the server encounters an error when generating the list of edits is the response, exceededTransferLimit = True is also returned.

Edited features are returned in the spatial reference of the feature service as defined by the services spatialReference object or by the spatialReference of the layers extent object.

The default for this parameter is False.


Dictionary indicating ‘success’ or ‘error’


class arcgis.features.managers.WebHookServiceManager(url, fc, gis)

The WebHookServiceManager allows owners and administrators wire feature service specific events to FeatureLayerCollection.

create(name: str, hook_url: str, change_types: str = '*', signature_key: str = None, active: bool = False, schedule_info: dict = None, payload_format: str = 'json')arcgis.features.managers.WebHook

Creates a new Feature Collection Web Hook




Required String. Use valid name for a webhook. This name needs to be unique per service.


Required String. The URL to which the payloads will be delivered.


Optional String. The default is “*”, which means all events. This is a comma separated list of values that will fire off the web hook. The list each supported type is below.


Optional String. If specified, the key will be used in generating the HMAC hex digest of value using sha256 hash function and is return in the x-esriHook-Signature header.


Optional bool. Enable or disable call backs when the webhook is triggered.


Optional Dict. Allows the trigger to be used as a given schedule. Example:


“name” : “Every-5seconds”, “startAt” : 1478280677536, “state” : “enabled”,


“frequency” : “second”, “interval” : 5




Optional String. The payload can be sent in pretty format or standard. The default is json.

A list of allowed web hook triggers is shown below.


Trigged When


Wildcard event. Any time any event is triggered.


A new feature is created


Any time a feature is updated


Any time a feature is deleted


Any time a feature is edited (insert or update or delete)


Any time adding a new attachment to a feature


Any time updating a feature attachment


Any time an attachment is deleted from a feature


Any time a schema is changed in a layer


Any time a layer definition is changed


Any time a feature service is changed


A WebHook object

delete_all_hooks() → bool

The delete_all_hooks operation will permanently remove the specified webhook.


Bool, True if successful

disable_hooks() → bool

The disable_hooks will turn off all web hooks for the current service.


Bool, True if successful

enable_hooks() → bool

The enable_hooks operation restarts a deactivated webhook. When activated, payloads will be delivered to the payload URL when the webhook is invoked.


Bool, True if successful

property list

Get a list of web hooks on the FeatureLayerCollection



property properties

Gets the properties for the WebHook Service Manager and returns a PropertyMap object


class arcgis.features.managers.WebHook(url, gis)

The Webhook represents a single hook instance.

delete() → bool

Deletes the current webhook from the system


Boolean, True if successful

edit(name: str = None, change_types: str = None, hook_url: str = None, signature_key: str = None, active: bool = None, schedule_info: dict = None, payload_format: str = None) → dict

Updates the existing WebHook’s Properties.




Optional String. Use valid name for a webhook. This name needs to be unique per service.


Optional String. The URL to which the payloads will be delivered.


Optional String. The default is “*”, which means all events. This is a comma separated list of values that will fire off the web hook. The list each supported type is below.


Optional String. If specified, the key will be used in generating the HMAC hex digest of value using sha256 hash function and is return in the x-esriHook-Signature header.


Optional bool. Enable or disable call backs when the webhook is triggered.


Optional Dict. Allows the trigger to be used as a given schedule. Example:

``` {

“name” : “Every-5seconds”, “startAt” : 1478280677536, “state” : “enabled”,


“frequency” : “second”, “interval” : 5



Optional String. The payload can be sent in pretty format or standard. The default is json.

A list of allowed web hook triggers is shown below.


Trigged When


Wildcard event. Any time any event is triggered.


A new feature is created


Any time a feature is updated


Any time a feature is deleted


Any time a feature is edited (insert or update or delete)


Any time adding a new attachment to a feature


Any time updating a feature attachment


Any time an attachment is deleted from a feature


Any time a schema is changed in a layer


Any time a layer definition is changed


Any time a feature service is changed


Response of edit as a dict.

property properties

Returns the WebHook’s properties

