
arcgis-desktop Deployment Template #

Installs ArcGIS Desktop.

System Requirements #

Consult the ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.2 system requirements documentation for the required/recommended hardware specification.

  • Chef Client 16, or
  • Cinc Client 16
  • 3.8.0

Supported Platforms #

  • Windows
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 10 Pro

Required ArcGIS Software Repository Content #

The following ArcGIS setup archives must be available in the ArcGIS software repository directory:

  • ArcGIS_Desktop_1082_180378.exe

The ArcGIS software repository directory is specified by the arcgis.repository.archives attribute. By default, it is set to local directory C:\Software\Archives. However, it is recommended to create an ArcGIS software repository located on a separate file server that is accessible from all the machines in the deployment for the user account used to run Chef client.

Ensure that the directory specified by the arcgis.repository.setups attribute has enough space for the setups extracted from the setup archives.

Initial Deployment Workflow #

The following is the recommended initial deployment workflow for the template machine roles:

  1. Install Chef Client or Cinc Client.
  2. Download and extract ArcGIS Chef cookbooks into the Chef workspace directory.
  3. Update the required attributes within the template JSON files.
  4. Run the Chef client on machines as administrator using the json files specific to the machine roles (one machine can be used in multiple roles).

For additional customization options, see the list of supported attributes described in arcgis-desktop cookbook README file.

Concurrent-Use ArcGIS Desktop #

chef-client -z -j arcgis-desktop-concurrent-use.json

Single-Use ArcGIS Desktop #

chef-client -z -j arcgis-desktop-single-use.json

Machine Roles #

The JSON files included in the template provide recipes for the deployment machine roles and the most important attributes used by the recipes.

arcgis-desktop-concurrent-use #

Installs ArcGIS Desktop and configures it with an existing ArcGIS License Manager.

The concurrent-use license must be either already authorized via License Manager or needs to be done manually.

Required attribute changes:

  • arcgis.desktop.esri_license_host - ArcGIS License Server host name

arcgis-desktop-single-use #

Installs ArcGIS Desktop with a single-use license.

Required attribute changes:

  • arcgis.desktop.authorization_file - ArcGIS Desktop authorization file path