Source code for arcrest.manageorg.administration

   Manages Portal/AGOL content, users, items, etc..
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from import PortalServerSecurityHandler
from .._abstract.abstract import BaseAGOLClass
import json
from . import _community, _content, _portals, _oauth2
from ..hostedservice import Services
from ..manageags import AGSAdministration
from ..packages.six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse, urlunparse

[docs]class Administration(BaseAGOLClass): """ Administers the AGOL/Portal Site """ _securityHandler = None _url = None _proxy_url = None _proxy_port = None _token = None _currentVersion = None _json = None _json_dict = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, url=None, securityHandler=None, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None, initialize=False): """Constructor""" self._securityHandler = securityHandler if url is None and not securityHandler is None: url = securityHandler.org_url if url is None or url == '': raise AttributeError("URL or Security Handler needs to be specified") if url.lower().find("/sharing") > -1: self._url = url else: self._url = url + "/sharing" #if url.lower().find("/rest") > -1: #self._url = url #else: #self._url = url + "/rest" self._proxy_url = proxy_url self._proxy_port = proxy_port if securityHandler is not None: self._referer_url = securityHandler.referer_url else: raise AttributeError("Security Handler is required for the administration function") urlInfo = urlparse(self._url) if str(urlInfo.netloc).lower() == "": portalSelf = self.portals.portalSelf urlInfo=urlInfo._replace(netloc= "%s.%s" % (portalSelf.urlKey, portalSelf.customBaseUrl)) self._url = urlunparse(urlInfo) self._url = "https://%s.%s/sharing" % (portalSelf.urlKey, portalSelf.customBaseUrl) del portalSelf if initialize: self.__init(url=self._url) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init(self, url=None): """ initializes the site properties """ params = { "f" : "json" } if url is None: url = self._url json_dict = self._get(url=url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self._json_dict = json_dict self._json = json.dumps(json_dict) attributes = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') and \ not attr.startswith('_')] for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k in attributes: setattr(self, "_"+ k, json_dict[k]) else: print( k, " - attribute not implemented in Administration class.") del k, v #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """returns object as a dictionary""" if self._json_dict is None: self.__init(url=self._url) return self._json_dict #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """returns object as a string""" if self._json is None: self.__init(url=self._url) return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self): """iterates over raw json and returns the values""" for k,v in self._json_dict.items(): yield k,v #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def root(self): """gets the base url""" return self._url #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def tokenURL(self): """gets the token url""" return self._url + "/generateToken" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def currentVersion(self): """ returns the current version of the site """ if self._currentVersion is None: self.__init(self._url) return self._currentVersion #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def portals(self): """returns the Portals class that provides administration access into a given organization""" url = "%s/portals" % self.root return _portals.Portals(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def oauth2(self): """ returns the oauth2 class """ if self._url.endswith("/oauth2"): url = self._url else: url = self._url + "/oauth2" return _oauth2.oauth2(oauth_url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def community(self): """The portal community root covers user and group resources and operations. """ return _community.Community(url=self._url + "/community", securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def content(self): """returns access into the site's content""" return _content.Content(url=self._url + "/content", securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def search(self, q, t=None, focus=None, bbox=None, start=1, num=10, sortField=None, sortOrder="asc", useSecurity=True): """ This operation searches for content items in the portal. The searches are performed against a high performance index that indexes the most popular fields of an item. See the Search reference page for information on the fields and the syntax of the query. The search index is updated whenever users add, update, or delete content. There can be a lag between the time that the content is updated and the time when it's reflected in the search results. The results of a search only contain items that the user has permission to access. Inputs: q - The query string used to search t - type of content to search for. focus - another content filter. Ex: files bbox - The bounding box for a spatial search defined as minx, miny, maxx, or maxy. Search requires q, bbox, or both. Spatial search is an overlaps/intersects function of the query bbox and the extent of the document. Documents that have no extent (e.g., mxds, 3dds, lyr) will not be found when doing a bbox search. Document extent is assumed to be in the WGS84 geographic coordinate system. start - The number of the first entry in the result set response. The index number is 1-based. The default value of start is 1 (that is, the first search result). The start parameter, along with the num parameter, can be used to paginate the search results. num - The maximum number of results to be included in the result set response. The default value is 10, and the maximum allowed value is 100. The start parameter, along with the num parameter, can be used to paginate the search results. sortField - Field to sort by. You can also sort by multiple fields (comma separated) for an item. The allowed sort field names are title, created, type, owner, modified, avgRating, numRatings, numComments, and numViews. sortOrder - Describes whether the results return in ascending or descending order. Default is ascending. Values: asc | desc useSecurity - boolean value that determines if the security handler object's token will be appended on the search call. If the value is set to False, then the search will be performed without authentication. This means only items that have been shared with everyone on AGOL or portal site will be found. If it is set to True, then all items the user has permission to see based on the query passed will be returned. Output: returns a list of dictionary """ if self._url.endswith("/rest"): url = self._url + "/search" else: url = self._url + "/rest/search" params = { "f" : "json", "q" : q, "sortOrder" : sortOrder, "num" : num, "start" : start } if not focus is None: params['focus'] = focus if not t is None: params['t'] = t if useSecurity and \ self._securityHandler is not None and \ self._securityHandler.method == "token": params["token"] = self._securityHandler.token if sortField is not None: params['sortField'] = sortField if bbox is not None: params['bbox'] = bbox return self._get(url=url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)
[docs] def hostingServers(self): """ Returns the objects to manage site's hosted services. It returns AGSAdministration object if the site is Portal and it returns a hostedservice.Services object if it is AGOL. """ portals = self.portals portal = portals.portalSelf urls = portal.urls if 'error' in urls: print( urls) return services = [] if urls != {}: if 'urls' in urls: if 'features' in urls['urls']: if 'https' in urls['urls']['features']: for https in urls['urls']['features']['https']: if portal.isPortal == True: url = "%s/admin" % https #url = https services.append(AGSAdministration(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)) else: url = "https://%s/%s/ArcGIS/rest/admin" % (https, portal.portalId) services.append(Services(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)) elif 'http' in urls['urls']['features']: for http in urls['urls']['features']['http']: if (portal.isPortal == True): url = "%s/admin" % http services.append(AGSAdministration(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, initialize=True)) else: url = "http://%s/%s/ArcGIS/rest/admin" % (http, portal.portalId) services.append(Services(url=url, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)) else: print( "Publishing servers not found") else: print ("Publishing servers not found") else: print( "Publishing servers not found") return services else: for server in portal.servers['servers']: url = server['adminUrl'] + "/admin" sh = PortalServerSecurityHandler(tokenHandler=self._securityHandler, serverUrl=url, referer=server['name'].replace(":6080", ":6443") ) services.append( AGSAdministration(url=url, securityHandler=sh, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, initialize=False) ) return services