Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Annotation.h | |
AnnotationBuilder.h | |
API.h | |
Attributable.h | |
/Attributable.h | |
AttributeMap.h | |
BoundingBox.h | |
Builder.h | |
BuiltinAttributes.h | |
BuiltinMaterialAttributes.h | |
BuiltinMaterialAttributes_impl_decl.h | |
BuiltinMaterialAttributesBuilder_impl_decl.h | |
BuiltinShapeAttributes.h | |
BuiltinShapeAttributes_impl_decl.h | |
Cache.h | |
Callbacks.h | |
CGAError.h | |
CGAErrorLevel.h | |
CGB.h | |
Content.h | |
ContentType.h | |
CTString.h | |
DataBackend.h | |
DebugUtils.h | |
Decoder.h | |
DecoderFactory.h | |
DecoderInfo.h | |
EncodeOptions.h | |
EncodeOptionsValidator.h | |
EncodePreparator.h | |
Encoder.h | |
EncoderFactory.h | |
EncoderInfo.h | |
EncoderInfoBuilder.h | |
Exception.h | |
Extension.h | |
ExtensionFactory.h | |
ExtensionManager.h | |
FileExtensions.h | |
FileOutputCallbacks.h | |
GenerateContext.h | |
Geometry.h | |
InitialShape.h | |
/InitialShape.h | |
Log.h | |
LogHandler.h | |
LogLevel.h | |
Material.h | |
MaterialUtils.h | |
MemoryOutputCallbacks.h | |
Mesh.h | |
MeshUtils.h | |
NamePreparator.h | |
Object.h | |
OcclusionSet.h | |
OpaquePtr.h | |
OpaquePtrImpl.h | |
prt.h | |
PRTUtils.h | |
prtx.h | |
ReportsCollector.h | |
ResolveMap.h | |
/ResolveMap.h | |
ResolveMapProvider.h | |
ResolveMapProviderFactory.h | |
RuleFileInfo.h | |
Shader.h | |
Shape.h | |
ShapeIterator.h | |
ShapeUtils.h | |
Singleton.h | |
Status.h | |
StreamAdaptor.h | |
StreamAdaptorFactory.h | |
StringUtils.h | |
Table.h | |
Texture.h | |
TrimPlane.h | |
Types.h | |
URI.h | |
Version.h | |