Style Explorer
- calcite-nav-top
- calcite-layout-medium-title
- calcite-bg-color-off-black
A theme for Bootstrap for designing, styling and creating modern map apps.
Explore Calcite Maps colors, styles and layouts with the Style Explorer. Design layouts interactively and then use the CSS classes to create your own apps.
Use the ArcGIS JS 3.x and 4.x API sample starter apps to build apps quickly. Use Dojo or jQuery libraries for Bootstrap for easy integration. Also see the jQuery version and the ArcGIS JS 4 | Show Code Starter App.
Use the sample starter app to build Esri Leaflet apps with the same Calcite styles, colors and layouts. Use the jQuery library for Bootstrap and Calcite Maps to make integration easy.
If you are an advanced user, try out the custom Sass build. Use the custom build to load bower and npm components, for continuous integration and to generate the smallest builds possible. Add or remove Calcite and Bootstrap components as necessary.