What's new in v2.0.0?

Our family of users and contributors has grown (a lot!) since our first release so we decided to rollup our sleeves (groan) and overhaul the API. Our goals were to:

  1. Make ArcGIS REST JS as consistent (and simple) as possible
  2. Introduce building blocks for compositional/fluent APIs
  3. Provide a few new options to reuse common parameters

Fluent APIs

In v2.0.0 we introduced a new class called SearchQueryBuilder to help compose complex parameters.

import { searchItems, SearchQueryBuilder } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-portal";

const q = new SearchQueryBuilder()
  .match("US Forest Service")
   .match("Web Mapping Application")
   .match("Mobile Application")

// "Trees AND owner: US Forest Service AND (type: "Web Mapping Application" OR type: "Mobile Application")"
searchItems({ q })

Currently only searchItems() and searchGroups() accept SearchQueryBuilder as an input, but we've included building blocks (groan) to create additional implementations as well.


The promises returned by searchItems() and searchGroups() also got a handy new nextPage() method to make it easier to sift through paginated results.

searchItems({ q })
  .then(response => {
    if (response.nextPage) {

Reuse parameters

We added two new methods to @esri/arcgis-rest-request as helpers for passing repeat options through.


Now, if you want to ensure that all requests include a custom option, you can use setDefaultRequestOptions().

import { request, setDefaultRequestOptions } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-request";

  headers: { "Custom-Header": "Test Value" }

const url = `https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/info`;

// the custom header will *always* be passed along

You should not pass authentication to this method if your code runs in a shared environment like a web server that handles requests for more than one user.


If you'd like to selectively append common options to a specific method, you can use the new withOptions() method.

import { request, withOptions } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-request";

const authenticatedRequest = withOptions({
  authentication: session
}, request);

// includes authenticated session

// does NOT include authenticated session

Breaking Changes

In order to make the API more consistent and a little easier to navigate, we had to break a few 🍳s.

One portal package to rule them all (even for ArcGIS Online)

We consolidated four existing packages into a new one called @esri/arcgis-rest-portal. Whether you want to talk to ArcGIS Online or Enterprise, now you'll do this:

# new
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-portal

instead of this:

# old
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-items &&
@esri/arcgis-rest-users &&
@esri/arcgis-rest-groups &&

The table below lists methods in this package that have been deprecated, given a facelift, or given a new home.

Old New Package
serializeGroup() groups
addItemJsonData() addItemData() items
createItemInFolder({ folder }) createItemInFolder({ folderId }) items portal
searchItems( string|opts ) searchItems( string|opts|Builder ) items portal
searchGroups( form, opts ) searchGroups( string|opts|Builder ) groups portal
getItemResources( opts ) getItemResources( id, opts? ) items portal
getUserUrl() getUserUrl() auth portal
getPortalUrl() getPortalUrl() request portal
getPortal() getPortal() request portal
SearchQueryBuilder portal


The only breaking changes we made to request were to refactor an internal method and move a couple others into the new portal package.

Old New Package Name
getPortalUrl() getPortalUrl() request portal
getPortal() getPortal() request portal

If you work with private services (shhhh)

We didn't make many changes in @esri/arcgis-rest-auth, but one method moved and two others got simpler.

Old New Package Name
getUserUrl() getUserUrl() auth portal
fetchToken(params|opts) fetchToken(opts)
generateToken(params|opts) generateToken(opts)


In this package, we renamed one constant.

Old New

Geocoding addresses

In the interest of consistency, we renamed the geocoding package too.

# new
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-geocoding
# old
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-geocoder

We renamed one method (and one constant) as well.

Old New
serviceInfo() getGeocodeService()

Querying and editing feature layers

This package was also renamed. If you're already using queryFeatures() or making edits inside hosted feature layers, now you'll install this:

# new
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-feature-layer

instead of this:

# old
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-feature-service

The feature-layer methods that were refactored or re-homed are listed below.

Old New Package
addFeatures({ adds }) addFeatures({ features })
updateFeatures({ updates }) updateFeatures({ features })
deleteFeatures({ deletes }) deleteFeatures({ objectIds })
getLayer(url, options) getLayer(options)

Publishing and updating new hosted feature services

If you're already using rest-js to publish new hosted feature services, that package has a new (shorter) name too.

# new
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-service-admin

instead of this:

# old
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-feature-service-admin

After you save those seven keystrokes, everything else will be familiar.

Helper methods

In this release we also made the decision to stop documenting internal helper methods like appendCustomParams. In the future, undocumented methods may change without notice.

Breaking Changes for TypeScript developers

Each package now installs shared TypeScript typings automatically and re-exports them, so its no longer necessary to install a separate package yourself.

// old
import { IPoint } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-common-types";
import { reverseGeocode } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-geocoder";

reverseGeocode({ x: 34, y: -118} as IPoint);

// new
import { IPoint, reverseGeocode } from "@esri/arcgis-rest-geocoding";

reverseGeocode({ x: 34, y: -118} as IPoint);

If you'd like to install the typings yourself, there is a more concise package name for that too.

# new package name
npm install @esri/arcgis-rest-types

The table below lists interfaces and types that have been removed or renamed in the name of consistency and brevity. This also better aligns the names of options and response interfaces with their corresponding function.

Old Interface/Type New Interface/Type
esriFieldTypes FieldTypes
esriGeometryType GeometryType
esriUnits Units
IOauth2Options IOAuth2Options
IBulkGeocodingRequestOptions IBulkGeocodeOptions
IGeocodeRequestOptions IGeocodeOptions
ISolveRouteRequestOptions ISolveRouteOptions
IEditFeaturesParams ISharedEditOptions
IQueryFeaturesParams ISharedQueryOptions
IQueryFeaturesRequestOptions IQueryFeaturesOptions
IQueryRelatedRequestOptions IQueryRelatedOptions
IAddFeaturesRequestOptions IAddFeaturesOptions
IUpdateFeaturesRequestOptions IUpdateFeaturesOptions
IDeleteFeaturesRequestOptions IDeleteFeaturesOptions
IDecodeValuesRequestOptions IDecodeValuesOptions
ILayerRequestOptions IGetLayerOptions
IFeatureRequestOptions IGetFeatureOptions
IAddToServiceDefinitionRequestOptions IAddToServiceDefinitionOptions
ICreateServiceRequestOptions ICreateServiceOptions
IGroupAddRequestOptions ICreateGroupOptions
IPagingParamsRequestOptions IGetGroupContentOptions
IGroupIdRequestOptions IUserGroupOptions
IGroupNotificationRequestOptions ICreateGroupNotificationOptions
ISearchRequestOptions ISearchOptions
IGroupUpdateRequestOptions IUpdateGroupOptions
IItemIdRequestOptions IUserItemOptions
IItemResourceRequestOptions IItemResourceOptions
IItemAddResponse ICreateItemResponse
IManageItemRelationshipRequestOptions IManageItemRelationshipOptions
IItemDataAddRequestOptions IAddItemDataOptions
IItemCrudRequestOptions ICreateUpdateItemOptions
IAddFolderRequestOptions ICreateFolderOptions
IItemAddRequestOptions ICreateItemOptions
IItemDataRequestOptions IItemDataOptions
IItemRelationshipRequestOptions IItemRelationshipOptions
IItemGroupResponse IGetItemGroupsResponse
IFolderIdRequestOptions IFolderIdOptions
IItemUpdateResponse IUpdateItemResponse
IItemMoveResponse IMoveItemResponse
IItemUpdateRequestOptions IUpdateItemOptions
IItemMoveRequestOptions IMoveItemOptions
ISharingRequestOptions ISharingOptions
ISetAccessRequestOptions ISetAccessOptions
IGroupSharingRequestOptions IGroupSharingOptions
IGetUserRequestOptions IGetUserOptions
IInvitationRequestOptions IGetUserInvitationOptions
INotificationIdRequestOptions IRemoveNotificationOptions
IUpdateUserRequestOptions IUpdateUserOptions

That's it! We know that moving so much 🧀 is a hassle, but developers of the future send their thanks! 🎩