API Reference for the ArcGIS API for Python¶
- arcgis.gis module
- Item
- ItemDependency
- User
- Group
- Datastore
- Role
- Layer
- GroupApplication
- CategorySchemaManager
- ContentManager
- UserManager
- GroupManager
- GroupMigrationManager
- DatastoreManager
- RoleManager
- ResourceManager
- APIKeyManager
- APIKey
- ProfileManager
- InvitationManager
- CertificateManager
- PortalDataStore
- StatusJob
- MarketPlaceManager
- ViewManager
- Enumerations
- Dataclasses
- Submodules
- arcgis.gis.admin module
- AGOLAdminManager
- PortalAdminManager
- KubernetesAdmin
- AGOLUsageReports
- Bundle
- CategoryManager
- CollaborationManager
- Collaboration
- CreditManager
- License
- LicenseManager
- LivingAtlas
- IdentityProviderManager
- PasswordPolicy
- PortalResourceManager
- UX
- EmailManager
- Federation
- Indexer
- Logs
- Machines
- Security
- OAuth
- SSLCertificate
- SSLCertificates
- EnterpriseUsers
- EnterpriseGroups
- Site
- System
- Licenses (Deprecated 10.7+)
- PortalLicense
- Directory
- WebAdaptor
- WebAdaptors
- WebhookManager
- Webhook
- SocialProviders
- MetadataManager
- arcgis.gis.server module
- Server
- ServicesDirectory
- Service
- Extension
- Machine
- Report
- Datastore
- User
- Role
- ServerManager
- ServiceManager
- MachineManager
- LogManager
- ReportManager
- DataStoreManager
- UserManager
- RoleManager
- SystemManager
- SiteManager
- DirectoryManager
- ConfigurationStore
- Jobs
- ServerDirectory
- ServerProperties
- ItemInformationManager
- JobManager
- Job
- Mode
- arcgis.gis.agonb module
- arcgis.gis.agoserver module
- arcgis.gis.mission module
- arcgis.gis.nb module
- arcgis.gis.workflowmanager module
- arcgis.gis.tasks module
- arcgis.gis.sharing module
- arcgis.gis.admin module
- arcgis.env module
- arcgis.features module
- Feature
- FeatureLayer
- Table
- FeatureLayerCollection
- FeatureSet
- FeatureCollection
- GeoAccessor
- GeoSeriesAccessor
- EditFeatureJob
- Submodules
- arcgis.features.analysis module
- aggregate_points
- calculate_density
- choose_best_facilities
- connect_origins_to_destinations
- create_buffers
- create_drive_time_areas
- create_route_layers
- create_viewshed
- create_watersheds
- derive_new_locations
- dissolve_boundaries
- enrich_layer
- extract_data
- find_existing_locations
- find_hot_spots
- find_nearest
- find_point_clusters
- find_similar_locations
- find_centroids
- interpolate_points
- join_features
- merge_layers
- overlay_layers
- plan_routes
- summarize_nearby
- summarize_center_and_dispersion
- summarize_within
- trace_downstream
- arcgis.features.analyze_patterns module
- arcgis.features.elevation module
- arcgis.features.enrich_data module
- arcgis.features.find_locations module
- arcgis.features.hydrology module
- arcgis.features.manage_data module
- arcgis.features.managers module
- AttachmentManager
- SyncManager
- FeatureLayerCollectionManager
- FeatureLayerManager
- VersionManager
- Version
- ParcelFabricManager
- TopographicProductionManager
- TopographicProductionJobManager
- TraceConfiguration
- TraceNetworkManager
- UtilityNetworkManager
- ValidationManager
- WebHookServiceManager
- WebHook
- WebHookEvents
- WebHookScheduleInfo
- NetworkDiagramManager
- Diagram
- arcgis.features.summarize_data module
- arcgis.features.use_proximity module
- arcgis.features.analysis module
- arcgis.raster module
- ImageryLayer
- ImageryLayerCacheManager
- ImageryTileManager
- Raster
- RasterCatalogItem
- RasterManager
- RasterCollection
- RasterInfo
- Submodules
- arcgis.raster.analytics module
- get_datastores
- is_supported
- generate_raster
- interpolate_points
- create_viewshed
- summarize_raster_within
- calculate_density
- classify
- segment
- train_classifier
- convert_feature_to_raster
- convert_raster_to_feature
- copy_raster
- create_image_collection
- add_image
- delete_image
- delete_image_collection
- list_datastore_content
- build_footprints
- build_overview
- calculate_statistics
- optimum_travel_cost_network
- determine_travel_costpath_as_polyline
- generate_multidimensional_anomaly
- build_multidimensional_transpose
- aggregate_multidimensional_raster
- generate_trend_raster
- predict_using_trend_raster
- find_argument_statistics
- linear_spectral_unmixing
- subset_multidimensional_raster
- costpath_as_polyline
- define_nodata
- optimal_path_as_line
- optimal_region_connections
- analyze_changes_using_ccdc
- detect_change_using_change_analysis_raster
- manage_multidimensional_raster
- sample
- merge_multidimensional_rasters
- analyze_changes_using_landtrendr
- zonal_statistics_as_table
- compute_change_raster
- train_random_trees_regression_model
- summarize_categorical_raster
- export_to_tile_package
- mosaic_image
- arcgis.raster.functions module
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- aggregate
- aggregate_cells
- apparent_reflectance
- apply
- arg_max
- arg_median
- arg_min
- arg_statistics
- arithmetic
- asin
- asinh
- aspect
- aspect_slope
- atan
- atan2
- atanh
- bai
- band_arithmetic
- bitwise_and
- bitwise_left_shift
- bitwise_not
- bitwise_or
- bitwise_right_shift
- bitwise_xor
- boolean_and
- boolean_not
- boolean_or
- boolean_xor
- buffered
- ccdc_analysis
- cire
- cig
- classify
- clay_minerals
- clip
- colormap
- colormap_to_rgb
- colorspace_conversion
- complex
- composite_band
- compute_change
- con
- constant_raster
- contour
- contrast_brightness
- convolution
- cos
- cosh
- curvature
- detect_change_using_change_analysis_raster
- dimensional_moving_statistics
- divide
- duration
- elevation_void_fill
- equal_to
- evi
- exp
- exp10
- exp2
- expression
- extract_band
- ferrous_minerals
- float_divide
- floor_divide
- focal_stats
- gemi
- generate_trend
- geometric
- geometric_median
- gndvi
- grayscale
- greater_than
- greater_than_equal
- gvitm
- heat_index
- hillshade
- identity
- interpolate_irregular_data
- interpolate_raster_by_dimension
- iron_oxide
- is_null
- landtrendr_analysis
- less_than
- less_than_equal
- linear_spectral_unmixing
- ln
- local
- log10
- log2
- lookup
- majority
- mask
- max
- mean
- med
- min
- minority
- minus
- ml_classify
- mndwi
- mod
- monitor_vegetation
- mosaic_rasters
- msavi
- mtvi2
- multidimensional_filter
- nbr
- ndbi
- ndmi
- ndsi
- ndvi
- ndvire
- ndwi
- negate
- not_equal
- pansharpen
- percentile
- plus
- power
- predict_using_trend
- pvi
- cellstats_range
- random_raster
- raster_calculator
- raster_collection_function
- rasterize_features
- remap
- reproject
- resample
- round_down
- round_up
- rtvi_core
- s1_radiometric_calibration
- s1_thermal_noise_removal
- savi
- segment_mean_shift
- set_null
- shaded_relief
- sin
- sinh
- slope
- spectral_conversion
- speckle
- sqrt
- square
- sr
- srre
- focal_statistics
- statistics_histogram
- std
- stretch
- sultan
- sum
- tan
- tanh
- tasseled_cap
- threshold
- times
- transpose_bits
- trend_to_rgb
- tsavi
- unit_conversion
- vari
- variety
- vector_field
- vector_field_renderer
- weighted_overlay
- weighted_sum
- wind_chill
- wndwi
- arcgis.raster.functions.gbl module
- boundary_clean
- calculate_distance
- calculate_travel_cost
- corridor
- cost_allocation
- cost_backlink
- cost_distance
- cost_path
- distance_accumulation
- distance_allocation
- euclidean_allocation
- euclidean_back_direction
- euclidean_direction
- euclidean_distance
- expand
- fill
- flow_accumulation
- flow_direction
- flow_distance
- flow_length
- kernel_density
- least_cost_path
- nibble
- optimal_path_as_raster
- path_distance
- path_distance_allocation
- path_distance_back_link
- region_group
- shrink
- sink
- snap_pour_point
- stream_link
- stream_order
- viewshed
- watershed
- zonal_statistics
- arcgis.raster.orthomapping module
- is_supported
- compute_sensor_model
- alter_processing_states
- get_processing_states
- match_control_points
- color_correction
- compute_control_points
- compute_seamlines
- edit_control_points
- generate_dem
- generate_orthomosaic
- generate_report
- query_camera_info
- query_control_points
- reset_image_collection
- compute_spatial_reference_factory_code
- arcgis.raster.functions.RFT
- arcgis.raster.utils module
- arcgis.raster.analytics module
- arcgis.network module
- arcgis.notebook module
- arcgis.geoanalytics module
- define_output_datastore
- get_datastores
- is_supported
- Submodules
- arcgis.geocoding module
- arcgis.geoenrichment module
- arcgis.geometry module
- Point
- MultiPoint
- Polyline
- Polygon
- Envelope
- SpatialReference
- Geometry
- areas_and_lengths
- auto_complete
- buffer
- convex_hull
- cut
- densify
- difference
- distance
- find_transformation
- from_geo_coordinate_string
- generalize
- intersect
- label_points
- lengths
- offset
- project
- relation
- reshape
- to_geo_coordinate_string
- trim_extend
- union
- Submodules
- arcgis.geoprocessing module
- arcgis.graph module
- arcgis.mapping module
- arcgis.realtime module
- StreamLayer
- Velocity
- FeedsManager
- RealTimeAnalyticsManager
- BigDataAnalyticsManager
- Feed
- RealTimeAnalytics
- BigDataAnalytics
- BasicAuth
- CertificateAuth
- NoAuth
- Submodules
- arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds module
- HttpPoller
- HttpReceiver
- HttpSimulator
- AzureEventHub
- AzureServiceBus
- CiscoEdgeIntelligence
- FeatureLayer
- StreamLayer
- Geotab
- Kafka
- RabbitMQ
- VerizonConnectReveal
- WebSocket
- NoAuth
- SASLPlain
- SaslScramSha256
- SaslScramSha512
- XYZGeometry
- SingleFieldGeometry
- TimeInstant
- TimeInterval
- RunInterval
- arcgis.realtime.velocity.input module
- arcgis.realtime.velocity.feeds module
- arcgis.schematics module
- arcgis.widgets module
- arcgis.apps module
- build_collector_url
- build_explorer_url
- build_field_maps_url
- build_navigator_url
- build_survey123_url
- build_tracker_url
- build_workforce_url
- Submodules
- arcgis.learn module
- Data Preparation Methods
- Automated Machine Learning
- Object Classification Models
- Object Detection Models
- Pixel Classification Models
- Image Translation Models
- 3D Models
- Object Tracking Models
- Scanned Maps
- Feature, Tabular and Timeseries models
- Unstructured Text Models
- Inferencing Methods
- Model Management
- arcgis.auth package