arcgis.geoanalytics.use_proximity module¶
These tools help answer one of the most common questions posed in spatial analysis: What is near what?
creates areas of a specified distance from features.
(input_layer, distance=None, distance_unit=None, field=None, method='Planar', dissolve_option='None', dissolve_fields=None, summary_fields=None, multipart=False, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, future=False)¶ Buffers are typically used to create areas that can be further analyzed using other tools such as
. For example, ask the question, “What buildings are within one mile of the school?” The answer can be found by creating a one-mile buffer around the school and overlaying the buffer with the layer containing building footprints. The end result is a layer of those buildings within one mile of the school.Parameter
Required layer. The point, line, or polygon features to be buffered. See Feature Input.
distance (Required if field is not provided)
Optional float. A float value used to buffer the input features. You must supply a value for either the distance or field parameter. You can only enter a single distance value. The units of the distance value are supplied by the
parameter.The default value is 1 when field is None.
distance_unit (Required if distance is used)
Optional string. The linear unit to be used with the value specified in distance.
Choice list:[‘Feet’, ‘Yards’, ‘Miles’, ‘Meters’, ‘Kilometers’, ‘NauticalMiles’]
The default value is “Miles” when field is None.
field (Required if distance not provided)
Optional string. A field on the
containing a buffer distance or a field expression. A buffer expression must begin with an equal sign (=). To learn more about buffer expressions see: Buffer Expressionsmethod
Optional string. The method used to apply the buffer with. There are two methods to choose from:
Choice list:[‘Geodesic’, ‘Planar’]
- This method applies a Euclidean buffers and is appropriate for local analysis on projected data. This is the default.Geodesic
- This method is appropriate for large areas and any geographic coordinate system.
Optional string. Determines how output polygon attributes are processed.
Choice list:[‘All’, ‘List’, ‘None’]
All - All features are dissolved into one feature.
You can calculate summary statistics and determine if you want multipart or single part features.
List - Features with the same value in the specified field will be dissolve together.
You can calculate summary statistics and determine if you want multipart or single part features.
None - No features are dissolved.
There are no additional dissolve options.
Specifies the fields to dissolve on. Multiple fields may be provided.
Optional string. A list of field names and statistical summary types that you want to calculate for resulting polygons. Summary statistics are only available if dissolveOption = List or All. By default, all statistics are returned.
Example: [{“statisticType”: “statistic type”, “onStatisticField”: “field name”}, ..}]
fieldName is the name of the fields in the input point layer.
statisticType is one of the following for numeric fields:
- Totals the number of values of all the points in each polygon.Sum
- Adds the total value of all the points in each polygon.Mean
- Calculates the average of all the points in each polygon.Min
- Finds the smallest value of all the points in each polygon.Max
- Finds the largest value of all the points in each polygon.Range
- Finds the difference between the Min and Max values.Stddev
- Finds the standard deviation of all the points in each polygon.Var
- Finds the variance of all the points in each polygon.
statisticType is the following for string fields:
- Totals the number of strings for all the points in each polygon.Any
- Returns a sample string of a point in each polygon.
Optional boolean. Determines if output features are multipart or single part. This option is only available if a
is applied.output_name
Optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
Optional, the GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
Optional dict. The context parameter contains additional settings that affect task execution. For this task, there are four settings:
Extent (
) - A bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.Processing spatial reference (
) - The features will be projected into this coordinate system for analysis.Output spatial reference (
) - The features will be projected into this coordinate system after the analysis to be saved. The output spatial reference for the spatiotemporal big data store is always WGS84.Data store (
) - Results will be saved to the specified data store. For ArcGIS Enterprise, the default is the spatiotemporal big data store.
Optional boolean. If ‘True’, the value is returned as a GPJob.
The default value is ‘False’
- Returns
Output Features as a
# Usage Example: To create buffer based on distance field. buffer = create_buffers(input_layer=lyr, field='dist', method='Geodesic', dissolve_option='All', dissolve_fields='Date')
(input_points, spatial_search_distance, spatial_search_distance_unit, temporal_search_distance, temporal_search_distance_unit, entity_id_field, entities_of_interest_ids=None, entities_of_interest_layer=None, distance_method='Planar', include_tracks_layer=False, max_trace_depth=None, attribute_match_criteria=None, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, future=False)¶ The Trace Proximity Events task analyzes time-enabled point features representing moving entities. The task will follow entities of interest in space (location) and time to see which other entities the entities of interest have interacted with. The trace will continue from entity to entity to a configurable maximum degrees of separation from the original entity of interest.
Required Layer. A layer that will be used in analysis. See Feature Input.
Required Float. The maximum distance between two points to be considered in proximity. Features closer together in space and that also meet temporal_search_distance criteria are considered in proximity of each other.
Required String. The unit of of measure for spatial_search_distance. Values: Meters | Kilometers | Feet | Miles | NauticalMiles | Yards
Required Float. The maximum duration between two points that are considered in proximity. Features closer together in time and that also meet the spatial_search_distance criteria are considered in proximity of each other.
Required String. The unit of temporal_search_distance. Values: Milliseconds | Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Days | Weeks| Months | Years
Required String. The field used to identify distinct entities.
Optional List. JSON used to specify one or more entities that you are interested in tracing from. You can optionally include a time to start tracing from. If you do not specify a time, January 1, 1970, at 12:00 a.m. will be used.
Optional Layer. A feature class used to specify one or more entities that you are interested in tracing from.
Required String. The distance type that will be used for the spatial_search_distance. The default is Planar. Allowed values: Planar or Geodesic.
Optional Boolean. Determines whether or not an additional layer will be created containing the first trace event in tracks and all subsequent features. The default is False.
Optional Integer. The maximum degrees of separation between an entity of interest and an entity further down the trace.
Optional String. One or more attributes used to constrain the proximity events. Entities will only be considered near when the spatial_search_distance and temporal_search_distance criteria are met and the two entities have equal values of the attributes specified.
Optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
Optional GIS. The GIS object where the analysis will take place.
Optional string. The context parameter contains additional settings that affect task execution. For this task, there are four settings:
Extent (
) - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.Processing spatial reference (
) The features will be projected into this coordinate system for analysis.Output Spatial Reference (
) - the features will be projected into this coordinate system after the analysis to be saved. The output spatial reference for the spatiotemporal big data store is always WGS84.Data store (
) Results will be saved to the specified data store. For ArcGIS Enterprise, the default is the spatiotemporal big data store.
optional Boolean. If True, a GPJob is returned instead of results. The GPJob can be queried on the status of the execution.
- Returns
when Future=False or GAJob when Future=True
(input_layer, spatial_relationship, spatial_near_distance=None, spatial_near_distance_unit=None, temporal_relationship=None, temporal_near_distance=None, temporal_near_distance_unit=None, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, future=False)¶ The Group By Proximity tool groups features that are within spatial proximity or spatiotemporal proximity of each other.
Required layer. The point, line, or polygon features to be grouped. See Feature Input.
Required String. The type of relationship to group by.
`Intersects, Touches, NearGeodesic, NearPlanar`
Optional Float. A float value used for the search distance to determine if features are near one another. This is only applied if NewGeodesic or NewPlanar is the selected spatial_relationship.
Optional String. The linear unit to be used with the distance value specified in spatial_near_distance. The default value is Meters.
Values: Meters | Kilometers | Feet | Miles | NauticalMiles | Yards
Optional String. The type of temporal relationship to group by.
Values: Intersects | Near
Optional Float. A float value used for the temporal search distance to determine if features are near one another.
Optional String. The temporal unit to be used with the distance value specified in temporal_near_distance.
Values: Milliseconds | Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Days | Weeks| Months | Years
Optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
Optional GIS. The GIS object where the analysis will take place.
Optional string. The context parameter contains additional settings that affect task execution. For this task, there are four settings:
Extent (
) - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.Processing spatial reference (
) The features will be projected into this coordinate system for analysis.Output Spatial Reference (
) - the features will be projected into this coordinate system after the analysis to be saved. The output spatial reference for the spatiotemporal big data store is always WGS84.Data store (
) Results will be saved to the specified data store. For ArcGIS Enterprise, the default is the spatiotemporal big data store.
optional Boolean. If True, a GAJob is returned instead of results. The GAJob can be queried on the status of the execution.
- Returns
when Future=False or GAJob when Future=True