arcgis.geoanalytics.manage_data module¶
These tools are used for the day-to-day management of geographic and tabular data.
copy_to_data_store copies data to your ArcGIS Data Store and creates a layer in your web GIS.
(append_layer, field_mapping=None, gis=None)¶ Only available at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and later.
The Append Data task appends tabular, point, line, or polygon data to an existing layer. The input layer must be a hosted feature layer. The tool will add the appended data as rows to the input layer. No new output layer is created.
required FeatureLayer , The table, point, line or polygon features.
required FeatureLayer. The table, point, line, or polygon features to be appended to the input_layer. To append geometry, the append_layer must have the same geometry type as the input_layer. If the geometry types are not the same, the append_layer geometry will be removed and all other matching fields will be appended. The geometry of the input_layer will always be maintained.
Defines how the fields in append_layer are appended to the input_layer.
The following are set by default:
All append_layer fields that match input_layer schema will be appended.
Fields that exist in the input_layer and not in the append_layer will be appended with null values.
Fields that exist in the append_layer and not in the input_layer will not be appended.
Optionally choose how input_layer fields will be appended from the following:
AppendField - Matches the input_layer field with an append_layer field of a different name. Field types must match.
Expression - Calculates values for the resulting field. Values are calculated using Arcade expressions. To assign null values, use ‘null’.
optional GIS, the GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
- Returns
(field_name, data_type, expression, track_aware=False, track_fields=None, time_boundary_split=None, time_split_unit=None, time_reference=None, output_name=None, gis=None)¶ The Calculate Field task works with a layer to create and populate a new field. The output is a new feature layer, that is the same as the input features, with the additional field added.
- Returns
Feature Layer
..automethod:: arcgis.geoanalytics.manage_data.clip_layer
(output_name: str = None, gis=None)¶ Copies an input feature layer or table to an ArcGIS Data Store and creates a layer in your web GIS.
For example
Copy a collection of .csv files in a big data file share to the spatiotemporal data store for visualization.
Copy the features in the current map extent that are stored in the spatiotemporal data store to the relational data store.
This tool will take an input layer and copy it to a data store. Data will be copied to the ArcGIS Data Store and will be stored in your relational or spatiotemporal data store.
For example, you could copy features that are stored in a big data file share to a relational data store and specify that only features within the current map extent will be copied. This would create a hosted feature service with only those features that were within the specified map extent.
input_layer: Input Layer (feature layer). Required parameter.
output_name: Output Layer Name (str). Required parameter.
gis: Optional, the GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.
- Returns:
output - Output Layer as a feature layer collection item
(dissolve_fields=None, summary_fields=None, multipart=False, output_name=None, gis=None)¶ The Dissolve Boundaries task finds polygons that intersect or have the same field values and merges them together to form a single polygon.
A city council wants to control liquor sales by refusing new licenses to stores within 1,000 feet of schools, libraries, and parks. After creating a 1,000-foot buffer around the schools, libraries, and parks, the buffered layers can be joined together and the boundaries can be dissolved to create a single layer of restricted areas.
Usage Notes:
Only available at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 and later.
required FeatureLayer. The point, line or polygon features.
Optional string. A comma seperated list of strings for each field that you want to dissolve on.
Optional list. Calculate one or more statistics for the dissolved areas by using the summary_fields parameter. The input is a list of key/value pairs in the following format:
[{“statisticType” : “<stat>”, “onStatisticField” : “<field name>”}]
Allows statistics are:
Any (string fields only)
Standard Deviation
- summary_fields = [{“statisticType”“Sum”, “onStatisticField”“quadrat_area_km2”},
{“statisticType” : “Mean”, “onStatisticField” : “soil_depth_cm”}, {“statisticType” : “Any”, “onStatisticField” : “quadrat_desc”}]
Optional boolean. If True, the output service can contain multipart features. If False (default):, the output service will only contain single-part features, and individual features will be created for each part.
optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
optional GIS. The GIS object where the analysis will take place.
- Returns
(merge_layer, merge_attributes=None, output_name=None, gis=None)¶ The Merge Layers task combines two feature layers to create a single output layer. The tool requires that both layers have the same geometry type (tabular, point, line, or polygon). If time is enabled on one layer, the other must also be time enabled and have the same time type (instant or interval). The result will always contain all fields from the input layer. All fields from the merge layer will be included by default, or you can specify custom merge rules to define the resulting schema. For example:
I have three layers for England, Wales, and Scotland and I want a single layer of Great Britain. I can use Merge Layers to combine the areas and maintain all fields from each area.
I have two layers containing parcel information for contiguous townships. I want to join them together into a single layer, keeping only the fields that have the same name and type in the two layers.
Only available at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 and later.
Required FeatureLayer. The point, line or polygon features.
Required FeatureLayer. The point, line, or polygon features to merge with the input_layer. The merge_layer must contain the same geometry type (tabular, point, line, or polygon) and the same time type (none, instant, or interval) as the input_layer. All fields in the merge_layer will be included in the result layer by default or you can define merge_attributes to customize the resulting schema.
Optional list. Defines how the fields in mergeLayer will be modified. By default, all fields from both inputs will be included in the output layer.
If a field exists in one layer but not the other, the output layer will still contain the field. The output field will contain null values for the input features that did not have the field. For example, if the input_layer contains a field named TYPE but the merge_layer does not contain TYPE, the output will contain TYPE, but its values will be null for all the features copied from the merge_layer.
You can control how fields in the merge_layer are written to the output layer using the following merge types that operate on a specified merge_layer field:
Remove - The field in the merge_layer will be removed from the output layer.
Rename - The field in the merge_layer will be renamed in the output layer. You cannot rename a field in the merge_layer to a field in the inputLayer. If you want to make field names equivalent, use Match.
Match - A field in the merge_layer is made equivalent to a field in the input_layer specified by mergeValue. For example, the input_layer has a field named CODE and the merge_layer has a field named STATUS. You can match STATUS to CODE, and the output will contain the CODE field with values of the STATUS field used for features copied from the merge_layer. Type casting is supported (for example, double to integer, integer to string) except for string to numeric.
REST web example:
- Syntax: This example matches Average_Sales to Mean_Sales,
removesBonus, and renamesField4 to Errors.
- [{
“mergeLayerField”: “Mean_Sales”, “mergeType”: “Match”, “mergeValue”: “Average_Sales”
}, {
“mergeLayerField”: “Bonus”, “mergeType”: “Remove”,
}, {
“mergeLayerField”: “Field4”, “mergeType”: “Rename”, “mergeValue”: “Errors”
Optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
Optional GIS. The GIS object where the analysis will take place.
- Returns
(overlay_layer, overlay_type='intersect', output_name=None, gis=None)¶ Only available at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and later.
required FeatureLayer. The point, line or polygon features.
required FeatureLayer. The features that will be overlaid with the input_layer features.
optional string. The type of overlay to be performed. Values: intersect, erase
intersect - Computes a geometric intersection of the input layers. Features or portions of features that overlap in both the inputLayer and overlayLayer layers will be written to the output layer. This is the default.
erase - Only those features or portions of features in the overlay_layer that are not within the features in the input_layer layer are written to the output.
union - Computes a geometric union of the input_layer and overlay_layer. All features and their attributes will be written to the layer.
identity - Computes a geometric intersection of the input features and identity features. Features or portions of features that overlap in both input_layer and overlay_layer will be written to the output layer.
symmetricaldifference - Features or portions of features in the input_layer and overlay_layer that do not overlap will be written to the output layer.
optional string. The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service.
optional GIS. The GIS object where the analysis will take place.
- Returns